Replica dior Bags has received mixed reviews. One reviewer describes purchasing a vintage Dior Saddle bag from a Japanese consignment seller and expresses happiness with the purchase. They mention that the bag is a "sick obsession" and provide a positive review.

Another reviewer shares their experience owning the bag for a week before deciding to sell it. They had the black medium Saddle in grained calfskin leather with gold hardware and found it gorgeous in design and looks. However, they sold it because they wanted a more embellished or special edition to be admired rather than used daily. This reviewer also mentions that the Replica dior saddle Bags may be a little inconvenient to use.

A separate review discusses the bag's functionality and whether it is difficult to get things in and out of it. The owner of the bag states that they don't find it challenging, as it isn't an open-top tote, and expresses their love for the bag's design and the fact that it fits more than anticipated. They also mention that Dior has increased the bag's price twice in the past year.

Pub: 16 Jul 2024 02:14 UTC
Edit: 16 Jul 2024 03:38 UTC
Views: 56