@hehimwife's ocs quotes bot

divider tweets every 10 min contains 86 ocs & 432 quotes original & fandom charas song quotes appear as well!

CONTENT WARNINGS some quotes might contain (1) religious themes (2) nsfw/semi-nsfw (3) suicide (4) child abandonment (5) child abuse (6) self-harm (7) death (8) dissociation, dpdr (9) torture (10) mutilation (11) panic attacks (12) manslaughter, murder (13) swearing (14) family issues (15) depicts of depression & psychosis (16) disappearances, kidnapping (17) family issues to not see these quotes, mute // backrooms

Pub: 27 Dec 2022 13:34 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2023 01:40 UTC
Views: 1885