you fit the basic dni criteria
You're a NSFW/18+ account (I am a minor.)
you're pro/com/darkship and/or believes fiction does not affect reality (idgaf if ur """neutral""", ur still on the same boat!!!)
you're a lolicon/shotacon/kodocon (in other words, a pedophile.)
you're in the countryhumans fandom
you support AI "Art"
you think touhou is a lolicon game (fuuuuckk yoooooooooouuuuuu)
you support mspec "lesbians"/"gays" , bilesbians , straightbians
you don't support/are against xenogenders/neopronouns
you engage in flag discourse
you fetishize/demonize mental disorders
you hate on selfshippers/yumeshippers (let people be happy about their f/o's <\3)
you think pronouns = gender
you're an MSI fan/jimmy urine supporter