basic dni the old one was deleted...


  • lgbtphobic (includes transmeds, exclusionists, neopronouns/xenogender antis, she/her gay + he/him lesbian antis, etc)
  • you are a radinclus / believe in transid.
  • racist, anti-black, antisemitic, islamophobic, xenophobic, support all / blue lives matter. are a fascist / support the alt-right. support israel / are a zionist.
  • you believe 'blackwashing', 'reverse racism', 'cishetphobia', etc are real things that exist.
  • sexist or a misogynist. think "misandry" is a real issue.
  • TERF/GC/SWERF or any branch of feminism that excludes trans women and/or sex workers.
  • romanticize/fetishize mental illness. participate in edtwt or shtwt. identify as a "yandere".
  • you are ableist. this includes being against good faith self-diagnosis and fakeclaiming someone for no reason.
  • believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti.
  • uncritical of your interests. especially if they handle sensitive topics extremely poorly.
  • ship / kin / headcanon real people.
  • you support nfts/crypto/ai "art".
Pub: 06 Apr 2023 18:22 UTC
Edit: 25 Apr 2024 17:21 UTC
Views: 207