6TEEN ENG/中文 prns in location
you can always default to he ╱ it
all gendered terms ok !
tme perisex agender lesbian
southeast asian sgean chinese GMT+8

call me whatever you like .
about me HUGE yumefujo i don't play
mostly sharing though i have my moments..
i'm single don't let my yume tweets trick u
i wear jirai kei and lolita ! i cosplay too
my oshikatsu posts get srs again i do NOT play
my hypfix is genshin rn sooo expect lots of that
xiao, wanderer, lyney, chigiri, hajime
推し 2wink, branco, momochi
地雷 dottoscara, wrioney, subahaji, tomohaji
i can enjoy any ship that isn't my landmine
don't worry about my landmines, i'll mute !
byf i post nsfw jokes with no tag
critical of interests dm me if i do smth
i hc she her / lesbian hcs on all my favs
i treat my moots like we're close + say ily
lmk if u need something tagged !
dni basic dni criteria, pro israel, etc.
believe misandry exists mspec lesbians
no critical thinking when it comes to feminism
heavily hate on anything i like
dottoscara / arle x hearth member shippers
if you know me irl, please ask to follow !

Pub: 12 Apr 2024 11:08 UTC
Edit: 05 May 2024 05:09 UTC
Views: 394