The Husband's Hideaway: Days of Rest

Candy blows you one last kiss as she leaves the room, leaving you alone once more.
You thought it might be a little bittersweet to have Candy leave, but you're so exhausted that it's nice to finally be alone.
You think back on the last few days, realizing just how much has happened.
It's crazy to think that you've gotten this far.
You're not sure what the future holds, but you sure are ready to find out. Ideally with less bruises. But you are getting a lot stronger from all these intense fuck sessions with various monstergirls that routinely take you within an inch of your life, so there's that. You consider the fact that there's worse ways to live life as you head for the shower.
You're finally starting to get used to this lifestyle.
You have a feeling you'll be getting a lot more use out of that shower in the future.

As you're rinsing off in the shower, you hear the door open, and a familiar pair of security guard boots clanking against the tile.
"Yo! Relkomaz! How you been buddy?" You shout over the running water.
"Good. Good." You hear his muffled voice call back.
A few moments of silence pass.
"So... You done in there?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm just finishing up now." You say, turning the water off and grabbing a towel.
You exit the shower and begin to dry yourself off as you see Relkomaz's massive frame leaning against the wall, arms crossed with a smirk on his face.
"I see you've finally gotten accustomed to the water."
"Yeah, but I'm still not used to someone always barging in when I'm in here!" You say with a chuckle.
Relkomaz lets out a bit of a laugh as he adjusts his shoulders against the wall. "I'm a busy guy too, you know. Dropping off big paychecks to all the dudes working around here in between keeping horny monstergirls from kidnapping our employees keeps me on my feet."
You laugh as you dry off your hair. "I believe it. I take you're here to drop off Candy's payment?"
"Sure am. Another seriously fat stack this time." Relkomaz says as he tosses a heavy pouch of coins to you.
You deftly catch it, before undoing the tie and peeking inside. Candy left you nearly two platinum coins and some change.
"Damn!" You exclaim. "That woman is loaded!"

"Tell me about it. She's one of our best earners, so she gets a generous discount, but damn."
You carefully set the pouch on the bathroom counter for safekeeping. "Thanks, man. I guess I got real lucky she stuck to me, huh?"
"Sure did. You wanna grab a drink or something to celebrate your newfound riches?"
You ponder things for a moment, before realizing the Husband's Hideaway has bar right there in the lobby.
"Sure! We can just hit up the bar right here in the lobby, yeah? Drinks are on me." You say as you slip a shirt on.
"Well alright then, let's go."
You exit your room and head to the bar.
The bar is a simple counter with a few stools around it. You and Relkomaz seat yourselves at the counter.
A busty, curvy woman walks out from the kitchen, drying her hands on a towel. She smiles as she sees you.
"Hello, boys. The usual for you, Relk?" She asks, looking at your orc friend.

"You know it. How about you, Ryan?"
"I'm easy. Surprise me." You say with a smile.
The barmistress chuckles as she grabs two glasses and begins pouring out two drinks from a few taps.
You and your friend sit in silence as you wait for the barmistress to finish preparing your drinks.
After a few minutes, she sets two foaming mugs down on the counter in front of you.
You pick up your mug, taking a moment to observe the drink that's been prepared for you.
It's a dark, orangish-brown color with bits of what looks to be vegetables floating in it.
"This looks a little... strange." You say with apprehension.
The barmistress chuckles as she sits down next to you. "That would be the spiced pumpkin soup I put in it. It's an old family recipe."
You give your drink another look, then give the mugs contents a brief whiff. It's actually quite pleasant, smelling slightly sweet thanks to the pumpkin.
You bring the mug up to your lips, taking a small sip.

It's very sweet, but not unpleasantly so. The taste of pumpkin is very prominent, but it's also got a spicy aftertaste that lingers in your mouth. It's actually pretty good.
"Not bad." You say as you set the mug down.
The barmistress smiles as she takes a drink from her own mug.
"You know, I don't see you here during the evening shifts. What's your name?" You ask the barmistress.
"Oh, I go by many names."
"You got a last name?"
"No, I don't really use last names."
"I see... So what do I call you?"
"Vera works." She says with a smile. "Ryan, right? You're a lot cuter than I thought you'd be." Vera puts a hand on your leg with a sort of coy smile.

You hear Relkomaz lean over your shoulder. "Easy now, Vera. If you want some of that, you'll have to pay for it." He chuckles as he takes a sip of his own drink.
Vera laughs as she takes her hand off your leg. "Relk's just jealous because none of the girls here want to sleep with him."
"Not my fault orc women are built better than the fragile little things that come here for a good time." Relkomaz says with a smug grin as he takes another swig of his drink. "Besides, I'm security. It'd be unprofessional."
Vera laughs as she takes another drink of her own. "Oh, that's rich, coming from you."
She gives your leg a small squeeze, and you spit a bit of your drink back into your mug. "Jeez! You're pretty aggressive huh?"
Vera smiles as she takes her hand off your leg. "Sorry, couldn't help myself."
Relkomaz leans back with a hearty laugh. "Oh man, good luck Ryan. Looks like she's hooked. I've seen her put a few of our boys through the wringer just for kicks, so you better watch yourself."
"Oh hush, you're just mad because I wouldn't sleep with you." Vera says, giving him a light shove.
He laughs as he takes another drink of his drink. "Well you're the only one here who thinks so."
Vera turns her attention back to you. She licks her lips slightly as she looks you up and down. "I think I'll be pulling you aside for some fun soon enough."

You let out a chuckle as you take another sip of your drink. "Good luck. Maybe try in a few hours once I've worked off a few of these bruises and aches. You ever been drained by a mothgirl? Fuck me, it's intense."
Vera laughs as she gives you a playful punch to the shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind."
You finish your drink with a sigh as you get to your feet. "Well, I'm gonna head back to my room and try to unwind a little. My skin's all spongy and bruised from Candy's... handiwork."
Vera lets out a laugh as she pats you on the side of the leg. "I'll see you later."
You give Vera a nod as you turn and start to head towards your room. You let out a sigh as you push the door open and step inside. You walk over to your bed and flop down onto it face first with a groan. You take a deep breath as you try to ignore the pain that's shooting through your body. You hear a quiet chuckle as you turn your head to the side.
"Hey there, cutie."
You let out a yelp as you see Vera sitting in a chair by the wall. She smiles as she gets to her feet and walks over to you.
She sits down on the edge of the bed as she runs a hand through her hair. "So, I was thinking... You're pretty good looking. How much would it cost for me to take you away from all this?"
She licks her lips as she gives you a slow nod. "You heard me."
"I mean, if you drop a payment at the front desk you could probably take me somewhere..." You say, nervously scratching your head. She gives you a slow nod as she leans in close. You feel your heart race as she brings her face to yours. You pause as your lips almost touch and time seems to stand still.
You hear a door open and footsteps approach the room. Vera pulls away and sits back with a sigh. You hear a woman chuckle as the door opens.
"Vera, I think you should know that Ryan isn't a boy. He's been a working man at this brothel for over two years now."

Vera lets out an annoyed sigh as she gets to her feet. "I was sort of figuring that one out myself, thanks Rita."
You see the daytime receptionist slither into the room with a smirk on her face. She gives you a wink as Vera lets out a huff.
"Alright, alright, I'm leaving," Vera says, tossing her hands up. "I'll see you around, cutie."
You watch as Vera leaves the room, her hips swaying back and forth as she walks off. You let out a long sigh as you lay your head back down on the pillow. You hear Rita let out a chuckle as the door closes behind her.
Rita lets out another chuckle as she sits down on the edge of the bed. "Oh, Vera. She's always trying to steal away some of our boys like that. But I can't let her have you." She says with a smile.
"What?" You ask, sitting up.
"You're mine," Rita says, leaning in to kiss you.
You find yourself kissing her back as the two of you embrace. She wraps her arms around your shoulders as you run your hands along her back. Rita lets out a quiet moan as she breaks the kiss and slides her lips down your neck.
"Oh... Rita..." You moan softly as she sucks on your neck. "Ah! Careful. I'm all bruised up."
"Oh, I can make it feel better," Rita says, gently pushing you back onto the bed.
You find yourself lying on the bed as Rita begins to undo your pants. You let out a long moan as she slides them off, along with your underwear. She pauses to admire your naked body before she slides off her dress. Now you're looking at her naked body, and while you've seen it before, it's been awhile.

"Are you sure about this?" You ask nervously. "Aren't you supposed to be on the clock?"
"It's fine," Rita says. "I can take a break. I need a man like you around to appreciate my beauty."
You blush at her comment as she moves back onto the bed. She slides your legs apart and gently moves in between them. You feel her warmth against your most sensitive area as she begins to grind back and forth.
"Ah...!" You moan, wrapping your arms around her shoulders and pressing your face against hers. "Rita... I'm so tired. All my work lately, it's got me bruised and battered. I don't know if I can give you everything you want right now."
"It's fine," Rita says. "Just relax. I'll take care of everything."
With a long sigh, you fall back down on the bed. "Please, just be gentle. I don't think I can even get it up right now."
"Don't worry, I'll do all the work," Rita says.
You feel her fingers gently take hold of your member and begin to stroke it softly. You take a deep breath, trying not to moan loudly as your dick begins to harden. You feel her guide it in, gently sliding you into her as she lets out a quiet moan.
"There we go," Rita says.
You lie still for a moment, doing your best to stay awake as Rita begins to slowly thrust back and forth on you. The warmth is nice, but you're too tired to really get into it.
You feel Rita start to curl her fluffy lower half around your body as she works on you, the softness of her Bunyip fur incredibly comforting against your worn skin.
"Just... Just let me take care of you..." Rita moans in your ear.
You don't say anything else as you begin to drift off to sleep, your exhaustion getting the better of you.
In the warm embrace of Rita's fluffy coils, you fall asleep.
Hours later, you wake up to find yourself lying in a bed. You're covered in sweat, and the sheets around you are in a disheveled state. It takes you a moment to remember what happened, before it occurs to you Rita probably did quite a bit with you while you were passed out. You look to your side and find that Rita is still there. She's curled around you, softly snoozing away.
"Rita?" You whisper, gently shaking her.

She lets out a quiet moan before waking up. Once she sees that you're awake, she lets out a contented sigh and hugs you.
"Morning," she says.
"How long was I out for?" You ask.
"Six, seven hours? Something like that.
"All I remember is falling asleep as you started to snuggle up on me. How did the sheets get... like this?" You ask, a little worried.
"Well, after I made sure you were asleep, I did what I could to make you more comfortable. I tried to take the weight off your legs by hitching myself up, and moved your arms so you could sleep without them being bent behind you." You feel your arms, and sure enough, they're not in the same position they were when you went to sleep. You also feel a warm, dull ache across your shoulders.
"Did I hurt you?" Rita asks, concerned.
"I've had worse, don't worry," you say. "Did we, uh... do anything else?"
Rita's cheeks turn red.
"Well, after I made you more comfortable, I got a little frisky. You were sleeping so soundly, I thought I could get away with it. You didn't seem to mind. It turns out Bunyip pheromones work really well on unconscious men..." she says, blushing. "I kind of got carried away... You just stayed so hard, and it felt so good, I just..."
Rita buries her face in her hands with a squeak.
"You just what?" You ask.
"I think I came three or four times," she admits.
"My arms and back hurt a bit. Did you do... that to me?"
Rita nods, smiling nervously.
"God... It feels like every bone in my body has been hit with a club..." You groan. "Can you go get me a health potion so I can at least hobble home?"

"I'll go get it. You stay here. I'll be back in a moment."
Rita hops off the bed, and gives you a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.
You lie on the bed and wait for her return, trying not to focus on how awful your body feels.
You hear footsteps approaching your room, followed by a quiet knock.
"Come in," you say.
Rita enters the room. "I'm back," she says, smiling.
She approaches you, and opens her hand. A small blue pill sits in the center of her palm.
"What's this?" You ask.
"It's a painkiller. It should help with the aches and pains.
You squint, scrutinizing the pill for a few moments. It looks an awful lot like a boner pill. "Can you just get me an actual health potion, please? I don't trust whatever this blue pill is..."
"It's just a regular health potion with blue dye, I swear! They didn't have the green dye to mix with water, so they just made it blue. It's the same thing!"
"I'm not taking it."
"Please? Just take it! You'll feel better if you do!"
"Listen, I've ingested a lot of poison this week. I don't need to discover a new one right now. I'm just going to hobble up to Zal's office and go ask for some sick leave, okay?" You say with exasperation.
"Fine, fine..." Rita says, handing you a small vial of health potion.

You uncap the vial and down the contents. You nearly gag as the foul, sour liquid goes down your throat.
"Ugh! That stuff is horrible!" You say, handing the empty vial back to Rita.
"Here's another one. You're going to need it."
"For what?"
"If you're going to go see Zal, you'll need a little more pain tolerance."
"Figures." You say with a chuckle.
You quickly drink the second vial of health potion, and your body finally stops aching so much. You stand up from the bed and walk to the door.
"I'll see you later, alright Rita? Take care. I should be back in a few days once everything heals." You say.
"Alright. Be careful, okay?" Rita says, her ears drooping a bit.
You open the door and step into the hallway. You walk towards Zal's office, seeing that the door is slightly ajar, which means she's inside. You knock on the door and enter.
Zal stands behind her desk, looking her usual mixture of smug and irritated.
"Zal, we need to talk..." You say, walking into her office.
You see a young girl sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. The girl has long blonde hair and blue eyes, and is very pretty. She wears a black leather corset and short shorts, with tall black boots.
The girl looks up at you and smiles.
"You must be Ryan. It's nice to meet you!" She says, standing up.
"Zal, have you been recruiting children now?" You ask.
"This is my daughter, Olive." Zal says.
Your eyes widen. Zal has a daughter? How old would she be? Wait, how long has Zal been around?
"Nice to meet you." You say, not knowing what else to say.

You turn back to Zal, a look of mild surprise on your face. "You know Zal, I always thought you were on the younger side, what with how short you are and all."
"Is that a joke?"
"You're like, what? Thirty-five?" You ask with a smirk.
"I'm twenty-seven, you asshole." Zal says.
"Oh. Well you sure as hell don't look it." You say in your usual humorous tone.
"So did you want something, or did you just come here to insult me?"
"I wanted to take some time off."
"What for?" Zal asks.
"Look at me, Zal. I'm fucked up. I've been laying the pipe for almost three days straight to some of your most demanding customers ever, in the middle of breeding season. It feels like every inch of skin is bruised. I think a few of my bones are starting to grind together. I need a couple days to heal." You say in an exhausted tone.
"That's why I have healing potions." Zal says nonchalantly.
"Zal, I'm serious. I need time off to recover." You say, your voice becoming much more demanding.
Zal stares at you for a moment, and then sighs. "Alright fine. Take five days. But after that, you had better be ready to go again, or else I'll make you pay me back."
"Thanks Zal."
"Don't thank me, just do what you're supposed to."
You take your leave of Zal's office, and head home.

Once you get home you collapse onto your bed, and fall asleep.
Hours later, you wake up to a horrible pain in your crotch. You groan, and sit up. You look at the clock on your bedstand. It's been about three hours since you got home. You feel slightly better, but you still need at least another hour to fully recover.
You lie back in bed, and close your eyes again.
A short time later, you hear a knock on your door.
"Just a second!" you shout.
You hop out of bed and pull on your pants, then walk to the door. You open it, and are surprised to see Zal standing there.
"Zal! It's been what... five hours? What gives?" You ask.
"I'm here on official brothel business." Zal says.
"Is the house on fire?"
"Are we being raided by invaders?"
"Then go away. I'm not interested." You say, closing the door.
"You're a fucking asshole, you know that?" Zal shouts, walking away.
You close the door and walk back to bed, lie down and fall asleep.

Hours later you wake up and find that you're feeling much better. Though, you do have a bit of a headache. You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take a relaxing shower.
You stand under the warm water for a good five minutes, and then get out and dry yourself off.
Afterwards you throw on some clean clothes and head to the kitchen. You open up the fridge, and take out some milk, then pour it into mug. You take the time to heat it up, before stirring in some cocoa powder.
You then head to the living room and sit down on your comfortable couch and relax against the cushions. You adjust your seat to get a good view of the city streets below as you drink your cocoa and enjoy the afternoon sun.
You then hear another knock on your door.
"What!? I'm comfortable!" You shout across the room.
"It's Zal, let me in!" a voice comes back.
You grumble and get up to walk across the room. You open the door and find Zalmora standing there.
"I thought I told you to go away?" you say.
"I'm here about business." Zal remarks.
"You give me five days off, but now there's business?" You ask in an irritated voice. "What kind of business?"
"The good kind. Now are you going to let me in or not?"
You step aside and Zal walks in. You close the door and turn around to face Zal, who is staring at you.
"What?" You ask.
"Nothing, you just look cute when you're angry." Zal remarks with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. So what's this important business? What are you breaking down my door for?" You ask.
"Management, my dear Ryan." Zalmora says.
"What do you mean?" You ask with a stern face.
"You should know what I mean." Zal says with a smirk.
"Nope. I'm clueless here. Help me out, boss." You say with the same deadpan face.
"You know, you're really cute when you pretend to be serious. It's almost like you're serious." Zal says with a smile.
"So what's this important business?" You ask again, ignoring her last remark.
Zalmora smirks once again as she looks you over, and then she speaks.
"It's breeding season, kid." Zal says.
"And? I'm well aware. That's why I'm on leave right now." You remark with a bitter chuckle.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I thought you might want to... celebrate with me." Zal says with a naughty smile.
"Zal... You're my boss." You say in a warning tone.
"So? You're also an adult, and it's breeding season! It's the perfect time to throw out the rules and do something crazy." Zal says with a shrug.
"Zal, I'm not having this conversation with you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my relaxation."

"Wait, you're not even curious?"
"Not even a little bit?"
"You sure?"
"Zal, you've always been that one snarky coworker who trades bitchy banter with me. Not some kind of sex object. What's gotten into you?" You ask.
"Breeding season." Zal says with a smirk.
"Zal, I'm serious right now. What's gotten into you?"
"Just being honest. I mean, we've worked together for how long now? And we've never even fucked once? That seems pretty crazy to me considering how many times we've been in the same room together."
"Yeah, well it's a big room."
"You're avoiding the question. Are you saying you haven't thought about it?" Zal asks.
"Well... I mean... maybe a few times, but..." You stutter.
"Ah! See, you are curious."
"Maybe a little. But this isn't how I imagined it in my head."
"How did you imagine it?" Zal asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Differently. It doesn't matter. What kind of monstergirl are you, anyway?" You ask.
"I'm a succubus."
"That explains it. I've heard they're quite lustful."
"You could say that."
"I feel like you're trying to seduce me right now."
"Is it working?" Zal asks with a grin.
"No. Zal, I just barely finished a day of healing my battered carcass from three straight days of fucking. I'm nowhere close to ready for this, even if I wanted to." You say in an exhausted tone.
"Oh, come on! I saw how you were looking at me earlier. You're not that tired!" Zal says with a laugh.

"I'm serious, Zal. I'm not in the mood right now." You say, your tone becoming more stern.
"Well, can you at least help me get in the mood?"
You stare at Zal for a moment.
"You're seriously asking me to help you with sexual favors on my days off? Just how horny ARE you?" You ask in a slightly shocked tone.
"Just horny enough to make an exception and not care about the repercussions." Zal remarks with a smirk.
You take a moment to ponder Zal's offer.
In one hand, you could just say no and that'll be the end of it. Zal will probably respect that and leave.
On the other hand, you could go through with this and have some fun with Zal.
"Zal, I need more time to rest. I just barely avoided getting handled by Vera yesterday, before that I handled no less than four of your most demanding clients. Ask again some other time, alright? I just want to finish my hot cocoa." You say.
"Alright, fine. I'll see you in a few days." Zal says, as she begins to leave.
"Oh, Zal?" You say, stopping her.
"Yeah?" Zal asks as she turns around.
"You're a pretty good looking shortstack." You say with a smirk.
You then shut the door and lock it, leaving Zal to stand there with a dumbfounded look on her face.
"Well, that was a thing." You say to yourself, as you head to the bathroom.

After finishing your hot cocoa and taking a shower, you climb into bed and quickly fall asleep.
Hours pass by, and you eventually wake up. You look at the time and see that it's 2:30PM. You go to get up, but you feel a sharp pain in your head when you try to.
"Fuck." You moan, as you decide to lay in bed a while longer.
The phone starts to ring, so you slide out of bed and head over to answer it.
"What now?" You think to yourself.
You debate whether or not to pick it up, but decide to do so anyway.
“Good afternoon.” A sweet voice rings over the line. It’s Vera.
"Hey Vera." You answer.
"Hey cutie." Vera responds.
You cringe at the nickname, but continue listening to her.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing much. I was just calling to see how your weekend was."
"Mostly spent healing. Been working at the brothel too much lately, needed to take some time to rest up, mend my bruises, that sort of thing." You say.
"Ah, I see. I was also calling to see if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight."
"Yeah, I could. But no funny stuff. I'm still healing, and that includes my dick." You say sternly.
"I'll be a perfect gentlewoman, I promise." Vera says in a whiny voice.
"Alright. Pick me up at the apartment tonight, and don't be late."

"I won't! See you then!"
You hang up the phone and sigh.
"I'm probably going to regret this." You mumble.
You get in the shower and think about what you're going to do.
You finish your shower and get dressed. You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh.
"Just don't fuck her, alright? You can EASILY resist those hips." You say to yourself.
You continue to psych yourself up and head out the front door of your house.
Vera is already waiting for you, wearing a long black coat and a sexy black dress.
"Hey cutie, you ready to go?" Vera asks.
"Yeah, I'm ready." You respond.
You get in the car and drive off to the restaurant.
The two of you arrive at the fancy restaurant and head inside. The waiter shows you to your seats and you both order drinks.
"So, how was your day today? Anything interesting happen?" Vera asks.

"Mmm... Nothing special. Zal dropped my place yesterday, though." You say absentmindedly.
"Oh yeah? How come?"
"Apparently breeding season got to her too. I guess she thought it would okay to try and tempt me on my rest week, but I told her no."
"Makes sense. You're pretty cute." Vera says with a smile.
"Hah, thanks I guess." You respond.
The waiter comes back with your drinks, and you both order some food. After he leaves, Vera leans in closer to the table.
"So, about you and Zal." Vera says.
"Don't remind me." You say, taking a drink.
"From what I heard, she's been begging for your dick for years now. What's so special about this week?"
You look up from your drink. "Seriously? When she broke down my door asking for a fuck it was news to me. What have you been hearing?"
"Nothing, just that she's been trying to fuck you for a while now. That's why I was surprised you turned her down."
"Yeah well, apparently I've been a bit of a blockhead on that front. Guess a succubus' idea of flirtation is aggressively snarky banter. Didn't realize it made her horny." You say with a sigh as you take a sip of your drink again. "Plus I think it'd be weird to get with my boss, you know? I don't need any more of my coworkers making advances on me." You say while giving Vera a smug look.
"Pfft, please. You'd be the one doing the advancing on that relationship." Vera says with a giggle.

You smile and take another drink of your drink, before looking up at Vera and smiling.
"Well, there is that to consider as well." You say while smiling.
Vera's cheeks flush red as her smile drops, and she quickly looks away. You laugh at her reaction before looking back at your drink.
"So, what's your story, Vera?" You ask.
"Me?" Vera says, looking up at you while smiling. "I'm just a girl trying to make it in this big old city."
"You seem to be one of the only other humans working at the brothel, and tending bar no less. That's certainly interesting." You say.
"I didn't realize that was worthy of note."
"It isn't, but I'm a curious guy. I figured you'd be curious about me working at the brothel, considering your line of work."
"I'm not judging." Vera says with a laugh. "Though I suppose it is interesting. You working for a succubus and all. I'm surprised you don't have a contract."
"Yeah, you know, a contract. A deal that says you're her servant or something until you do something in exchange for favors."
"Oh. No, I don't have one of those. Zal just sort of gave me the job."
"Just like that?"
"Well... It wasn't easy. I used to be a poor farmer. Too weak for contracts, but I guess she saw something in me. So I just get paid as normal. No servitude shit, no contract."
"So you're saying if I'm a good barmaid, Zal will give me a raise?"

"Well, that's nice of her." Vera says with a smile.
The waiter comes back with your food, and places it in front of you. You thank him and grab your fork, looking down at the plate of food in front of you.
"Looks delicious!" You say, trying to be positive.
"It does." Vera says, looking down at her own plate.
You pick up your knife and fork, and begin to eat. You take your time, chewing slowly.
"So, Vera. Do you like it?" You ask.
"Yeah. It's good." Vera says with a smile.
You both eat in silence, as you try the food. You take your time, as it's not bad. Still, you're not quite sure what to make of it. It's certainly different from what you're used to, but it's not bad.
"So, do you like working at the Husband's Hideaway?" You ask.
"It's alright." Vera says.
"Just alright?"
"Yeah. I mean, it's a job. It's not like I'm having sex with the men. Just flirting and getting them to buy drinks."
"Well, that's good right? I mean, you don't have to fuck anyone. Except the ones you want, that is." You say with a sly grin. You're well aware she's still interested in you carnally, and her relationship as someone who samples the boys after hours is well established.
Vera smiles. "Yeah, I suppose that's true."
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" You ask.
"A girlfriend?"
"No!" Vera laughs. "If I was seeing someone seriously, I'd tell you."
Vera smiles at you, and you smile back.

"So, tell me about yourself." Vera says.
"What do you want to know?" You ask.
"Anything. Everything."
You think for a minute, and begin to describe your life on your farm. You talk about your parents, and what life was like growing up. Vera sits and listens intently, asking questions every now and again for clarification.
"So, when did you move to the city?" Vera asks.
"Oh, about two and a half years ago? After I got the offer to work at the Husband's Hideaway, I packed up the few belongings I had and showed up." You reply.
"You must have been scared."
"I was at first. I'd never lived in a city before. Everything was so different, and louder. The first week was horrible. I didn't know anyone, and no one knew me. I think I only slept a few hours every night just from sheer anxiety. I didn't know how I was going to make it."
"And then?"
"And then I got to work at the brothel. Started getting to know my coworkers, getting paid pretty well for my work with clients. Steady improvements."
"That's good."
You both continue eating in silence.
"So, what about you?" You ask. "How did you end up here?"
Vera looks down, and sighs.
"It's a long story."
"We've got time." You say.
Vera thinks for a minute, and then starts to tell her story.

[This is where the AI puked up nearly three pages of totally irrelevant backstory for Vera that I used for prose and dialogue testing. It’s entirely too long and has no bearing on the story, barely even interesting. I cut it for length, hence the jump here.]

"Really? Strange that we've never crossed paths before."
"Yeah, but I'm glad I finally got to meet you, cutie. Now, how about that drink?"
Noticing you've both finished your food, you stand up from the table with an eager smile, extending your hand out. "Sure."
Vera smiles, taking your hand as you lead her to the dance floor.
You continue spending the night with Vera, dancing and talking until the bar closes down for the night.
You and Vera walk out of the bar, arm in arm. You look down at her, smiling as you lead her to your apartment.
"I had a great night tonight," she says.
"Me too."
Vera turns to face you, smiling as she goes to kiss you. You lean in, and give her a light kiss.
You pull away, opening your apartment door.
"See you tomorrow, Vera."
"See you tomorrow, cutie."
Vera kisses you once more, before walking off towards the direction of her apartment.

You watch her go, closing the door as soon as she turns the corner. You walk into your bedroom, collapsing on your bed. You smile to yourself, thinking about how well things have been going for you recently. You've got a great job, you've met scores of amazing women, and your life is finally looking up.
Not bad for a guy that was pulling turnips three years ago.
You have three more days of rest before you have to be back at work. You decide a nice shower and some rest is in order for the remainder of tonight. You set your alarm for tomorrow, before stripping down and jumping in the shower.
The warm water soaks your skin as you relax, closing your eyes as you think of Vera. Your mind wanders to thoughts of a long-term relationship with her, and you ponder if you should ask her out on a real date. You chuckle to yourself, thinking that this is the first time in three years that you've actually spent time seriously considering a relationship.
You finish your shower, getting dressed in a pair of black sweats and a white tank top. You turn off the lights and collapse into bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.
You sleep quite soundly, and awaken just before your alarm. As you stretch and get out of bed, you realize you're finally starting to feel normal again. Almost all your aches and pains are gone, your bruises are all healed, your body is returning back to top shape.

You head into the kitchen to make yourself breakfast, as you realize it's the first time in a while that you actually have enough energy to want to do so. You make yourself some eggs and bacon, and think about what you should do with yourself for the day. You have the day off, after all.
You decide to spend your day off productively, and spend several hours cleaning your apartment. You dust every surface, you scrub the floors, you do the dishes, and in general straighten up the place. By the time you're finished, your apartment looks almost like new.
You then spend some time doing some light exercises, to make sure you don't fall out of shape again. You then shower and change, before heading out the door.
It's a beautiful day outside, and after a brief walk you find yourself at the park. Children are playing everywhere, as adults watch on and laugh. Some teenagers are sitting on a bench, talking and laughing with each other. A couple is walking along the pathways, holding hands and chatting idly.
You find a nice spot of grass to lie down on, staring up at the sky as you think about the past few days. You've definitely been put through the paces, demanding clients, horny coworkers, lengthy shifts, and enough rough sex to drop you two steps from exhaustion. It's been a lot to handle, but your little vacation has definitely helped. You feel more energized, more alive than you have in years.
You stay at the park for a few hours, before making your way back home. You make yourself a simple dinner, and spend some time reading. You're about to head to bed when you realize it's still pretty early, so you decide to spend some more time outside your apartment.

You walk through the city streets, taking in the sights and sounds of night. The city is never truly asleep, even if it sometimes seems that way. You walk past a few clubs and bars, some of which are still open. The people hanging out in the streets seem to be mostly adults having a good time. The more nocturnal crowd is definitely out and about, with plenty of night time monstergirls wandering the streets. Sometimes alone, sometimes with men, the sounds of laughter and chatter fill the air as monstergirl and man alike navigate another night of breeding season.
You walk down the street, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. You've lived here for years, and are amazed that you never truly appreciated the city at night. Then again, you spent most of your time working during the night to afford a place to live. You wander down the road, listening to the various snippets of conversation as you walk past groups of people.
"Do you think she's a virgin?"
"I don't know, but I'd definitely like to find out."
"Hey baby, you want to get together?"
"Sorry honey, I'm not free until next month."
You smirk as you walk past a group of three men attempting to pick up a lamia.
You continue to walk down the street.
"Hey baby, come over here."
You look over to see a woman in a skin tight red dress. She motions for you to come over to her. As you approach her, you realize she's a demon. She smiles as she looks over you with interest.
"Hello darling, looking for a good time?"
"Sadly not! Taking some time to rest."
"Suit yourself."
The demon woman walks away from you with a sway of her hips.

You continue down the street, looking around. A group of elves are attempting to convince a man to join them. A minotaur stands outside a bar, happily laughing at a joke one of her friends told her. A trio of dryads stand nearby, trying to convince some men to come over to them. An elf woman walks by you, her eyes briefly meeting yours as she walks by. Your eyes follow her as she walks away, admiring her long legs and beautiful face.
You walk down the street, taking in all the sights and sounds of the city. After spending so much time working, you never realized how exciting the city could be at night. Perhaps it's due to breeding season, but it feels like something more. The city has never felt so alive, so vibrant.
You stop a few people, asking them for the best place to go have fun. Most of them tell you about The Drunk Tortoise tavern, saying it's the best place to go. A couple people tell you about a brothel located in the sewers, and a few recommend a gambling den.
You head towards the Drunk Tortoise tavern. You enter the bar, and find it filled with people. A minotaur stands behind the bar, serving drinks and chatting with the patrons. You spot a few monstergirls there, a harpy, a siren, and an elf woman.
You approach the bar, and the minotaur bartender smiles at you.
"Hello. What can I get you?"
You think for a moment, before you decide to spring for an old favorite. "Lemon vodka, if you please."

The minotaur nods, grabbing a glass and pouring some vodka into it. She then grabs a bottle, pouring in some lemon juice before shaking it vigorously. She pours the contents into the glass, giving it a gentle stir before placing the drink in front of you.
You grab the drink and take a sip of it, your lips curling upwards into a smile as the familiar taste fills your mouth. You down the drink in seconds, savoring the flavor.
"I'll have another, please." You say.
The minotaur gives you a smile, grabbing the glass and refilling it with the vodka and lemonade mix. She places it in front of you, and you pay for the drink.
You down the drink, smiling as the alcohol begins to warm your body. You feel your worries and cares slip away from you as you relax, enjoying the atmosphere.
"Another drink?" The minotaur asks.
"A little lighter this time." You say with a nod.
The minotaur grabs the glass, pouring some of the drink out before refilling it with less vodka and more lemonade. She places the drink in front of you, and you pay for it.
You down the second drink, sighing happily as you feel the buzz set in. You glance at your surroundings, enjoying the ambience of the crowd. You decide that it's probably best to turn in for the night after a bit more walking. You don't want to stay up too late and slow down your healing.

You leave the bar and head back to your apartment.
You make it back after a little walking, heading into your room and undressing for your shower. You step in front of the mirror, and look at your scars with a sigh. Dealing with monstergirls can definitely pose harm sometimes. You've got icepick scars from lamia bites, a few harpy claw scratches, even one or two (neutralized) demon brands, among other things. You've definitely got evidence of your service to monstergirl kind.
You step into the shower, turning on the faucet and letting the warm water rain down on your body. You think back to your last few days of rest. It's certainly surprising Zal's taken an active sexual interest in you, even more surprising that Vera seems to be content with taking you out on a date and not making a move. You sigh as you realize the number of coworkers trying to get in your pants is now up to three. You need to make a decision on how to handle the situation soon, because while you're flattered by the attention, you don't want it to become a distraction at work.
You finish your shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around your waist. You walk out of the bathroom, and hear a knocking at the door. With a sigh, you slip on your bathrobe and head to the door, staring through the peephole to see who it is.
You see Vera's face, and let out a sigh of relief. You open the door, and she smiles at you.
"Hey, Ryan. Are you busy?" Vera asks.
"Not really. What's up?" You respond.
Vera looks down, shuffling her feet as she does so.
"I need your help with something."

"What could I help you with? If it's about work, I'm about to head to bed so don't bother."
"It's not that. It's much more...personal."
"What could be so personal that you'd need my help?"
Vera looks up at you, her eyes meeting yours as she speaks.
"I want you to dominate me."
"Excuse me?"
"I want you to dominate me. Take charge. I want you to be in control."
"I'm still not following."
Vera sighs, looking up at you again.
"I want fuck me. Hard."
"I...don't know if I can do that."
"You can. You will. I've seen how you look at me, how you look at all of us. You have an interest in us, don't deny it."
You stare at Vera, looking into her eyes. You see a mixture of emotions swirling in them, including fear, anticipation and excitement.
"We both know I've worked hard to keep things professional, Vera. If anything, It's been you looking at me with interest." You remark with a chuckle.
"I know. And I don't care about that. Tonight, I want to be YOUR favorite."
Vera moves forward, pushing you into your apartment and slamming the door shut with her foot. She pushes you against the wall, as she moves forward to kiss you. You place your hands on her hips and go to push her away, before you pause.
"Do it. Force yourself upon me, Ryan. I want to feel your hunger."

"Vera... I'm not going to force myself on you. That'd just be creepy." You say in a slightly exasperated tone.
"I want you to. Call me a whore, tell me I've been a bad girl and need to be punished."
"Tell me I've been a bad girl that needs to be punished! I want you to! I need this!"
Vera's breathing heavily, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and excitement. You stare at her, before sighing.
"You've been a bad girl that needs to be punished." You say in a dull tone.
"Tell me what I've done." Vera responds.
"You've come to my door asking to be fucked like some kind of impatient slut. You've interrupted my night of rest because of how horny you are." You say in an irritated voice.
Vera's breathing grows heavier as she stares at you. "Tell me how you're going to punish me."
"I'm going to start with telling you to get in my bedroom." You say. It seems the anger in your voice isn't conveying your exhaustion, it's just making Vera more aroused.
Vera quickly takes you by the hand and leads you into your bedroom. She eagerly throws herself on the bed, still panting and fidgeting wildly.

"Tell me what's next." She says breathlessly.
"Stay here." You command, before leaving the room and shutting the door.
You head to the kitchen and decide to make yourself a sandwich. You're curious to see how long it will take before Vera decides to do something about your absence. Thoroughly amused with yourself, you pour a glass of milk and work on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You take your time with the task, savoring each bite and taking a long time to drink the milk.
You're so engrossed in your sandwich that you don't even notice Vera has entered the room until she's standing right next to you.
"I can't take it anymore! I need you now!" She exclaims, grabbing your hand and forcing you to drop your glass of milk as she presses her lips against yours.
You quickly grab the falling glass of milk with your other hand, before roughly pulling Vera off of you. "Bed. Now." You snarl. Vera nods quickly, running into your bedroom as she eagerly pulls off her clothes.
You follow after her, and see that she has stripped down to just her panties. You stare at her, then motion for her to get on the bed. She eagerly complies, getting on all fours as she arches her back and shakes her ass at you.
"This is what you wanted right? Then take it!" Vera says, looking back at you over her shoulder.
You climb onto the bed, digging your hands into Vera's hips and flipping her around. You handle her rough enough that she lets out a moan of extreme pleasure. A few motions later and you're sitting on the edge of the bed, with a naked and very aroused Vera in your lap.
"Fuck me. Please, I need it so bad." Vera begs.
You lean your lips against Vera's ear. "You spilled my milk. I'm not going to cry about it, but I'll make you cry for it." You growl.

Vera nods eagerly, and you wrap your arms around her torso, pulling her back close against your chest and drawing her deep into your lap. You make sure she can feel your erection through your bathrobe.
"Oh, you're going to fill me up so much, I'm going to be sore for weeks!" She moans as you grind into her.
You reach around Vera's body and begin to fondle her breasts as you continue to grind against her. Vera's breathing becomes heavy and she lets out a long moan.
You remove your hands from her breasts and reach around in front of her, slowly sliding your hands towards her crotch. Vera's breathing becomes ragged as you gently caress her most sensitive areas. She begins to shudder in your lap, and you can feel her entire body tense up.
"Oh...oh god yes...I'm going to...going to..." Vera's words are cut off by a sudden gasp as she lets out a shudder and her whole body begins to spasm. You feel her flood your lap with her orgasm.
You bring your lips back to Vera's ear, whispering to her in a low tone. "Already? Mmm... What a slut you are. Such a horny little thing."
"Fuck me...please...I need it..." Vera manages to gasp out between breaths.
You return your hands to her hot and wet pussy, pulsing with need. You gently slide a finger inside, grinding against her clitoris with your palm.
"How badly do you need it?" You continue whispering into her ear.
"I need it now...please..." Vera begs.
You reach a second finger into Vera's pussy and begin gently thrusting, all the while grinding your palm against her clit.
"Oh fuck...oh yes...oh god yes...please...don't stop..." Vera begs.

You continue pleasuring Vera, occasionally changing up your routine. You can feel her entire body begin to tense up once more.
"Yes...yes...don't stop...keep going..."
You suddenly bring your motions to a halt with a growl.
"Beg." You command.
"Please...please fuck me..."
"How?" You ask.
"Fuck me like a whore...use me like a whore...I'm a whore for you..."
You slowly slide your fingers out of Vera's slit, and she lets out a whimper.
"Turn around." You command.
Vera turns around with her chest heaving and her legs wobbly.
You look her up and down with a smile, before you run your fingers along her clit again. Just enough to send another jolt of pleasure through her before stopping.
"I'm not convinced." You say sternly.
Vera's breathing becomes ragged and she begins to beg even more pathetically.
"Please...use my body however you want...I need it...I need it so bad..." Vera begs.

"Mmh...good girl." You say with a smile, returning your fingers to her clit as you slowly slide them back into her pussy.
You continue pleasuring Vera as she moans and writhes, this time enjoying the front facing view. You draw her in for a kiss as she approaches the edge, but quickly pull her away and stopping your fingers again.
"Tell me. Tell me how bad you need it." You say with a sadistic grin.
"Please...please fuck me...use my body...I need it...I need it so bad...fuck me like a whore...I'm a whore for you..." Vera begs.
"That's better... But I'm not convinced." You say.
"Please...I need it...I need your cock inside of me...I need you to fuck me pound make my body yours..."
Vera's pleas fall on deaf ears as you continue to toy with her.
"Please...I can't take it...I need to cum..." Vera whimpers.
You continue to toy with Vera for quite awhile, causing her extreme amounts of frustration and pleasure.
"Please...I'll do anything...just let me cum..." Vera begs.
You smile and slide your fingers out of Vera, who lets out a whimper.
"Anything?" You ask.

"Yes...yes!" Vera exclaims.
"Alright then." You say.
You pull Vera off of your lap and roll over onto the bed. You make sure she's laid on her back, up against a few pillows, and completely spread for you. You can tell she's absolutely rigged to explode, inches from the edge of brain-melting bliss from all your toying. But she's not there yet. Not quite.
You peel off your bathrobe and stealthily slip on your magic condom.
As you crawl towards Vera and lay your hands on her thighs, you can feel her shaking in anticipation. Moments from the climax of a lifetime. She's staring at your dick like it's made of solid gold.
You draw your dick up against her labia, gently rubbing your length against it. Vera is just millimeters from orgasm.
"Are you ready?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
"Yes! Yes!" Vera says, begging for you to enter her.
With her final begging words, you thrust your cock inside her in one smooth motion. All your planning and teasing pays off, and the act of penetration is enough to finally toss Vera over the edge. She lets out a scream as her body convulses in an intense orgasm. You immediately begin thrusting, not giving her a moment's rest. Your dick thrusts in and out of her at a breakneck speed.

Her pussy grips your dick as if it's trying to choke the life out of it. It's almost too much for you to handle, but you somehow manage to maintain your composure enough to keep pounding away at Vera's gushing folds.
"Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Vera screams.
You keep plowing into her, not letting up for a second. She's already had one orgasm, but you have no intentions of stopping until you've given her several more.
"Shit...shit...I'm cumming again!" Vera shouts as she reaches her second orgasm.
Vera's body convulses as her mind is flooded with the rush of endorphins. You continue to pound away, not letting up for an instant. Vera's already had two orgasms and you've only just begun. You're going to give her the night of her life.
You plant your hands on your hips and sink your fingers in good. You make sure your grip is strong as your motions continue. Vera's on the verge of collapse, but you won't let her rest. You want to give her more. You want to make sure she knows the price of disturbing your rest.
You continue thrusting as Vera's body writhes in ecstasy. Her arms flail about and her head tosses from side to side. She wails in orgasmic pleasure, tossed through climax after climax as you carry on decimating her.
"Yes! Yes! Fuck! Fuck!" Vera screams.
You continue pummeling Vera's pussy, thrusting as hard as you can. You don't stop at all, wanting to give Vera the full treatment.
"I'm going to fucking cum again!" Vera shouts.
Vera's body begins shaking once again, as she goes through what's probably her fifth orgasm. Her body's wracked with tremors as she begins screaming louder than ever before.

You're determined to give Vera the night of her life, so you continue thrusting as hard as you can, not letting up for an instant.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Vera screams.
"You like that?" you ask.
"Fuck yes! Don't fucking stop!" Vera says.
You continue pounding away at Vera, not showing any sign of weakness.
"Oh fuck! I'm going to fucking cum again!" Vera shouts.
Vera's body begins shaking as you thrust in and out of her at breakneck speed. Her pussy convulses and grips your dick as she goes through another series of orgasms.
"Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" Vera shouts.
You continue pounding away as Vera's body writhes in ecstasy.
You can feel your own climax approaching.
"Are you ready?" You ask in a commanding voice.
"Oh fuck yes! I want your cum! Please give me your cum!" Vera begs.
"You're going to get it all." You say. "Here it comes!"
You feel the magic condom come to life with a soft blue glow, before you finally climax.
You let out a grunt as your dick explodes, releasing spurt after spurt of your hot semen into the magic condom.

Vera's eyes roll to the back of her head as she loses consciousness. You continue thrusting, not letting up at all as you flood the magic condom with your cum.
With a few more hard thrusts, you finally feel yourself softening up. You pull out of Vera, taking the time to tuck her unconscious body into bed before going to clean up.
Afterwards, you head back to your room and collapse into your bed, falling asleep immediately.
You awake in the morning, cuddled against Vera. As you stir awake, she turns over to face you.
"Good morning." You say with a smile. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"
Vera doesn't even answer, instead drawing you into a deep kiss.
"That good, huh?"
"You have no idea." Vera says.
You stare into Vera's eyes, and for a moment it seems as if the two of you are about to kiss again. Instead, Vera sits up and prepares to get out of bed.

"What's your plan for today?" You ask.
"I need to head home and sleep this off." Vera says. "Which is why I need to leave now."
You chuckle to yourself, before getting out of bed and putting some clothes on. "Feel free. I think I'm finally healed up, so I'm going to head into work today."
"If you ever want to spend time with me, you should just come to the bar. You don't need to clock in or anything." Vera says. "But for now I need to sleep these aches off."
"Alright, I'll see you soon." You say with a smile.
Vera throws on her clothes and the two of you head out of your apartment.
"Bye, Vera." You say, waving to her.
"Bye, cutie." She says, leaning in for one last kiss before walking away.
Vera goes home to sleep off the rest of her aches and pains, and you head into work.
You arrive at the Husband's Hideaway and walk inside. You see a familiar face behind the front desk.

"Hey, Rita." You say.
"Hey, cutie." Rita smiles. "How's your day been so far?"
"Pretty good." You smile. "How's yours been?"
"Boring, until now at least." Rita smiles, looking you up and down. "Feeling better now that you've had your five days rest?"
You nod your head. "Much better. I can finally clock in without some kind of bruise or ache."
"Well that's good! Things have been a little wild since you left." Rita remarks.
"Oh really? What's going on?" You ask.
"Well, Zal seems to have been a little... antsy. Every since you took your break."
You rub your neck nervously, realizing Zal is still probably very interested in pulling you aside to satisfy her needs.
"Oh man, how strange..." You say. "Anything else?"

"Well, Candy showed up two days ago looking for you. She was pretty upset you weren't here. We tried appeasing her with some other options, a discount, anything really. She didn't take us up on any of it, though. Just kept demanding to know when her 'Precious little boy' would be back." Rita says with a smirk.
"I'm flattered. Hope she doesn't take it personally." You say with a chuckle.
"Oh, and Cherry came by yesterday. She was pretty miffed you weren't around either, but she decided to go take out her frustration on some other poor guy." Rita says with a stressed expression.
"Uh oh. What makes you put it that way?" You ask, slightly concerned.
"Well..." Rita sucks wind through her teeth, before leaning back in chair. "She worked on that guy for about an hour and a half before she came out even more upset than she went in. She told me the experience was a bust, something about how she wasn't 'bonded' with the guy or whatever. I gave her half her money back, but I had to keep the other half after seeing how destroyed that poor guy she pulled in was."
You look at Rita in a mixture of confusion and amusement. "Is that so?"

Rita gives you an exhausted look and nods her head. "I'm afraid so. She asked me when you were back on the clock so she could come back, and I told her you'd be in tomorrow. That was yesterday."
Your face goes pale as you realize that means a very pent up Cherry is going to be arriving today. Rita notices your expression and chuckles.
"I'd tell you to go hide or something, but I don't think it would do you any good. That girl seemed pretty determined."
"Great." You mutter, already having a headache coming on.
"Anyway, I've got customers to attend to. You just worry about getting ready for when she comes." Rita says, standing up from the desk and slithering towards the entrance.
You give Rita a nod, and she leaves the office.
You wait around for about twenty minutes, and eventually Rita comes back into the office.
"Alright, she's in room 3." Rita says, writing something down on a notepad.

Pub: 04 Oct 2020 17:46 UTC
Views: 233