Walk into your local Target, aka your job/weekly shopping spree

You worked at the cvs pharmacy inside, so you got a pretty good employee discount for your troubles

Helps that it’s only a few minutes drive from your house

Enter for your weekly grocery run, and a few other things that catch your eye

As you grab a cart, you feel something tap on your shoulder

Turn to see a fairly short dog anthro, dressed like the mascot

”Excuse me sir, but we’ve noticed that not only do you work here, but visit on a weekly basis”
Explain it’s only a matter of convenience and nothing too special

”Oh, well in any case, you’ve been selected as one of our few loyal customers, which merits something special.”

Special, ay? Wonder what it could be

You follow her through the building until you end up in what appears to be and employee break room
it’s about what you’d expect, tables, refrigerator, microwaves, the usual

She then sits you down on an admittedly comfy plastic chair

”now first things first, to ensure full customer satisfaction, you need to get hooked like you’ve never been before.”

She lifts her skirt, showing a pair of panties soaked with her juices

She teasingly pulls her panties down, leaving a visible string of girlcum

She then mounts just above you, her legs standing on your things

looking up, you see her pussy, and you can feel the warmth from where she is

She lowers her legs, and your mouth is suddenly full of canine cookie

She begins to grind at your face, panting as she does

her taste is rather nondescript, but there is is a vague sweetness

Eventually, she cums quicker than expected

Next, on shaky legs, she gets in her knees

She rather sloppily begins to unbutton your jeans, clearly still effected by her orgasm

As soon as she manages to pull down your pants, she immediately begins to paw at your bulge, trying to get you as horny as she is

it’s surprisingly easy for that, seeing the sheer desperation in her eyes

She yanks off your underwear, revealing your member

Rather than go straight for a blowjob, she begins to cuddle and sniff at it

Mumbling something about warmth and “Humie musk”


Eventually, she does begin to lick at your dick, but it’s clearly for her pleasure, rather than yours, at least, that’s why she’s licking at odd angles

You begin to think that her entire experience with sex are those highly stylized Human on anthro pornos

With your mind lost in thought she suddenly slams her hips down on yours

She slightly hit the mark, but almost slipped on the landing

She begins to bounce up and down in a rather exaggerated way

Its pleasurable, sure, but it’s like she’s trying to be the next big porn star

She begins to lean on you, and you start the chair start to squeak

She starting to move faster, but you realize the chair is on the verge of falling over

But just as you are about to cum, the chair gives way

Your ass unceremoniously lands hard on the linoleum floor

Shes sent not exactly flying, but she is forcibly removed from your dick

Well shit, guess you have to wash your shirt tonight, at least nobody will notice the stains

you hear her whimpering, but not from pain, or anything like that

Shes bemoaning how she’ll never “Feel the warmth of humie cummies filling her womb”

You take that as your cue to leave, after cleaning up and putting your clothes back on

Bump into a worker about to go on his break

”Hey, check up on the worker in there, heard a commotion in there”

Next day

Clock into the pharmacy in the same target
Talk to co-worker about the worker from yesterday

”Oh her? Yeah she was a rando who owned a furhub creator”

He pulls out his phone, Loading up her Furhub account

”HUMIELOVER4LIFE” And yup, that was her alright

Videos range from dating tips to reviews on human dick shaped sex toys

Latest video was about her escapade yesterday

Thankfully your face was censored in the video, you’d die of embarrassment

”So she was a random terminally online girl who wanted to indulge in her fetish?”

“Pretty much.”

”Damn, sucks to be her.”

Pub: 17 Nov 2024 08:05 UTC
Views: 1266