hi! i'm ron/eden or any of my multiple names, fine with almost all terms , i'm a mogai coiner and sometimes an editor! i am mentally ill and delusional (i have delusional attachements that i call kins/ids for comfort) plus suspecting dpdr , i'm a latino! will speak spanish sometimes for the funsies! i'm an INFJ, besides avpd and npd, i also have O.L.D, persistent depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, ppd & bpd traits, i'm paranoid and a paraphile (don't talk abt it nor mention it unless we are close.) i also age regress/dreams, i'm an angel/seraph eldritch deity (demi-god), i'm silly and clumsy! tho i am serious when i need to be !

that's mostly it ! this a mogai blog after all, thanks for reading

Pub: 24 Feb 2024 22:57 UTC
Edit: 25 Feb 2024 03:20 UTC
Views: 339