LIKES just getting into it, i like it, really like it collective interest


geometry dash, minecraft, msm, ahit, gasa4, vib-ribbon, mw2, slime rancher, parappa, roblox,


all that, good burger, forensic files, moral orel, con/lot, ghs, breaking bad, madness combat, oyasumi punpun, takopis original sin, junji ito, one punch man, jjba, the lorax (2012)

content creators

bill wurtz, anonymous mike, james lee, lumpy touch, redd is dead, gabriel barsch, how-d, doodley, gdstormy, colongd, manlybadasshero

music artists

malo, dazey and the scouts, bill wurtz, will wood, they might be giants, tally hall, dj quik, the jacka, skee-lo


woodworking, fish, those 3D text memes that say stupid shit, funny stock images, buisness cards, graffiti

before you interact main stats

Pub: 21 Jul 2023 07:20 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2023 18:52 UTC
Views: 154