interaction status guide

you may have seen statuses in acronyms like "dniuc" or "iwec" and not know what they mean. that's what i'm here for !

oti — ok to interact

ati — ask to interact

dni — do not interact

dniuc — do not interact unless close

dniuvc — do not interact unless very close

dniups — do not interact unless partner system

dniufp — do not interact unless favorite person

dniuid — do not interact unless i do

dniuiw — do not interact unless interacted with

dniui — do not interact unless important

iwc — interact with care/caution

iwec — interact with extreme care/caution

ig — interact gently

ieg — interact extremely gently

slowrep — slow replies

selrep — selective replies

Pub: 14 Jun 2023 18:55 UTC
Edit: 14 Jun 2023 21:07 UTC
Views: 2540