rentry byi

alt tag (words with * will have extra info ab it at the end)

(rentry looks better on light mode.) alt tag

alt tag

alt tag dni list ::

racists. do i need 2 explain? same w/ overly offensive jokes towards a race and/or ethnicity, but if you are that race/ethnicity i cant really get mad. Oh, and dont say slurs you can't reclaim/say.

people who romanticize / encourage sh or ed. No. just....No.

anti-religion people.* alt tag

pro-isreals. (cick 2 help palestine.)

tccers.. i see y'all liking my tiktoks... * alt tag

people who vent 24/7 * alt tag

-12. putting 12 because i started most of my social medias at 12. but people who like.... JUST turned 12 is an imediate no.

maps, pedos or loli + shotacons. maps: minor attracted persons.

i might update another time.

alt tag

extra/longer infos ::

1 :: No, i'm not saying atheists can't interact ,, incase some sensitive ppl come here to throw a bitch fit ,, i'm saying people who make offensive jokes or comments towards ANY religion.

2 :: tcc stands for "true crime community" and is a group of men/women idolizing or romanticizing killers, shooters, rapists, etc. People who just simply like true crime documentaries/videos are okay ,, i enjoy the same !! :3

3 :: venting in DMs is okay ,, but PLEASE ask permission to. don't randomly say "oh i'm cutting myself rn."

Pub: 14 Jun 2024 06:21 UTC
Edit: 01 Jul 2024 19:20 UTC
Views: 390