Queen of the Night Market [Part 1]

Xue: Um. Japanese festivals are similar to those in China. They're interesting.

Xue: That's all. This is Wang Xue, from Gingaza.

Xue: ...Alright. With that, I've earned my paycheck. Did you get it?

Hikari: There's hardly anything usable! It's not interesting at all!

Xue: I only fulfilled the client's order. If you want my services, you'll have to pay for it out of your own pocket.

Hikari: Ghh, I shouldn't have bought so many takoyaki...!

Xue: What a waste of money...

Hikari: But they're festival specialties, so you can’t miss them! Plus, there were also frankfurters, fried chicken, and water balloons!

Hikari: Ta-da! Masks!

Hikari: Transform! My name is Festival Mask! Wasshoi!!!

Xue: That's the epitome of waste!

Girl: Uu…Sniff...

Hikari: Ah! I sense a crying girl! The ally of justice, Festival Mask! Here we come!

Girl: Huh...?!

Xue: You’re scaring her, festival weirdo.

Xue: Did you lose your mom?

Girl: ...If strangers talk to you, don't answer...

Hikari: B-but you're lost, right? Then we should go to the lost child center―!

Girl: No! I can't follow strange people I don’t know...!

Hikari: Treated as a suspicious person!?

Xue: Haha, you're quite composed. Can you at least tell us your name?

Girl: Can't say it... It's personal information...

Xue: That's fine. Protect yourself. That’s great.

Hikari: But if we don't know your name, it's a problem! Um...!

Hikari: Then big sis will buy you something! What do you want?

Girl: ...

Girl: Um... A cute witch mask...

Hikari: Got it! I'll buy it, so let's go to the lost child center...

Hikari: Eh...

Xue: What's wrong? Don’t just stand there frozen, hurry up and buy it.

Hikari: I'm out of allowance~! Xue~! Ueeehh...

Xue: Don't start crying too!? Jeez, this is hopeless...

Xue: Here, I bought it. Follow me, I'll do this for you.

Girl: ...I can't accept things from strangers...

Xue: I bought it for you, and it went to waste...

Hikari & Girl: Ueeeehh!!!

Xue: I'm the one who wants to cry here!

Xue: Jeez. It's annoying to do it for free, but oh well...

Xue: Alright, you. Look closely at this mask. Got it? One, two, three!

Girl: ! ...It disappeared...? Where's the mask...? How did you do that...?

Xue: Hahaha! Actually, I'm a wizard... No, a magician!

Hikari: I-I didn't know that!?

Xue: ...Hey, there's no time to be surprised. I'll use magic to capture this girl's attention and get some information out of her.

Hikari: I see, understood!

Xue: Alright, now, I'll show you some card magic. Draw a card and write your name on it, then mix it into this deck.

Girl: O-okay...!

Xue: Good. The card you chose is... this one. It's the Ace of Hearts, with Yui written on it, right?

Girl: A-amazing! How did you do that!? I want to see more!

Xue: Then next, I'll guess what you're thinking. Right now, you're feeling lonely and very anxious, aren't you? Am I right?

Girl: M-mhm...

Xue: Poor thing. Let's use magic to find out who you got separated from. Probably... hmm. It's someone important, maybe a family member?

Girl: Yes... My mom... I can't find her... Uuu...

Xue: You're lucky. I'm a great magician. I'll take you to your mother right away. Take my hand.

Girl: Miss Magician...! Okay...!

Hikari: Amazing. You're like a kidnapper.

Xue: Don't say weird things. I'm just used to dealing with my sisters.

Xue: Lost children panic and get lost even more. So, I distract them and keep them entertained.

Hikari: Hee~ as expected of big sis...

Girl: Miss Magician, what are you talking about?

Xue: Hm? Ah, it's about how skills can save your life. Even little tricks can come in handy sometimes.

Xue: Now. Next, I'll show you 4,000 year old Chinese acrobatics. Make sure to keep up, Yui.

Girl: Okay!

Pub: 28 Mar 2024 14:14 UTC
Edit: 28 Mar 2024 19:01 UTC
Views: 137