Hello !One may call me〖 Chewie 〗or 〖 Four 〗、 as well as〖 Dipper 〗or 〖 Kade 〗。 I go by Hy / Paw pronouns ﹠ am a 15 yo transgender boy 。 I have occasional spikes of femininity 。 During these feminine spikes 、 I go by She / Paw only ! May vary from a few minutes to hours 。 I am taken as of 9 / 29 。 Please do not flirt with me 。
I struggle with empathy ﹠ ask that you let me know in some way before venting 、 as I am not good at comforting people I am not close to 、 ﹠ my brain literally does not allow me to feel empathy towards people unless we are very close 。
I have Audhd 、 Bpd 、 Mdd 、 ﹠ Likely Npd 。 Although I lack empathy ﹠ very likely have Npd 、 I am still very sweet ﹠ compassionate 、 ﹠ love my friends very much 。 Please do not demonize me 、 I am not a bad person (╥ ╥;) 。 I also have other disorders 、 including﹙Social﹚Anxiety。 These show through ﹠ impact how I interact with others on the daily 。 I struggle with hypersexuality ﹠ psychosis 。 I am heavily traumatized as well 、 my trauma impacts my whole being 。 I also have attachment issues 、 please do not get angry at me if I get clingy ﹠ jealous 、 I can't control it 。 I unfortunately lack common sense 。 (◞‸◟ㆀ) I also struggle with communication and have anxious attachment style 、 please be mindful !!I may be self - centered sometimes 、 please refer back to earlier 。 。 this does not make me a bad person 。 ♡
Whenever I get upset 、 I become dry or completely stop responding 。 Usually 、 I go into hour - long depressive episodes 。 I apologize for this 。 。 either this 、 or I become over - apologetic ﹠ paranoid 。 Sometimes I get hyperfocused on things like decorating 、 or doing certain things ﹠ you probably won't get a response when I am hyperfocused 。 Please don't take it personal 。 Also 、 please be aware that we are prone to random depressive episodes ﹠ quick mood swings 。
We are a system 。 I ﹙Chewie﹚ will not be in front 24 / 7 、 but I am the majority of the time 。 Please do not treat our alters like they are source 、 it makes us heavily uncomfortable 。 Please DNI if you believe in〖 doubles 〗、 every alter is different ﹠ calling them 〖 doubles 〗 is harmful 。 ♡
I am currently hyperfixated on Object Shows 。 Please do not say you like them〖 more than me 〗 ﹠ do not talk about hating my hyperfixation around me at all 、 regardless of what said hyperfixation is at the moment 。 I am also a huge fan of Nickloon 。 They are one of my comfort ships 。 That being said 、 please don't negatively talk about them around me 、 I will get upset 。
I identify myself as certain characters - some are delusions / involuntary ﹠ I cannot be shaken about being them 。 Please understand that I am aware this is not healthy 、 I know 。 ﹙/nm﹚ Other than that 、 I see myself in characters ﹠ relate to them as anyone else does ﹠ I may project onto certain characters as a way to cope 。 。 I am also a Yumedanshi ﹠ Gachikoi 、 I mainly ship with Infected ﹙1 / 06 / 24 ﹚ ﹠ Suitcase ﹙10 / 21 / 24 ﹚。 I do not share either of them 、 thank you ! Please DNI if you also ship with any of my Fictional Lovers 。 。 they are my dolls 。 ♪