pls stay away from us if u fit into any of these

basic dni criteria
other than the basic dni crit, we don't have a strict dni.
We block people we dont like freely, so if u make us uncomfortable we will block you (we will prob unblock you and tell you what you did later)


we say slurs and offensive jokes we can reclaim . we also make a lot of kys/kms jokes
we are semi-nonverbal and some of our alters are full on non verbal. we are an osdd 1b sys
we also act differently with different people (also depending on the alter . we usually mirror other peoples personalities (understand we cannot control this)
we are super obsessive of our interests but if its a hyperfixation we might gatekeep it .


we are a osdd-1b sys, gender fluid + sapphic-achillean and aro questioning! we are bodily 15 and have about 8 alters so far!


we get somewhat easily offended sometimes or dont get the joke/sarcasm in someones tone or the way they text sometimes.
we sometimes go afk/offline randomly (even while texting) , this is becauase we have a busy schedule most of the week and other personal reasons (dont think we are trying to ignore you or something, if that was the case we would tell you to your face)

Pub: 28 Oct 2023 18:28 UTC
Edit: 01 Nov 2023 16:45 UTC
Views: 90