i always wonder how the fuck chief wiggled his way into clown's empire in s1. like what specific niche did this guy feel in. was he just the honorary normal guy? is he pr????? was he only there to sit there, look pretty, then fucking die???  LITERALLY WHAT WAS HIS ROLE. as far as i can tell he did one thing which was explore enemy territory and he did that so horribly he literally almost fucking died ?????????????????????????? TWICE if ur counting merffins threat . do NOT get me started on the revival?? whydid clownpierce revive chief. Like did clownpierce genuinely look at the saddest and apthetic looking guy ever and go . "Yeah. He can be apart of my empire." WHAT IS THE THOUGHT PROCESS. "tactical decision" my ASS. wish we had the clownpierce pov for s1 specifically so we find out the reasonign for chief's inclusion. this shouldve been a slut fanclub rant btw but i forgot gcs exist when i wrote this so uhm. heres the rant if u hover over htis :revolving_hearts:. one of these guys is not like the others.

zam or prince. it/they/neos. 18 y/o. ls!zam introject and syshost. my url hoard btw

BYI aemotional- more specifically aplatonic. dniuid/uf.
i have a tendency to take things completely wrong, please clarify when i ask you to. please never mention any lifesteal familial headcanons to me, especially M.O.B. ones. I have many romantic sourcememories related to the other guys and i just don't wanna hear that in general man :( dont mention any familial hcs about pangi and i to me as well ty
do not bring up clownzy to me as ell
i'm super connected to my source, like really connected. so i might just refer to princezam in general with 1st person pronouns
sometimes i switch between typing normally and nepeta's typing quirk sorry if it botthers you a little

DNI basic dni criteria.
endo "systems". go away. if you're one of those people who like.. make entire call out docs/threads on anyone who is a child. i don't care what they are or what they did. just please talk it out in private like normal people and encourage them to seek therapy. Non-recovering IRLs. I don't want to feed into delusion. NSFW, especially if you're under 18. /srs/srs /vsrs this boundary is broken so many times stop it stop it stop be normal pls
THIN ICE IRLS in general, again i don't wanna feed into delusions by complete mistake man.
anyone who dislikes (du)dunsparce in any form. /srs
ppl who support discord (chat app not the mlp char) through buying the profile animations & nitro.
neurotypicals. subject to be removed but for now you guys are on the thinnest of ice ever. /srs

MCYT (LifeSteal SMP, Nations SMP, that chief guy, smplive a little, uhh prpobably more idk.), WobbleDogs, ClanGen, Dwelling of Locks, Bandori, Nightcord at 25:00, project diva Pokemon, Vtubers, Vocaloid (MASA Works Design, Kanaria), 2hou. HOEMSTUCK sometimes.


Pub: 11 Feb 2024 00:08 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2024 10:00 UTC
Views: 408