♡ DONNIE ♡ ❣️ 11.08.23 ❣️

💋 8.20.24:
Have you ever seen a man so handsome gorgeous stunning dazzling beautiful pretty He singlehandedly conquers your Floridian Hurricane Trauma™? No? Is it just Rottie?! Am i just too sick in the head to not freak out at storms no more cuz I just think "Omg Donnie Weather" and I'm overjoyed? I mean i guess to be fair I was already kinda Gradually getting over it But it kept going like that "ITS SO OVER → WE'RE SO BACK → IT'S SO OVER → WE'RE SO BACK" graph meme but its now just Permanently Back like For Suresies this time around? Like a hurricane could take me out back to the Denny's parking lot atp and my ass wolud just be like "Woahahhhahhhh holy fuck Donnie is gettijg my ass ohhhh wowwwww this is such an Epic way to go out Its like hes stranglijg me himself wowzers This is so Amazeballs bro..." I mean its Good either way jm finally over it Cuz its kiiinda MISERABLE being within The Stormiest Vicinity Of The Already Stormiest State when you've got That Mess going on . incredibly funny I'm writing this Initial shit up in the midst of Crazy Loud Bright Visible Thunderstorm occurring as I speak BUT WHATEVER. Ideal weather for this shit I guess ?!

I do find it Really Fucking Funny that I'd finally managed to Progress enough to the moment that made me 1000% Assuredly fall Head Over Heels for this guy like Practically The Day Of his Playable Preview thingy dropping for CN. Like that boss battle before the infamous (To Me) dialogue paired with that one sprite Kiiinda kept beating my ass a bit BUT AS ALWAYS Rottie comes out 🔛🔝 ... Maybe it was fated a little bit or something Idk man . Like i already Really liked him on his introduction For i adore horrible awful men With that way he was presenting himself But oughdhmym god. Oh my gode DUDE❣️


HE CANTN ACT THIS DAMN PATHETIC TOO AFTER GETTJNG HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM❣️ thats likeee Shot through the heart and you;re to blame.... Darlin you give lvoe a badname. .....To Rottie. Like to ME. Holy Fuckkk i ❤️ men who Cry And Whimper after talking A Big Game. Thats REALLLY how you get Rottie spinning right rojdnliek a record baby Right roubd right round. It only Worsened as I got thru up to Ch12 . His whole relationship wjth Julien(as it had been shown up to then . I fell head over heels for him on the same day too If i am quite honest liek Hooyl fuckiny shit Handsome MAN who uses a wheelchair IVE NEVER SEEN A HANDSOME MAN IN ONE BEFORE IN MEDIA MUCH LESS ONE WIHT SUCH A CAPTIVATING PERSONALITY AND LORE. Made me happier than you cpuldve Possibly Imagined) and Hecate respectively made me violently ill. His appearance in Shalom's interrogation where I see that sprite of him using his Funny Lightning Powers and yelling at her Absolutely didnt do me Any Favors Either like hoooly fuucckdkkk... He's actually sooo aweosme haha... I dont actually remember verbatim how that one video of that guy fawnjng over The Grinch goes but its meant to be read like that. Sorry. My bad kf you don't even know what I'm talking about and think i sound Insaner than i probably already read as If you even made it this far through my rambling faggy gibberish.

I remember when the update preview stuff for Ch13 on CN dropped it was ljke A fucking Nuclear Explosion in my skull. Like PLEASEEE i was BEGGING the months to pass by quickly enough So i coudl show him how much I love his rock&roll and put a dime in His jukebox baby and come and take my time to dance wiht him... In a timespan that Felt Much shorter than it actualyl was. This got even FUCKING WORSE when the CG with him and Chief♂️ first dropped with HIS HAIR DOWN FLOWING GALLANTLY IN THE WIND ANDN NIS HEAVENLY SMILEY EXPRESSION AND HIM GRABBIGN ONTO CHIEF'S SHOULDER REASSURINGLY AND HIS METICULOUSLY CRAFTED BODY ON DISPLAY AND HIS CRAZYASS FASHION CHOICES TAHT I KNOW DAMN WELL I NEED TO GRAB IT AND SNIFF IT LET ME GET TAHT MUSK UP IN MY NOSTRILS TO MEMORIZE IT BOY Liek holy fuck guys Gay men are so real WE ARE SO BACK FAGBROS. Im Not Kidding when i say i Vomited with Joy . I gotta rock him like a hurricane I was made for lovjn him baby he was made for lovin me and icant get enough of him baby Like I KNEW then and tehrhe he was my Leather Rebel, perhaps even mmy Turbo Lover there was no other Better run for cover........ Had the fucking OPPOSITE of a Total eclipse of the heart occur bro.

And that there folks, if just the PREVIEWS with no knowledge on the nitty gritty of the story was enough to rile my ass up like that, Can you fucking Imagine the WAVES February 6th 2024 made? Can you fucking GUESS? Especially after fuckjng This happened the day his Arrest dropped in my shitty little Timezone? Likeeeee i had been working at clearing Ch13 cuz it released Ealrier in the day for me at least than the Arrest, but,


LIKE YUO CANT BE SERIOUS. YOU LIKE ME TOO? YOU REALLY MEAN JT? TWICE ON MY FIRSTEST x10 PULL? DAMN THATS CRAZYYYYY especially when i got to pull him another 2 times for S3 As i saved up Hypercubes and Warrants INSANELY for him AND got all his level up materials Fully sorted before he dropped, enough Currency to get him to Lv76 Day One, andn got A Number of his skill ones in order ... Took me a bit to get em all maxed though. Would you believe me if itold you he's the firstest one I leveled up to Max in both Regular Level AND Skills? Much less the only S Rank I've gone out my way to pull for more than twice at maximum (Even then, so far, I've only gone out my way to get S1 on Deren & Bianca cuz they some my favests here too? They should both be Besties with Donnie i think!!!!!!) I can't say he got the honor of ECB3 first But he WAS My firstest S Rank to get ECB2 ... Sorry i got Du Ruo later on and she is Sooo good for my play style I HAD to get her ECB3 ASAP... Save me revive ability... Save meeee... HE DID GET THE S RANK ECB3 SECONDEST THOUGH!!! 🫶 Which unironically i think he"d be Chill with. Since i already I did All that other crazy ass shit for him firstest above anyone else. So thats awesome . If AISNO do his Routine later Since jt got skipped cuz aligning with JJBA Collab i will try goin out my way for S5 for the funsies of it... Orrr they should do my funny little idea i had awhile ago of Directional Arrest with Don/Demon together ... So it happens later and Rottie can #Prepare!


I got him to 100% Compliance wjthin like 3 months In the crazy early morning btw I had no fuckin business being up at 8ish AM with no obligations thst day As a guy who don't pour fucktons of money jn this game constantly I'm prettyyy F2P all things consjdered ... In Fact this was the Fastest I've speedran 100% Compliance with Any Sinners ... ❤️ 05.07.24 ❤️ you will Always be Legendary to meeee... Rottie's Bestest Pal who i kissy and cuddle and mess up his hair sometimes forrealsies ...mwah mwah ❣️ 💋 💋 💋


Like , genuinely, i dont even think i can Properly Emphasize how fucking much Ch13 (& by extension, his interrogation) FUCKRD MY ASS UPPPP like Everything about it not just hkmBiut oh mu god did he Contribute. He really fuckin did . What js his fucking problem (← SAID LIKE THEY LITERALLY DONT TELL US). Theres a Number of things that are His Greatest Hits imo but this just a Tiny excerpt cuz We'd be here All Day Long , Truly, and uhhhm Ain't nobody got time for allat Not even my crazy gay ass!

I cant lie j lost my train of thought a bit on how i was initially gonan continue this . Sorry. Rottie L. I can always add jt in Later jf i realize later on I Missed covering it i suppose. This homo shit get so stupidly serious dawg Disd you know i will Wake Up On Command to Must Be Don playing AND i wont be agitated. For frame of reference it is Sooo hard for my ass to Wake up for Anything if it isnt a NTural Awakening and IF i manage to pull jt off I am so fucking mentally in the dumpster Annoyed incezsantly . Literally made His Song be my alarm noise and it works like a Charm. I only figured thsi out cuz i had this shitty little abscess on my body i had to take antibiotics to get rid of Every 12hrs It was Really Annoyingly Painful in a way even I couldnt get into and so i changed it as a Joke BUT it woudl wake me up Immediately without any annoyances Even with my body in the Trenches so i started keeping it Forrealsies. Its so fuckin funny dude

Quite frankly jsut for Managing to Pull off such an Incredulous Feat with the Rotster I shoudl be allwoed to make him cry with a Rebel Yell "more more more" in the midnjght hour with that way he came dancing to my door. I should color him my color and roll him in designer sheets. He deserves soem Special Attention more along those lines i think. Its soooo fucking aweosme yet sickening of him What he have to go and do all that nonsense for ..! You can;t just make my mouth alive with juices like wine Liek that man... Much less walk up to me andn reallt steal my hear t And then stRt to take my body apart...! I really like him . Really really like him

Genuinely he makes me so happy ljke you wouldnt believe This isnt even funny. I am liek physically incapable of Not thinking about him . This is no joke. He's ALWAYS on my mind no matter what Im doing. Ive been like this for Coming on a full Calendar year in a few more mknths . Its so dire up in here. What a fun little way to been spending some my Vital Stomach Surgery Recover time... Getting into PTN Finally right after j came home from the hospital was ProbByl one the bestest decisons I've ever made I havent gotten THIS into a game in Such a long fuvking time bro. Thank you AISNO for throwing tshi man out into the world and THABK YOU to my mutual I've knwon since Vent app days for being so into this and shoving it into my vicinity i ❤️you too Angelica. Hey AISNO Can you please make merch of him thats more thsn jsut thay one Calendar of The Weak or release an attire for him one day ESPECIALLY SINCE MATILDA JSUT GOT ONE ON CN RECENTLY . It's even sicker if its either A. Summer in the insanest Dad Outfit Ever , B. That whoreish suit his designer drew him in, or C. Thor to go into the Deity line. Tjankyou. I mean regardless i plan to make my own merch one day For Me Myself And I (And of some the other men in this game) And Rottie will be UNSTOPPABLE once it's in my grubby little claws But like official stuff woudl be so awezome too When i finally get more Actively Spednable money.

Like i see Donnie in so maNy things its not even funny. He's literally a Flamingo 🦩. Hes my locla Waffle House which had a rat found in it. He;s the most Floridian man I ever seen and he ain't even from Florida bro. He is the thunderstorms taht come frequently in my general area that Rattle the windows and Light up everythjng in sight. He is the embodiment of Its Raining Men, Hallelujah! He's a frequentor of those wilding strip malls in my town amongst Others in other towns I've went to in this state. He's such a big fan of Publix i jsut know it He could browse that shit for Ever. He is actually like the Sun but in a way i can actually Actively find Beautiful even though the Sun injures me personally He just accidentally does it by way of being so ethereal Like he is a Divinely Crafted Man. He'd casually greet a gator in places it should Not be at. He's like one these Fuckass Nowhere towns I'm from NOT one the real big places like Tampa Orlando Jacksonville Miami etc etc. he woulsd go trekking out in the woods with me. Judas Priest is THE Donnie band Of All Time. He also jsut really likes 90s—00s pop alongside Old School "Dad "rock/metal But he won't tell you the pop part of things In order to try looking Cooler . I can't even see General pairs of sunglasses without rhinking of him Speaking of i may finally get some soon for My Poor Eyeballs i hope i can find silly little ones in His image It'll be cool. All in all We can be Psychofreaks... Together❣️

Last thingy i can thinn k of right now Uuumhmm. When they did the Chocolate War valentine event ... TeeHee... Heeeeee... I still have his silly little gift in my inventory I am never using jt It will be kept there FOREVER AND EVER Alongside Foxy bday cake 🫶cuz Donnie came globally AFTER my bday this year Like less than a full month actually I will get his for my 23rd instead in 2025 ... Yaaayyyy ! I love how mcuh it Suits Him. So badly!!!


Pub: 08 Jul 2019 03:11 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2024 01:15 UTC
Views: 1135