Tectonic plates and their movements

Tectonic Plates and their Movements

Tectonic Plates with colored territories

Ocean trenches and ocean ridges


I'm not a geologist. I'm just a worldbuilding autist who likes doing this sort of stuff.
Everything here I studied over the last two and a half weeks. I will have made mistakes, but hopefully not any major ones.
If anyone who knows better finds these posts and notices a mistake, please do correct me. I'd be happy to learn to make these maps as accurate as possible.

The above map only shows the major plates of the planet. There likely exists an unknown number of minor plates and micro-plates that are too small to be marked on the map. The existence of these plates can be used to explain away some of the weirder aspects of the /vt/ world's tectonics, as well as some of the mistakes I may have made in the making of this analysis.

I will name each of the major plates. These names do not have to be the official ones, but having them helps with making the discussion on the topic a lot more precise. As for the names, I will name a plate after the nations whose territories exist on the plate or the territories surrounding the plate. Priority is given to nations whose territories comprise a larger area of the plate, with the north-easternmost nation taking priority in the cases where multiple nations that cannot be grouped together share a similar % of a plate's area.

Meaning of the symbols

Purple arrow in the middle of a plate shows the direction where that plate is moving.
If the arrow curves around to point at it's own base, the plate is rotating in the direction where the arrow is pointing.
Purple square in the middle of a plate means that the plate is relatively stationary.

Do note that the plates do not move at the same speed. Some plates may move faster than others. I have not marked plate speeds anywhere on the map, but I have made some of the choices under the assumption that some plates move faster than others.

Red arrows near a plate boundary show you what type of a plate boundary the one in question is.
Arrows that point towards each other mean a Convergent plate boundary; The two plates are moving towards each other.
Arrows that point away from each other mean a Divergent plate boundary; The two plates are moving away from each other.
Arrows that are parallel to each other but point in different directions mean a Transform plate boundary; The two plates are sliding past one another.
No arrows means there is little or no relative movement on that plate boundary, or that I could not figure out reasonably what sort of movement would be happening there.

Dark blue areas drawn in the oceans mean a plausible location for an ocean trench.
Grey areas drawn in the oceans mean a probable location for an ocean ridge.

Northern Indie Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /kbns/, /wvt/, /corpo/, /nina/, /pyon/, /lig/, /n/, /gorls/, /indie/, /ccu/, and /yah/.
The plate is moving south.

The northern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between a continental and an oceanic plate. The Council Plate is being subducted under the Northern Indie Plate, leading to the formation of orogens on the North-Eastern parts of the Northern Indie Plate, as well as an ocean trench off the coast of the Northern Indie Plate.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Island formation.

The southern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between two mainly continental plates. There is not much subduction happening, but where it is happening, it is the Northern Indie Plate that is being subducted below the Southern Indie Plate. Both plates experience folding and deformation of the continental crust, but Southern Indie plate experiences most of it.
Expected events:

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.
  3. Limited island formation.

The western boundary of the plate is a transform one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.

Council Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of Schizo Wastelands, /nasa/, /rbc/, a portion of Akichocomel, /uuu/, /rrat/, /who/, Most of Hoshiyomia, a portion of /rushia/, a portion of /micomet/, and a portion of Sakuran.
The plate is rotating clockwise.

The northern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between a continental and a continental plate. The Major Holo Plate is being subducted under the Council plate, leading to the formation of massive orogens on the Eastern parts of the Council Plate, as well as the formation of basins on both sides of the orogens.
Expected events:

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.

The southern boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two mainly continental plates near the land of Sakuran, and a divergent one between two oceanic plates elsewhere on the boundary.
Expected events:

  1. Continental:
    1. Earthquakes.
    2. High amount of volcanism.
    3. Rift valley formation.
  2. Oceanic:
    1. Ocean ridge formation.
    2. Volcanism.
    3. Volcanic island formation.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Northern Indie Plate" section "Eastern Boundary"

Major Holo Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /kson/, /ppt/, /zomg/, a portion of akichocomel, /matsuri/, /cig/ (luna), /moon/, /mogu/ + /doog/, /haachama/, duck, a portion of /fbk/, /akushio/, /hlgg/, most of /rushia/, most of /kfp/, most of /micomet/, /noel/, /hirys/, /wah/, /pekora/, amelia watson, and /ggg/.
The plate is rotating clockwise.

The northern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between a continental and a continental plate. The Minor Holo Plate is being subducted under the Major Holo Plate, leading to the formation of orogens on the Eastern parts of the Major Holo plate.
Expected events:

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.

The southern boundary of the plate is a mixture of transform boundaries and boundaries with no relative movement.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Council Plate" section "Eastern Boundary"

Minor Holo Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /stars/, /mion/, /zomg/, a portion of /fbk/, a portion of /nene/, a portion of /kfp/, holox, a portion of /polka/, towa, risu, /mep/, /morig/, a portion of anya-petra global, bakatare, and watamelon.
The plate is moving south-west.

The northern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a divergent one between a continental and a continental plate near the lands of /polka/, and a divergent between oceanic and oceanic plates elsewhere. The Shishilamy Plate is drifting away from the Minor Holo Plate, causing the formation of a rift valley that runs through the nation of /polka/, as well as the formation of ocean ridges along the oceanic plate boundary.
Expected events:

  1. Continental:
    1. Earthquakes.
    2. High amount of volcanism.
    3. Rift valley formation.
  2. Oceanic:
    1. Ocean ridge formation.
    2. Volcanism.
    3. Volcanic island formation.

The southern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between two continental plates. There is not much subduction happening, but where it is happening, it is the Nasfaqg Plate that is being subducted below the Minor Holo Plate.
Expected events:

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.
  3. Limited island formation.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Major Holo Plate" section "Eastern Boundary"

Shishilamy Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of Shishilamy, a portion of /nene/, a portion of /polka/, and /infinity/.
The plate is moving north-east.

The northern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The eastern boundary of the plate was addressed already in "Northern Indie Plate" section "Western Boundary".

The southern boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Minor Holo Plate" section "Eastern Boundary"

Southern Indie Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /voms/, /clg/, /tsun/, /vsj+/, /ppg/, /pcg/, 774inc, /pkg/, and /wactor/.
The plate is moving north.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Northern Indie Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate is a transform one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes

The southern boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

The western boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

Soracraft Oceanic Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of a portion of Hoshiyomia, a portion of Sakuran, /sora/, and /ybc/.
The plate is moving south.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Council Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate is a mixture of relatively no movement boundaries and divergent boundaries between oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

The southern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between mostly oceanic plates. The Soracraft Oceanic Plate is being subducted below the Uoh and Horni plates. This interaction has lead to the formation of multiple islands, portion of the Uoh orogeny, and an ocean trench off the southern coast of /ybc/.
Note: /ybc/ was not formed due to this plate interaction. /ybc/ is its own continent.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Island formation.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Southern Indie Plate" section "Eastern Boundary".

Northern Neutral Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /meat/, /vspo fps/, /hfz/, /vtwbg/, and a portion of /#/.
The plate is moving north east.

The northern boundary of the plate is a transform boundary between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent boundary between a continental plate and an oceanic plate. The Holosea Plate is being subducted below the Northern Neutral Plate, causing the formation of the /meat/-vspo fps orogeny, as well as an ocean trench off the eastern coast of /meat/ and /vspo fps/.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Island formation.

The southern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement. It might have slight divergence, possibly leading to minor amounts of volcanism and island formation.

The western boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

Holosea Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are no territories.
The plate is moving south west.

The northern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The eastern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The southern boundary of the plate is a transform one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Northern Neutral Plate" section "Eastern Boundary".

Nasfaqg Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /nasfaqg/, a portion of /#/, and most of /ahoy/.
The plate is moving north east.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Holosea Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Minor Holo Plate" section "Southern boundary".

The southern boundary of the plate is a transform one between two mostly oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.

The western boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

Major Niji Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of a portion of Anya-Petra global, Nijimale, /2434/, a portion of /ahoy/, lazulight general, nijien, /haha/, /rose/, /yeah/, a portion of nijikr, and nijiid.
The plate is moving south-south-west.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Shishilamy Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Southern Indie Plate" section "Western boundary".

The southern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The western boundary of the plate is a mixture of transform boundaries between mostly oceanic plates, and convergent boundaries between oceanic and continental plates. The Nijikr plate is being subducted below the Major Niji Plate, leading to the formation of orogens on both plates, as well as a possible ocean trench off the western coast of Lazulight General.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Island formation..

Horni-Niji Oceanic Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are no territories.
The plate is moving east.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Southern Indie Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The southern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The western boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

Horni Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /horni/, /ringo/, and most of /vt/uber draw.
The plate is moving east.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Southern Indie Plate" section "Southern Boundary" and "Soracraft Oceanic Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between two continental plates. There is not much subduction happening, but where it is happening, it is the Horni Plate that is being subducted below the Uoh Plate.

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.

The southern boundary of the plate is a mixture of boundaries with little to no relative movement and unmapped boundaries.

The western boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

Feet-Asmr Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /asmr/, and most of /feet/.
The plate is moving north-east.

The northern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent one between two continental plates. There is not much subduction happening, but where it is happening, it is the Feet-Asmr Plate that is being subducted below the Uoh Plate.

  1. Lots of earthquakes.
  2. Limited volcanism.

The southern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The western boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

Uoh Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of /uoh/, /hag/, /ag/, and a portion of /feet/.
The plate is relatively stationary.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Soracraft Oceanic Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The southern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Feet-Asmr Plate" section "Eastern Boundary".

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Horni Plate" section "Eastern Boundary".

Uoh-Neutral Oceanic Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are no territories.
The plate is relatively stationary.

The northern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The eastern boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

The southern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The western boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

Southern Neutral Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of a portion of /#/, /vsinger/, /wg/, and /asp/.
The plate is moving east.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Northern Neutral Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate is a convergent boundary between an oceanic plate and a continental plate. The Nijikr plate is being subducted under the Southern Neutral Plate, causing the formation of orogens on the Southern Neutral Plate and an ocean trench off the eastern coast of /vsinger/.
Expected events:

  1. Earthquakes.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Island formation..

The southern boundary of the plate is unmapped.

The western boundary of the plate is a divergent one between two oceanic plates.
Expected events:

  1. Ocean ridge formation.
  2. Volcanism.
  3. Volcanic island formation.

Nijikr Plate

On this plate at the moment of writing are the territories of Nijikr.
The plate is relatively stationary.

The northern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Nasfaqg Plate" section "Southern Boundary".

The eastern boundary of the plate was addressed in "Major Niji Plate" section "Western Boundary".

The southern boundary of the plate does not have much relative movement.

The western boundary of the plate was addressed in "Southern Neutral Plate" section "Eastern Boundary".

Pub: 15 Mar 2022 21:57 UTC
Edit: 16 Mar 2022 21:29 UTC
Views: 4413