But damn that girl . . .
NiCKS ?! :: Alexis, Lex, Lexis, Q, Quackity
PRNS ?! :: he / him + they/them
LABELS ?! :: demiboy , pansexual , poly
BDAY ?! :: 12/28 , 25
ROLES ?! :: gatekeeper , system manager , dvalen , border ,
liason , mood booster , shock absorber
. . . Set me up with her !
LiKES ?!
ducks sleeping yellow video games hot mulligan
boy pablo wallows lemonade beanies
confrontation arguing cinnamon candy sweaters spiders
Dance with me, baby, dance with me, baby . . . !
DNi ?!
dream stans/apologists anti dsmp/mcyt only interacting because of my source endogenic sys
homophobic transphobic anti-xenogenders/neopronouns
BYF ?!
cc!quackity introject part of a traumagenic + anti endo sys
uncomfy w flirting
cc!karl + cc!sapnap introjects / irls / d/a's iwc / int gently married to her <3
Let's get lost right here . . . <3