please see my new rentry

anachronisticmechs/_anachronismm's rentry a photo of drumbot brian and ivy alexandria standing back to back

jeremy/samarie my other half, nastya <3 /qp 31/5/2024 16 . she/mech aussie . trans xenohoarder aroace genderqueer lesbian ocdtistic heds pots boderline and narcissistic traits . cane crutches rollator user

i dont have a dni and just block freely

main spins: the mechanisms, welcome to night vale, vampires, five nights at freddys, plushies

warning and notes . interests twitter . tumblr . ao3 . spacehey stim and comfort list

i also want to mention that i have aboriginal family background (noongah) that i sadly have a hard time connecting with.

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Pub: 28 Jan 2024 06:08 UTC
Edit: 03 Feb 2025 08:03 UTC
Views: 4542