REX'S MEGA INTEREST LIST.. not in order of how much i like stuff.. rlly this is for me bc i forget what i like >_<
pink r the favs of all time
games enstars, style savvy, tomodachi life, dmmd, ace attorney, princess debut, splatoon, slow damage + clean dishes, liar liar, persona 3-5, project diva/mirai, animal crossing, miitopia, yttd, hotel dusk, mysmes, kira kira pop princess, ddlc
music mcr, jack off jill, sdre, hole, devi mccallion, buck-tick, rites of spring, mineral, malice mizer, gorillaz, wych elm, frank iero, i hate myself, i hate sex, embrace, dag nasty, one last wish, capn jazz, swivel stick, meth wax, millionaires, scarling, soul side, sloppy jane, fob, flyleaf, paramore, ptv, indian summer, 5sos, kuromy, heart shaped hate, avril lavigne, wonder girls, ses, penfold
tv moral orel, 6teen, downtown mtv, scream queens, derry girls, freaks and geeks, skins, ianowt, girl from nowhere, daria, pose, gossip girl, brba, umbrella academy, the end of the f---ing world, pretty little liars, everything sucks
animanga nana, pmmm, hxh, dear brother, banana fish, fruits basket, peach girl, the wallflower, death note, soul eater, kageki shojo, parakiss, cardcaptor sakura, watamote, zombieland saga, michiko and hatchin, lain, blue flag, great pretender, sugar sugar rune, neighborhood story, sanrio boys, kamisama kiss, nichijou, gravitation, princess jellyfish, noir, azumanga daioh, mp100
movies letterboxd i am NAWT listing every movie on there..
hobbies/misc kandi, rainbow loom, crochet, tokidoki, lalaloopsy, emily the strange, dork diaries, fashion, coding (css+html), monster high, ever after high, dolls, cats, dogs, marine animals, sleeping, collecting stuff, history, baking..