DNI . . .
basic dni
anti-xenogenders / anti-neopronouns
anti-endogenic / sysmed
transmed / terf / radfem
radqueer or transid (transrace, transabled, etc.)
demonizes any disorders
fakeclaims anyone for any reason
believe that alters can speak for minority groups the body is not apart of
believes in "narcissistic abuse" or similar
mocks triggers / discomforts
misuses or mocks tone tags
will use slurs around us
you are in contact with the sun zone / sunny d
you are in contact with coior / purgatory pals

BYI . . .
we are very nd and have a disorder salad /ij
we are a plural system, and will mostly use "we"
we support self diagnosis
we are strictly pro-endogenic and pro-good faith identities
we have trouble respecting boundaries sometimes
we have trouble remembering things

Pub: 19 Jul 2023 19:51 UTC
Edit: 24 Jul 2023 06:58 UTC
Views: 101