Doob Discord summary
Times are edited to be in her time (West Coast). I double check but I still might get them wrong, not from NA pls andastand.
Includes all discord posts by doobert on a given date. 1 pic = 1 day, counting from the first morning activity to the last post before going to sleep (the cutoff is around 4-5 AM)
If she's replying to something context is provided
I'm too lazy to include full pics from her messages, sorry
Also not including live pings, twitch chat messages, xeets etc.
There is also a rentry for logs from subs-only channels.
Access:, where X is the name of the post on questions-4-doob where Doob is asked about a certain green thing. Hint: it's one of the first questions posted and it contains 4 words. Just write out these words, all lowercase, no spaces.