five years ago, the wizards fucked up big time
we don't know exactly what happened, only that their main tower exploded and sent out a magical pulse literally everywhere
that wasn't the fuck up
somehow, someway, whatever they did wrong affected the kobolds. now instead of seeing them as a nuisance, we see them as our rightful masters
it wasn't long before the little scaly bastards realized this, and now they're in charge
they're still getting used to it

You sit next to the river, fishing pole in hand, your eyes fixed on the small lure bobbing in the water. You find yourself in a calm zen you as you concentrate on your lure, a calm zen suddenly broken when the lure snaps down under the water. With a heave, you jerk the rod and pull in your catch; a flipping, writhing cod.

As you hold it up, deeming it good enough to eat, you hear a distant yip. It echoes through the trees, and you freeze. After a beat, another yip answers it. The two shrill yips bark back and forth at each other, as if arguing before more join them. Practically a swarm of the now, growing in volume and approaching from the treeline.

You roll your eyes. “Ah, crap.”

Before you can even move, a small army of small, colorful figures come pouring out of the trees, yipping and whooping.

Kobolds. Little lizard people rarely standing over a grown man's waist, their scales a rainbow of reds and greens and blues, horns jutting from their heads, teeth poking out from their maws, big eyes that glimmered with mischief and low cunning.

Five years ago, nothing more than thieves and petty bandits. Now, the literal rulers of the world. Because five years ago, the Great and Everlasting College of Mages did something they shouldn't have and blew themselves all to hell, and somehow it affected the little dragonkin. Now people just...think they should be in charge.

Nobody acts that different, but...if a kobold tribe walks into a city and declares they're the new head honchos, nobody really questions it. Some people might complain, that's as far as it goes. And with everyone thinking the kobolds should be in charge, nobody's tried fixing what the mages did, and now they're just the new powers that be.

It was why you were in the forest. The spell or whatever it was affected you too, but you'd always made your living on the land, avoiding the kobolds as best you can, lest you willingly submit to their “tolls” which usually meant anything shiny you were carrying.

Welp, you figure, looks like the jig was up.

The kobolds keep running towards you, their small but thick digitigrade legs moving in strides as they converge on your position, weapons in hand.

Well, “weapons”. Mostly crude spears, knives, and one kobold wielding a normal sword as a zweihänder. Their armor's little better, mostly patchwork chainmail and wood, and what appears to be one of the little guys wearing a cast iron pot as a helmet.

On their way over, one of them trips, landing flat on their smooth belly. They squeak out an “oof!”, scrambling to get up as the rest surround you, pointing their weapons at you. Even the sword-wielder points her blade at your shins, her arms wobbling from the weight.

From the crowd, a yellow-scaled kobold steps forward, their clawed feet rustling the pebbled beach beneath them. From the way her armor's polished to a mirror sheen, you guess she's the leader.

She points a talon towards you, her pointy teeth showing in a snarl; an attempt to be threatening.

Her voice is anything but. A high, almost shrill squeak. “Human!” she shouts, “You trespass on Thousand Claws Clan secret forest! Fish from Thousand Claws Clan secret river! Pay fine!”

You sigh, your arms rising then dropping to your sides. “How much?”

She squints her eyes. “How much human have?”

“No money,” you admit. “And nothing shiny.”

One of the kobold's ears perk up at your mention of the word 'shiny'.

Her reaction wasn't lost of the leader, and she turned around, yelling at them. “Human say he don't have anything shiny!”

You hold up your recently-caught fish, still wiggling in your grasp. “I got this,” you say, attempting to bribe them. “Would that work?”

“You no pay fine with fish you stole from secret kobold river!” the leader declares. “Signi! Confiscate!”

A kobold sneaks up behind you and snatches the fish out of your grasp. Like a starved animal, they rip into it with their sharp teeth, devouring it alive.

“Okay,” you sigh, “no fish. What now?”

“Since human not pay fine,” the kobold growls. “You kobold prisoner!”

“Oh no,” you mutter. “Who could have seen that coming.”

“We take you to Thousand Claws clan big city, human!” she continues, looking over to her comrade with the cast iron pot helmet. “Wugu! Bound human!”

The kobold produces a small rope, and you don't resist as the lizard ties your hands behind your back, poorly enough that you could easily break free if you really wanted. Still, kobolds were fast, and those spears were rusty. You'd never known kobolds to ever actually harm humans, they were far too sweet-natured for that, but catching a disease was low on your list of priorities for today.

The leader turns to her small throng of kobold comrades and lifts her knife into the air. “We catch human!”

The others lift their weapons into the air as one, letting out triumphant peeps.

Leading you by rope, you're guided out of the forest and onto a nearby road. It's not a terribly long walk until you reach the outer reaches of the city of Kurdui or as it's known by its new name: Clawtown.

Kobolds are...not great at naming things.

Approaching the gates, you see the emblem of the clan that has captured you hanging from the ramparts, a red banner with claw marks haphazardly painted all over. Its patchwork construction hints at its kobold creator; even after the kobolds had taken over and skilled artisans offered to make them proper flags for their clans, there were still some things they just insisted on doing themselves.

You're marched up to the gates, guarded by two kobolds carrying spears three times as high as they are. One of them holds up a paw.

“Stop!” she orders. “What password?”

“Is it password?” you guess.

The guard at the gate squints, indignant fury rising in her smooth, flat chest. “No. You think kobolds dumb?”

“ it 'dlobok'?”

The kobold recoils, and she looks over the squad that had captured you with a venomous expression. “Which one of you tell handsome human Clawtown secret kobold password?!”

“Human get lucky!” the leader of your group says. “Also, kobold told you that password too easy. But human say password, so you let human through. And us. We have human prisoner.”

The guard grunts and stands aside, muttering under her breath in adorable squeaks and hisses. Your group and yourself walk past her, and into the city inside.

Like any other city, with a few modifications. The clan banner hung from everywhere, of course, lest the kobolds forget whose territory it was. The local temple had also seen its own construction work, mostly with small and somewhat rickety statues of kobold gods being placed above the normal pantheon of deities.

And besides there being more kobolds in the streets now, the city seemed to carry on a it had in the age before the kobolds took over. Noticeably better, even; beyond the questionable construction work the kobolds had added themselves, the streets seemed cleaner, and the people seemed healthier.

Better management, most likely. Kobolds were naturally greedy and mischievous, but their greed was petty, as was their capacity for grander ambitions of cruelty. They were no tyrannical lords or barons extracting rent over generations, or sending men to die in the fields in wars over insults.

If anything, their usual sweet nature made them ideal rulers: they never abused their power. And when they saw problems...well, they didn't fix it themselves (not after the Irrigation Incident), but they did always delegate it to people that would and could fix the problem.

You hear a shrill squeal to your right, and turning your head, you suddenly remember the one other big difference:

Human slaves.

Not slaves to toil away in mines or till fields until they fall dead into the dirt, but slaves for the pleasure of their kobold masters, collars around their necks. One such slave is just to your right, a naked male holding a green-scaled kobold tight to his body as he pounds her tight slit, balls slapping against her tailed bottom. The kobold cries out in delight with every pump, her body quivering in utter ecstasy as they're both lost in bliss.

In retrospect, it wasn't a surprising development. Humans had enslaved kobolds for centuries and now with the tables turned, the kobolds returned the favor. But in typical kobold fashion, they weren't cruel enough to enact the same torments others had done to them, and instead this was their “revenge”.

The kobold mistress continues to huff in delight, drool running from her mouth as her slave fucks her in the open, without a care who was watching or around. Kobolds usually mate out in the open, and they made no exception for their slaves.

Looking around, you see more than a few others coupling with their kobold masters. One sitting her slave's face, another propped up on a table as her slave tenderly licks her tight slit. It's usually a female kobold and a human male slave; male kobolds were uncommon. But even then, you spot at least one with their own human woman slave, their arms wrapped around the woman's waist as they pound her pussy in frantic strokes, lost in the sensation of their leashed warmblooded slave,, little yelps escaping their mouth as the woman looks down on her master with a smile.

Kobolds were open about their sexuality, and people accepted it. After all, they ran things now.

You're marched up to a block at the far side of town, a small podium with a taller kobold behind it, a large gavel in her claws. In front of the podium, a gathering crowd of kobolds, all looking up at you with curious eyes.

Another thing that had changed since they took over: kobolds were, almost universally, better-dressed. Or rather, they were shinier. Now the rulers of the world, it wasn't hard for any kobold to be without a golden or silvery jewelry, whether in bands around their arms, or horns, or clawed fingers. Or they just stole them, because they could.

The kobold at the podium slams down her gavel. “Clawtown Auction House now in session!” she declared. “On market: handsome human slave, captured from top-secret kobold river! Human now on sale! Does kobold hear starting bid?”

One of the lizards raises a claw, bouncing up in the air. “Oooh!” she shouts. “Bid gold!”

The auctioneer kobold shakes her head. “Kobold have to say how much kobold bid!”

“Nnnnng!” the bidding kobold grunts. “Lots!”

“Lots not a number!” the auctioneer snaps.

“One gold!” one kobold properly bids.

Another claw shoots up. “Bid two gold!”

And another. “Bid three!”

A bidding war erupts, so much as it is. Not really grasping the nuances of an auction, each kobold bidder just ups the bid by exactly one gold every time, until finally, your price reaches a whopping fifty.

One kobold in particularly heavy jewelry raises her claw. “Kobold bid seventy!”

Frustrated grunts sound out from the crowd as most of them lose interest, outbid by the wealthier-looking kobold.

Another voice peeps, soft and playful. “Kobold bid one hundred golds!”

Gasps roll through the crowd. It was likely the highest number most kobolds present knows of, and the others part to reveal the one who made the bid. A red-scaled kobold with yellow eyes, a fancy purple loincloth with gold trim around her waist, and gold bands on her arms. Under one of them, a small treasure chest.

“Going once!” the auctioneer trills. “Going twice! Going three! SOLD! To lucky kobold in back!”

The red-scaled kobold lifts the treasure chest above her head and hurls it at the auctioneer. They catch it out of the air, slamming it onto the podium, cracking it open and quickly counting small hoard of coins inside. After a moment, she looks up, and nods.

“All here,” she confirms and gestures to you. “Handsome human all yours! Treat nice!”

The kobold that just bought you squees in joy, running up as you're brought off the auction block. She runs up, grabbing your leg as she bounces on her heels.

“Yessss!” she warbles. “Tiktu finally have human slave! Want one for so long!”

The auctioneer barks at a nearby employee, and they hand your owner, Tiktu apparently, a small leather collar. She snatches it from the other kobold's claws, then looks up to you, standing on her tiptoes. When she fails to reach anywhere near your neck, she sighs in frustration.

“Aaaaaagh,” she groans. “Human slave handsome, but Tiktu too short.”

With an amused sigh, you reach down and pick her up. She chirps in surprise, but once you bring her up to your level, she gets the message and fits the collar around your neck. When she fastens it on, she leans back, inspecting her new property. A toothy smile comes over her maw, and she reaches forward, hugging your neck.

“Thank you, slave!” she chirps. “Tiktu make good impulse buy! Worth gold kobold was gonna use to buy statue of kobold!”

You lower her to the ground, and when you do, her attitude changes. Her elation fades, and now she looks more puzzled than overjoyed. She taps her chin in thought.

“Uh...” she mutters. “Now what kobold do?”

“That's kind of up to you, isn't it?” you prompt.

“Tiktu know that! You kobold's slave now! That means kobold use you for slave things! Like, uh...”

She looks up, scratching her head. “Uh...”

She looks up, folding her arms and tapping her foot. “Tiktu not sure. Kobold still getting used to humans listening to kobold. Kobolds be slaves, not have them.”

You know you're going to have to help her along. “Well, what's something you've always wanted to make a human do?”

She contemplates for a moment. “...Make human not yell at kobold for stealing bread?” She shakes her head. “No, that dumb. Hmmm. Maybe kobold...”

“Cmon,” you say. “You can do it.”

She looks up at you. You can hear the gears churning in her noggin. “Human slave handsome, so...kobold make human slave not wear clothes? Make wear gold bits instead?”

“That's a start,” you agree.

“Make human slave do dance?” she adds.


“Ooh!” she yips, “I know!”

She climbs up your body, wrapping her arms around your head. “You carry kobold!”

“Where?” you ask.

“Back to kobold home,” she replies. “Tiktu show you the way.”

You nod, and under her direction, let her guide you through the city. After a while, she climbs up on your shoulder, sitting on it as she ponders what else to do with you.

“What other slave things kobold make you do?”

“You already out of ideas?” you ask in a joking tone.

She taps your head. “Shut up, handsome slave! Kobold thinking. Tiktu know she bought you for something big, but...kobold can't remember.

As she searches her memories, you pass another female kobold and her lover lost in the throes of passion, both his arms wrapped around hers as he fucks her standing. Tiktu catches sight of them, and slowly turns her head to you with a sheepish expression.

“Make human slave mate with kobold?”

You nod. “Sounds like a plan, but if I'm your slave, you can be a little more forceful.”

She grins. “Kobold always think human handsome. Now have slave that can't say no, so...”

She opens her mouth, running a tongue across your head in a loving lick. “Will human slave mate with kobold?”

“Maybe a little more direct?” you respond.

“Human slave, please mate with kobold?”


She nods, and leans over, grabbing your collar. She shakes you as hard as she can, yelling at the top of her longs in an adorable shrill. “HUMAN SLAVE! MATE WITH KOBOLD! MATE WITH KOBOLD RIGHT HERE!”

You chuckle, and guide her snoot to your mouth, pushing your tongue in through her sharp teeth. She melts under your attentions, wrapping her legs around your head as she returns the gesture, her own long and wet tongue sliding into your mouth. The two of you share in a wet, sloppy kiss that lasts for a sweet moment until she pulls away and begins to lick your face in small swipes, all the while making small squeaks of lust.

She chirps a command. “Kobold say: get on ground, human slave!”

You oblige, lowering yourself onto your back. Your little mistress crawls on top of you, her claws reaching across your pants. With a few annoyed tugs, she finally loses her patience and just rips it apart with her tiny claws, freeing your hard member from its confinement.
She gazes upon your hard cock in awe, stars in her eyes as a line of droop slowly drips from her mouth "Kobold...lucky. Human slave handsome ALL over!” She looks back to you, your eyes meeting her gaze. She places both hands on her cheeks, as if just realizing her catch. "Hehehehe!" she giggles. "Kobold have human slave! Make you do anything I want! Kobold's deepest, DARKEST desires!"

Bounding with excitement, she scrambles over and extends one of her little scaled feet toward your mouth. "Lick kobold, slave!"

You playfully run your tongue across the sole of her scaled foot. She pulls back after one swipe of your tongue, laughing. "That tickles! Maybe lick that part later. Other parts now!”

You nod, running your hand up her thigh. She giggles under your touch, craning her head to invite your licks as you did her, laughing as you run your tongue over your scales. You bring up a hand as you do, stroking her chest, admiring the texture of it. Like skin, but not quite, smooth and soft and supple. A little moan rumbles out of her, and she shakes her chest, directing your mouth to it. You run your tongue up the middle of it, savoring her taste. After a few strokes, she squeaks for you to lick her chest, and you happily comply, turning your attention to her flat belly, swirling your tongue across her flesh.

You lick your mistress in unhurried contentment for a few moments before she gently pushes you away, and scrambles back over to your groin.

“Okay, kobold mate with you now.”

She stands over you, pulling her loincloth aside, revealing a tight wet slit. She positions her wide hips above your cock, savoring the moment, then dives down. Your eyes roll back into your head as her nearly suffocating wet tightness enveloping you, squeezing your shaft like a slick prison.

Tiktu croons in delight, more saliva running from her jaw as she bends her knees, pushing herself back up. You decide to help her in her endeavor, grabbing her shoulders and helping her ascent off your cock, before she suddenly slams back down again, causing another amazing, tight squeeze to envelop you. You groan, your kobold master making a cute squeak as she once again rises off your cock, then slams back down. She begins to move on her own accord, using your assistance to ride your dick, her juicy hips slamming against your body as she takes you in the middle of public.

You're able to break your attention on your master for just a moment to look around, and you see your own experience is not treated oddly. At worst, you only get jealous stares from a few other kobolds, everyone else treating it like the most natural thing in the world for a kobold to be mating with her human slave.

With another squeak, your mistress adjusts her hips, sliding in at a new angle that drives a surge of pleasure up your shaft, a telltale tension rising in your body, your owner's breaths becoming hot and ragged as her tongue droops out of her mouth, hips gyrating as she keeps working your body.

"Slave!" your owner cries. "Kobold! Feel..!" She shudders as the orgasm rolls through her short body, and she grunts out her thought. "...Good!"

Her mouth open wide, a cute hiss of pleasure flowing out of it. Her already-tight walls contract around yours, and you're driven to join her. The orgasm hits you like a tsunami, pulses surging through your cock, satisfying liquid warmth pouring through the end of your cock into the waiting pussy of your kobold lover. You both keep coming until you have nothing left to give, and finally, you're spent. You fall onto your back, drenched in sweat and panting.

You look up at the sky, feeling your kobold owner curl her body next to yours.

“Kobold glad humans slaves," she yawns. "Things nicer now."

She pulls herself next to your torso, cum still leaking from her pussy, and wraps her arms around you. With a small yawn, she falls fast asleep, her torso rising and falling with every little breath.

You make a contented sigh. She was right. Things were nicer now.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:23 UTC
Views: 288