A deep part of your subconscious was screaming at you, 'Dude you're fucked this is wrong,' it continued to repeat in the dark part of the side of your brain responsible for shame and empathy.
'G-Get ready anon, I'm taking my seat,' the diminutive form of the formerly bodacious Warden of Time stutters out, her petite and nubile naked form approaching you. You sat on the sofa, undressed just like her.
It started half a hour ago, Kronii had returned crying and wailing like a child, AS a child from another collab with Bae. The avatar of Chaos had played havoc with Kronii's powers and she was reduced to the form of a little girl.
You tried to comfort her, but somehow throughout your attempt in mollifying her tears she was instead insulted, 'Huh?! You think I ain't sexy anymore!?" she had screeched out, as if you not being attracted to her pre-adolescent appearance was an insult to her pride.
"Alright anon! H-Here I go!" Kronii nervously stands between your spread legs, her target your flaccid and worried dick. Oh God this was messed up, you weren't a fucking pedo.
She's about to sit, her face turned to the back as she reversed her behind like a teen during a driving test, she messes up or did she? She sits up far above your dick, just on your pubic region.
"H-Ha! Don't think you won anon! I-I just think you're not ready to be graced by my beautiful body yet!" she was bullshitting, she was clearly terrified at the prospect of your adult sized john piercing her small cunny. To be honest, you were terrified as well, it would have been incredibly painful.
And yet.
You widen your eyes as you feel a soft sensation on your shaft.
Her slit, you can feel her fucking slit, the undeveloped outer labia rubbing on your shaft. She's literally riding your dick, like a girl on a pony.
Why was it so soft? She squirms, unaware of your firing neurons travelling from your dick up your spine.
Oh fucking hell that felt so good.
"Anon?" she tilts her head quizzingly, your lower lip sucked into your mouth as you tried to resist your animal desire to fuck her right there and then.
"GWAK!" you needed an outlet, your hands suddenly seize her chest, Kronii gasping as your palms cover her chest. You were too accustomed to feeling up big mounds of flesh, and yet were confused by the glorious feeling of rubbing your hands over budding breasts.
"AHN!" Kronii gasps, her eyelids glued shut and her teeth grinding as your stimulate her cute and itty bitty nips.
Kronii was experiencing an orgasm that would've overwhelmed her adult body nevermind her current state.
In the midst of her seizure of pleasure, her tiny hands seize for the nearest thing to hold unto to maintain some semblance of consciousness.
Your dick.
You gargle out a strangled cry, Kronii's soft and clumsy little hands gripping your dick, head and shaft in a constrictor like vice.
The both of you were bringing the other close to climax, your upper shaft slathered in the juices of Kronii's newly awakened pussy's juices. While your dick was ejaculating upwards like a geyser, fonts of semen flying up and occasionally landing on top of Kronii's head.
You weren't a pedo, you weren't a fucking pedo, she was still Kronii. It was Kronii in a smaller body, just imagine her as a midget. You didn't like little girls, no you didn't.

Pub: 21 Feb 2022 00:15 UTC
Views: 346