jannats love rants

fari﹔cousin⠀&⠀bestfriend fari is my #1 before ajax. surprising yes but its true. she holds some of my darkest secrets, shes been here through my thick and thin. i can go to her whenever i need honest judgement, or need to shit talk someone. shes helped me many times, shes really funny and a great person overall!! during family parties, shes the first person i look for. we've had our arguments but we always overcome them in the end. we've had our ups and downs in our friendship and inactivity but it never changed our bond. i love and appreciate how shes here to read my rants and how shes here for me in general. shes my longest lasting friend, maybe the only one ill ever need. we've made so many plans for the future i look forward to extremely. i love her so much, shes my best friend before anyone else

ajax﹔ajannat /p⠀ i love ajax so much. hes my #1 supporter. he never judges me and i love him for that. i love how hes constantly willing to take blames for me and stand up for me. i enjoy his company and how he looks after me. i love how i can rely on him and he can rely on me(sometimes). hes literally my safe space and i also love how i have access to his account. i love how he doesnt ignore my rants and i love how hes never bothered by my clinginess. i love how he can tolerate my retardedness and me in general. hes willing to answer my dumb questions without judgement. i appreciate everything hes done for me and i cherish our friendship. i also love his system. i love how patient he is with me and helps me when i need it the most. i love him SO much no one could ever top him. you guys dont understand how much i rely on him, he keeps me in check and helps me see things in a healthier perspective. i respect him so much. he has disabilities which is challenging but hes still the most understanding, caring and friendliest person in the room. i look up to him, i wanna be like him, i cant live without him. even as a system, hes still manages to not get out of line. hes perfect, he always has everything under control. i admire his love and respect for knowledge, hes the most intelligent person ive ever met. he lets me rant to him and he always knows how to respond to it. he knows me better than anyone, he knows me better than i know myself. i can trust him with anything and everything. i trust my life with him. i can always tell the difference between ajax and the rest of his alters. i'm in love with how he got all of his mental disorders under control, he knows how to handle it all, im quite envious of it too. he knows he can be honest and straightforward with me, no matter how harsh it is. he is very comfortable with doing that. he stuck around since the beginning, he stuck around during my toughest times and never once left me since. he condones every single thing i do. overall, i couldnt ask for a better friend. i do not see ourselves parting ways ever. i wouldnt trade him for the world. ajax I LOVE YOU

damien﹔jamien /p i love everything about this man. i love his personality, his defensive nature, his shameless behavior, everything. he may be a self proclaimed dunce and all, which i agree (sorry!) but it doesnt make him any less of a person. hes still the talented, flexible dancer he is and always will be in the end. hes corny and straightforward. thats what i LOVE about him. hes super humorous and hes actually really strong despite his small physical appearance. hes willing to take blames for me, hes willing to speak on my behalf, hes willing to do anything for me and he doesnt care how problematic it is. he is my bpdyslexia king, he is mine and forever will be one of my dearest friends. we changed alot but it never changed our friendship. hes my top 3, forever and always. my favorite boy. hes trying his best and i love him no matter what hes going through. he stopped attending school and got deeper into his addictions, but i just hope he knows ill always be there for him. no matter how much he pushes me away. i love you, damien. i really do. im just hoping youll see this because i dont have the courage to tell you any of this directly. you and ajax are a great couple. DISCLAIMER!!!! HE IS A FERAL DOG. HE WILL ATTACK YOU WHEN HES HIGH JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT. HE WILL INSULT YOU WITH A SHIT TON OF TYPOS AND POOR GRAMMAR.

aiguo﹔jaiguo /p aiguo is literally my little brother. hes literally my life, my reason for living. i love him so much, i love caring for him, i love teaching him stuff. hes a bright and beautiful and joyous child and i love him for him. hes extremely funny and eager. he sends me videos of his pets, or just him doing something funny to cheer me up and it makes me emotional. like i couldnt ask for a better discord baby brother. id choose him over anyone else because he just deserves the world. his messages cheers me up, i look forward to his dumb and cute messages/questions every single day. i love hearing about his day and i love to give him honest advice. we share many things in common. hes my ray of sunshine. hes literally. ugh tears in my eyes i love aiguo so much. i appreciate him so much. one of my best friends i tell you. hes uncorruptible as long as im around. his parents are lovely. ugh. spoke to them once over the phone and they loved me. hes extremely smart but not internet smart. hes smart in his studies and straight a student. ugh i feel so proud of him. aiguo im so proud of you Please keep living. hes also getting into sports for me. gotta keep him healthy. and then i tell him to eat his veggies. ugh im sobbing. i love aiguo. met over ponytown and found out one of my irls babysits him, we were literally meant to meet. like hes my long lost brother. ugh sorey i crying. ive been holding off writing his lovemail for some jealous random but i dont even care anymore. he deserves more than this lovely message that was long overdue. like he deserves the enstars figure he wants. like im gonna get a job this summer and buy that for him. like i will do that for him. igh im so emotional.

angie﹔jangie /p i love angie so much. i look up to her because she is the best influence out of the rest of my friends. she is so kind and smart. she helped me with my homework review and answered my dumbest questions. i will always be so quick to defend her no matter what. i love how friendly she is, she is able to talk to anyone and keep the conversations going on for long. she is one of my normal friends, which is hard to find lately. i see her as an older sister and an idol. as i wrote everyone elses part, i couldnt wait to write her part because i have so much to say about her. i can speak so highly of her without ever considering her disappointing me. she is extremely trustworthy and i feel like i can even trust her with my home address. she was intimidating at first but when i got to know her, she proved to me otherwise. she can judge and criticize me and ill only accept it from her. shes my twin, shes jannat and im angie. she makes me feel included and i never feel left out around her. i may not know her or be close to her like her other personal friends, but it doesnt stop me from cherishing her. angie is the kind of person you wish you met earlier. angie is also someone who i consider going to my problems for. she is genuinely helpful and reassuring, its rare to find a trait like that in people. angie is also one of the people who i tolerate a lot for. i dont usually like when my friends get into medias i really like, yet i havent had any of those kinds of feelings when i introduce my medias to her. i want to share so many things with her, just like how she introduced case closed to me. i love angie and she will forever have a place in my heart.

cassidy﹔cassnat /p i love cassidy, i love you, cass. i love everything about her. her taste in kpop is just so underrated. shes humourous, kind, determined, and one of the most positive people ive ever met. i made some mistakes in our relationship, even between me and her brother but they both still stuck around, especially cass. shes extremely understanding and respects my boundaries like no other. she always keeps it in mind and wont let anyone else encourage her to break those and our friendship. my trust in her skyrocketed the moment i realized we were going to be best friends. she doesnt judge, shes extremely supportive. shes extremely talented, especially in dancing, singing and writing. i appreciate how she idolizes the best part of me instead of my worst, ive seen how its affected her positively and im so happy i can influence people so greatly despite being a bad person. i would rotten her kind soul with shit talking but she seems like a natural at it all anyway. she always know how to come up with the perfect insults to make me laugh. i love and cherish her deeply, i tell her that i love her all the time. she truly is the best and i appreciate her immensely.

nick﹔janick /p i love nick so much. its so refreshing to talk to her, shes completely unique and different from anyone else ive ever met. shes my best friend and when we first met, we hit it off right away. whenever i spoke to myself on the server, she would put my pfp on and start talking to me while impersonating me. i think that was the highlight of our friendship. i truly enjoyed it a lot. it was funny and made me feel like i fit in. its been a while since ive met people who include me on purpose, which is another reason why i truly love her dearly. shes worth wasting time on. im her go-to and shes mine. im the first person she chooses when she makes group chats or just want to talk in general. i love how she displays affection, shes one of a kind and i never want to lose her ever. shes great at expressing love and its a valuable trait i respect. her kindness doesnt go unnoticed, its always rubbing off on me and shes a great influence. she can pull off being the funniest and the life of the party without being problematic. despite all the toxic and doomed ships she likes (SOUSHIN), she still manages to be a great person. i love her for that, she mogs and has a big girl dick.

vera﹔/p vera... shes one of the longer lasting online friends and im glad she stuck around for so long. shes seen me through my cringey stage of my personality and mindset, it was absolutely horrible but she still stuck around. i love our friendship, even if we arent as close as we used to be when we first started being friends, its still extremely precious to me regardless. no matter how many people ive seen that shares similarities in personalities, she just happened to be the only one i got along with at some point which says a lot. shes introduced me to a lot, has educated me on a lot and ill always be grateful for that. she will never ever be replaced, im too fond of her to do so. shes gone through many hardships in her life but it shaped who she is as a person and her overall. i think vera in general, is my favorite part of her. regardless of how intimidating she is, i still feel comfortable with being straightforward (to an extent).

polo﹔janlo /p i dont ever regret meeting her. shes literally the best. im so glad i tolerated her harassment for the first few weeks. she gives the word annoying a positive meaning. my gyaru queen. she and damien are like twins, theyre both so humourous and have the best insults. shes willing to defend and i love how she trusts me with everything. she gives me access to her account and doesnt care about what i might do in it. i missed our old mc survival worlds. you were a big part in making my current server and where it is now. i miss polo so much, i wish she never quit discord but its nice knowing that i still am in contact with her some place else.

mikhail/sigma﹔jail /p mikhail. you sneaky slick cunt. i love you and the person underneath that sickening, pure innocence. you dont have any social media and we have to communicate online through roblox and gmail makes me wonder how you became so sinister. you sleep in your bathtub and buy spoons just to look at your reflection is a contrast to how evil you. its like watching someone who crafted their entire personality out of pieces nobody else dared to touch, yet it all just...works. im in awe of how deeply you live in your own world and make it feel like a riddle for anyone else to try and solve. anyway, mikhail is my son! hes the sweetest child ive ever had. hes the favorite child out of the rest of mine. im so happy he trusts me enough to confide in me, no matter how dark his thoughts are. i trust him just as much. i love his personality, his skills in coding and everything about him in general. i love how compliant and caring he is. he looks out for me and our friendgroup. hes constantly improving and never lets anyone bring him down. he is extremely unique and different which is extremely refreshing. he is happy with his couple of friends which just shows he knows how to keep friendships. hes my son, my child, my dear friend, mine

nameless﹔janless /p i love nameless extremely. hes so kind, considerate, and selfless. just with me though...:) i love this extroverted, my parallel, my norton, MINE, man. ok? hes mine. extremely talented at idv, hes a PROspector. ok? he doesnt want to play with me though which hurts my feelings. alot. but he makes up for it by lots of the nice things he tells me. hes not judgemental, in fact hes one of the best friends ive ever had. i think id be miserable if i never met this man. i just love talking to him, hes funny and he makes our conversation last longer without any effort which i appreciate sooo much because I LOVE TALKING TO HIM. it amazes me whenever i spectate him and hes using like 20 different characters and knows how to use them ALL. idv pro i tell you. um but its okay if he never wants to play with me... i never see him play with anyone but have like 5 confidants on his relations...:( i wish i was on there too...:( ok whatever i love this man. i hate all his friends. i love this man and he should only be mine. i met him around early february and cant stop talking to him since. im obsessed and attached even if i pretend to hate him. MY mexican norton. the only norton main in my heart. love you nameless :)

kenny﹔kennat /p i LOVE kenny. i love him so much. we share so much in common, we are literally twins. even though i believe opposites attract, he just seems to make it work and i love it dearly. its refreshing talking to him, its sooo easy to have conversations with him. he treats me kindly and the best, my standards are higher after one convos with him. he respects my boundaries and understands me. i dont find alot of people like that so kenny is one of kind, therefore hes mine. i want him. hes mine. hes extremely talented in skateboarding, ive seen his videos, and hes PRO okay? my proboarder. i love how hes constantly checking up on me, he does his best to distract me when its needed. he constantly tells me about his day and doesnt mind texting first which i LOVE??? hes sending pictures of what hes doing or anything happening in the moment. he is truly the definition of non toxic and he has no enemies?? its ok ill be his first. and i better be his first in general. ive never seen him shit talk anyone. even if im talking badly about someone, he doesnt contribute to it but still knows how to respond anyway. true skills i tell you. best communicator. ive seen the best parts of him and his worsts and i love every part of him. i love seeing him grow and develop and adapt to america. i love helping him out. i love his variety of interests. i just love kenny in general. i cant get him off of my brain. cute boy. really cute chaste boy who has never been rotted by some weirdo. he knows how to protect himself and i admire it. TRUELY

princess﹔/p my princess, and i just so happen to be the knight in shining armor to protect this little girl from harm ways… my little sister, a daughter maybe. whatever i just know we're secretly blood related. shes bratty, annoying, whiny, straightforward, and high maintenance but ive had no problems with her. i think i handle her. pretty well. shes my little troublemaker, and i just so happen to be the poor soul assigned to keep her in check. shes loud, demanding, a little too sharp with her words, but i wouldnt change a thing. shes got a temper, a bite, but somehow, i never seem to be on the receiving end of it. maybe she likes me. ahahahah... maybe im just lucky. either way, shes mine to deal with. and i like the responsibility. and it makes me feel like the older sibling i couldnt be to my own siblings. i help her with everything i can possibly help her with without any hesitation. okay? shes my sister whos talented in ballet, and is an incredible dancer in general. she tells me allll her drama thats going on in school and i give her honest, mature responses she does not like but she still puts up with me! fortunately.

lin﹔/p i love lin so much. hes a nerd that likes enstars and zeno remake and basically everything else i like. we share so much in common, its crazy how we didnt meet earlier. i go crazy thinking about him, hes everything i need. hes a necessity to me and i dont know what id do without him. he gives great advice and help me see things in a perspective ive never thought about before. hes always cheering me up and making me look at the bright side. whenever i talk to him, its thrilling for some reason. i love that feeling and honestly, lin makes me feel free. hes extremely supportive and caring. hes extremely knowledgeable and smart which makes any conversation better. i enjoy talking to him, he makes it entertaining and long lasting. hes really one of the only people who i feel comfortable venting with because i know ill only hear what i want to hear from him. he doesnt make me feel bad about myself for no reason. ive only known him for a few months now but i already think i cant live without him. i feel theres no boundaries between us which makes it more comfortable. i can freely talk without any judgement. we have all these plans for the future. i love him, i love lin dearly.

rewriting the shorter love mails + adding more people :)

groupchats honorable mentions: dhvgc⠀pfgc⠀jhgc⠀tppgc⠀rkgc⠀gngc

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Pub: 16 Feb 2022 11:41 UTC
Edit: 17 Mar 2025 17:22 UTC
Views: 1231