〇 ﹔ednishy


⊂⊃﹒⟡ ___phobes, non-traumagenic systems + supporters, anti- informed self dxd, abelist, anti neo prns, use "yandre" "cult" "psycopath" "psyco" etc, spread cluster B demonization, believe in narc abuse, use number names when you cant, anti given name, ﹒friends with golden threads, curropt col. or kitchen sys, dsmp antis, mock autistic people, if ur purposfuly stupid we BLOCK first then ask questions. we do not tolerate any bigotry, and we will block you if you annoy, or in anyway pose a threat to us


Pub: 08 Nov 2022 23:38 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2022 03:56 UTC
Views: 424