where can i be found? and what ponies am I in? i tend to hang outside of the bakery by the pony town sign. If i am not dressed as doctor whooves then i am matching with a friend or not active. pony how do i feel about friend/party requests? as long as you ask first and we have chatted at least a little then I am ok with either. what is the best way to interact? I prefer chatting with people that share interests so if you are into doctor who or MLP then you are in luck. I do ask that you don't sit close to me if you aren't intending to chat with me. I also am uncomfortable with people kissing and sneezing at me unless you are from a fandom I'm in or a friend I know. derpyhooves if i am sitting with someone how should you approach? just strike up a chat as usual. I tend to sit with my partner so if I'm cuddling with anyone it's likely it is her. she sadly is not too into doctor who but i'm sure she'd love to chat about MLP as much as i would :) other info to add i am an introject of the doctor in a system but i wish to not talk about my disorder. I heavily identify with the doctor and doctor whooves so i wish to not be called by any other names. derpy and whooves

byi/dni & interests & back

Pub: 31 May 2023 03:00 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2023 09:04 UTC
Views: 32