A comprehensive history of the SS Wolf Women

Of all the strange experiments and wunderwaffe of Nazi Germany, especially towards the end of the war, the one which stood out was the 'Wolfsfrauen' or the 'Wolf Women'
An esoteric attempt at uplifting the famed and ubiquitous military canine companions of the Wehrmacht and the SS, created through incomprehensible webs of genetic engineering
The result was hardly anything that any living soldier could have expected; tall, bipedal anthromorphs of a cognitive understanding equal to that of a human, though still highly driven by instinct
They were also seemingly engineered exclusively from females - with whichever SS scientists survived mentioned 'genetic stability', choosing to pursue the successful, longer-lived specimens
Despite the name, these creatures were more akin to 'Wolfdogs' rather than the wild beasts alone, hints of orange from Shepherds and the like streaking their fur coats
These anthromorphs were only 'deployed' right at the tail end of the war, when the Allied and Red armies were already advancing into Germany
Their inhuman forms, coupled with their animalistic expressions, were clearly frightening to both sides. Yet they fought with fierce loyalty and obedience to the Fatherland, much like a dog would
After the war ended, and the Wolfsfrauen were ordered to stand down by their surrendering officers, men who they trusted with their lives, the Western authorities had no idea what to do with them
To many, they were utterly hideous monstrosities. Unholy abominations that needed to be cleansed off the face of the earth and forgotten, never to besmirch a virgin eye again
The few others, however, saw innocent humanity within their large, scared eyes as they were being herded like animals - or worse - into reused camps, with the heavy breath of the US military on their backs

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Allied Debates on the future of these creatures contrasted heavily with the rest of the debates on what to do with the NSDAP, the military and the War Criminals
They were more vitriolic, more divided, and most of all, they permeated with an air of confusion - The men, generals and politicians, had no idea what these things were, let alone what to do with them
It took time, but ultimately the decision to let the Wolf Women live, albeit under supervision was reached. Despite their uncanny origin, they certainly held a level of humanity within them-
As was shown in the photos from the pro-integration side; including a deceased German soldier, pale and empty of blood, held in the tight embrace of his larger, furrier squad member, long after gunfire ceased
Except some which were held behind to be tested on, the Wolf Women dispersed around the country, only being permitted to stay within the borders of West Germany
Their purpose was military, that was clear, and they had a hard time integrating into society. Most still found walking canids too strange and lots of the Wolfsfrauen were forced into isolated lives
Others saw them as characteristically a Nazi construct, and negative sentiment from Anti-Fascists who left hiding after the Reich collapsed became a common talking point of the West German Left
Being wired to human companionship made 'packs' fail, so despite the discrimination, they became an unwelcome part of German society in the end
The existence of a Wolf Woman was marked with insecurity and purposelessness. Some found work in police precincts and other jobs that suited their unconventional skillsets
This didn't change the fact that they were an unwelcome part of whichever community they were in, but slowly, Germany learned to accept the occasional sight of a 7' Wolfsfraulein trotting through the street

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Even after the period of uncertainty about their species came to a gradual end, and the mandate keeping them within Germany was lifted, the vast majority stayed there nonetheless
A preference for open environments made cities an unattractive option for the furry women, preferring to stay in villages and towns, though urbanized exceptions did exist
Legally speaking, the Wolfsfrauen were ordinary German citizens, though anything but the most basic rights were drip-fed through legislation over the years
They remained a rare sight, with only ~7500 specimens surviving the war, all dotted around West Germany, with their number from the East being classified
As for Human-Wolfsfrau romantic relationships, they were a huge taboo. Most in the country thought of it as too akin to beastiality, especially with their animalistic instincts
This was a norm that became accepted surprisingly fast, since aside from the physical shock, the Wolf Women did possess human intellect
Many Wolfsfrauen did grow close to their human companions, but only some brought their relationship to a romantic level, taking norms from canines and remaining with their mates until death did them part
Being genetically engineered, the Wolf Women did suffer maladies, cancers and other issues, seemingly being able to contract human and canid diseases
But the question of assured extinction, given they were 'created' was answered when one specimen from South Swabia was confirmed to be with pups, a litter of six with her 'mate'
Seven months later she gave birth to healthy children, the girls all being 'Wolfsfrau' and the single boy, curiously, being a human
Today, the population of Wolf Women has remained around 6000 to 7000, mostly in rural Germany. They remained close to their nature and few changed their lifestyles.
As the novelty wore off and humanity became accustom to them, the Wolfsfrauen remain an interesting German minority with a unique past

Pub: 03 Jul 2022 04:37 UTC
Views: 3770