Badass Boast, Camp, Affably Evil, Shorter Means Smarter, Beware the Silly Ones, Chaotic Neutral, The Hedonist, Rockers Smash Guitars, Moral Myopia, The Cynic, Brilliant But Lazy, Hair Trigger Temper / Hot-Blooded, Black and Nerdy, Good is Not Soft, Ambiguous Gender, I Have Many Names, Chesire Cat Grin, Perpetual Smiler, Dissonant Serenity, Jerkass, Death Seeker, Cruel to be Kind, Don't Fear the Reaper
The underlined ones strongly apply to me
ES(F) ESFP sx/so 8w7 827 SEE-Se(C) choleric-sanguine VFLE³¹¹¹ (S)|L|UEI M[O]HwvEG outlaw-jester chaotic neutral
To put my typology in layman's terms, I'm a hedonistic, people-oriented and absurdist woman whose spirit you will not kill! I go on long winded diatribes and always have a fun fact handy.