Part 2: A Fancy Show and a Tasty Meal
Kathrina: …one thing led to another, and we’ve been dragged into something troublesome…
Shizuka: Hiiragi-san would have backed you up, so why didn’t you refuse?
Kathrina: But Kokona already agreed. I didn’t want to be the only one to refuse…
Kokona: Ah! Look, Kathrina-chan! I’ve found an article listing the best sakura viewing spots in the nearby park!
Kokona: Woah! It looks so beautiful! See, so many sakura trees in full bloom.
Kathrina: …true. They really are beautiful.
Kokona: Alright, then here we have our viewing spot! What else was on our list?
Shizuka: Coming up with entertainment and preparing a meal?
Kokona: A meal… What would be an appropriate meal for such an occasion?
Kokona: Something like the seasonal dango Sasuga-chan mentioned? Here, “Dango More Exciting than Blossoms! Try Out Ten Different Kinds of Dango!”
Shizuka: Ten different kinds sure would make for a hearty meal. But if it’s only dango, won’t everyone get tired of them pretty fast?
Kokona: I guess…
Kokona: What else could we make, I wonder? Kathrina-chan, maybe there’s something you’d like to eat?
Kathrina: M-me?! Well… Not really. Maybe just make lunch boxes for everyone?
Kokona: Lunch boxes! I remember making them for the Athletics Festival! Back then it was so much fun to have lunch with everyone!
Kathrina: Y-yeah. The lunch boxes you prepared for us included so many dishes. They were very tasty.
Kathrina: This time I would like to help you too. If we’re cooking together, it should be easier.
Kokona: Really?! Thanks!~ Fufu, thinking of cooking together reminds me of the move-in party.
Kathrina: When we cooked Schnitzel, huh? But since then we’ve been cooking together many times when on duty.
Kokona: Yeah! But! That was our first time doing it together, so of course it was special!
Kathrina: Oh… was it?
Shizuka: Kathrina, did you forget how you set off the fire alarm?
Kathrina: H-hey, shut up!
Kokona: Fufu, let’s be more careful this time.
Kokona: Then, lunch boxes are our meal of choice!
Kokona: What’s left is entertainment… In other words, we have to put on some kind of show, right?
Shizuka: Only if you take Panda’s word for it.
Kokona: A show, what could that be… Kathrina-chan, maybe you have some hidden talents?
Kathrina: Of course I don’t, I ain’t Sasuga.
Kokona: Fair enough. I also can’t do anything special…
Shizuka: Maybe try looking it up? Probably you’ll find some ideas, like with the viewing spots.
Kokona: Good idea! How to entertain people at sakura viewing, search…
Shizuka: How is it?
Kokona: Let’s see, “Top Five Entertainment Ideas for Sakura Viewing.” Here they have belly dancing, short performances, imitation, magic tricks, and comedy.
Kathrina: All of them are absolutely horrendous.
Kokona: Ahaha, I guess. Now, what do we do.
Shizuka: Kathrina, didn’t you have any house parties back in Germany? I often hear about them. Looks like such fancy parties are pretty common overseas.
Kathrina: Yeah, Mama used to hold parties inviting World Dai Stars and other celebrities and famous actors.
Kokona: Woah! Like a true foreign celebrity!
Kathrina: But there weren’t anything like short performances. And I ain’t the type to party with classmates.
Kokona: I see, so that’s how it is…
Kathrina: We’ll eat the meal and then just play some game, I guess. The “entertainment” part was something Panda came up with without much thought anyway.
Kokona: Well, that may be true, but…
Kathrina: Is there something you want to do?
Kokona: Well… It’s not like there’s something in particular, but…
Kokona: No, like you said, let’s enjoy the lunch and play a game together…
Panda: …hold on a sec!!!