Tunas LOVEMAIL image by cr0tuna on twt/x CRONUS/MURRIT <3 MURRRIIIIT LOML !!! i love you so so so much nd i appreciate you being arnd for me. ur so patient nd gentle n kind and i would do absolutely anythin 4 u my silly lil fishy <3 ur my everything SERPAZ <>< SERPY!!!!! weve been kisrails for OVER A WHOLE YEAR. thats INSANE. ILYSM!! uve been arnd for so long nd i appreciate it sm!! best kittey eva ! u mean the whole wide world 2 me nd i wouldnt trade u for anything ever <><<<<

FRIENDS!! Calder , Ohno , Nova , Seb , Snowdin sys , sick & rancid , Jentha , coregore col , Del , Adam , Milo , Arcjec , Roxy , dream sys , Evan , Joey , Branzy , Reel , Rom ILY GUYS ALL SM U MEAN THE WHOLE WORLD TO MEEE!!!!!!!!

Pub: 22 Aug 2023 02:14 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2023 11:32 UTC
Views: 273