these do not apply to you if i interact first ★

♡ ☆ (1) basic dni criteria (2) -14/+17 (3) ____phobic (4) anti of neos/xenogenders (5) support mspec lesbians/gays (6) proshipper (7) cishets, some of you are on thin ice (8) not critical of your favs (9) dont respect prns/boundaries (10) l@licon/sh@tacon/map (11) fetishize mlm/wlw (12) racist (13) use fonts anywhere on your profile (14) heavy typing quirks (15) you type like ✨this✨ (16) no common interests (17) you heavily involve yourself in drama (18) you like childe more than me srs (19) shtwt/dsmptwt/mcyt/drtwt (20) ill just sb/hb if you make me uncomfortable ☆ ♡

Pub: 14 Oct 2022 12:06 UTC
Edit: 14 Oct 2022 19:07 UTC
Views: 561