Download Deleted/Archived/Hidden Mods On Nexusmods

Have you ever wanted to download a mod from Nexus that you found in a Google search, saw mentioned in a modlist, post, comment, wiki, or elsewhere but then realized it was hidden, archived, or deleted through nexusmods? This simple guide will help you find the delisted mod your looking for.

Credits to JBLACK145 for the original guide

I made this guide to slightly revise it and add some visual elements.

    • First and foremost find a mod that is deleted or hidden in nexusmods.

      For example I found a mod mentioned on pcgamingwiki about a mod restoring licensed content from the PS3 version of Yakuza 3 to the remastered version of the game however the mod itself no longer exists through nexusmods.

    • Visit the Wayback Machine via then paste the delisted mod url.

      Once going at the wayback machine find a snapshot of the mod where it still existed.

      For example of the Yakuza 3 remastered mod:

    • Locate "Files"

      Now open inspect element in your browser (Ctrl + Shift + I) then make sure the mouse hits the right spot then click the spot.

      After clicking it you will find this in the inspector:

      Right click then select "edit as html".

      Find the data id and copy it:

  • Finding the game_id

    The game_id is the id of a specific game (example Yakuza 3 Remastered nexus game_id should be 3639)

    To find game_id search og:image in the inspector:

    Copy the game_id (next to "mods/")

    Note: It depends on a specific game page if the og:image url is too long so "edit as html" may be sometimes necessary if the game_id is not visible.

  • DownloadPopUp?id= : This is where you put the data id (which is the ID of the mod).
  • game_id= : This is where you put the game_id (the ID of the specific game).

    Paste them in the URL bar and you will redirected here:

    Now you can download a deleted/hidden mod from nexusmods!


  • If the Files tab of a specific delisted mod was never got cached into the wayback machine you can still be able to download with another method.
  • Example in Fallout New Vegas, there is a mod called "Simple 3rd Person Camera Improvements" which is an predecessor to the 3rd person camera overhaul mod. The Simple 3rd Person camera mod files tab is not properly cached in wayback machine.

  • To fix this download a userscript called Nexus No Wait which will add download buttons on a nexusmods mod page, to run a userscript you need a userscript manager such as Violentmoney or Tampermonkey

  • Once you installed the userscript right click the "manual" download button then copy & paste the link in the URL bar.

  • Remove the web archive url then press enter to redirect to the url.

  • You will be redirected here:

  • Now copy the file_id:

  • Locating game_id

    To locate a game_id to a mod without files tab, find any existing mods in a specific game page, in this case Fallout: New Vegas, the process is the same as earlier.

    Now paste both ID's in this URL:

    And your good to go.

    Revised by AndyForelli1988
Pub: 27 Oct 2024 09:30 UTC
Edit: 29 Jan 2025 03:37 UTC
Views: 2489