mikey's rentry


☁about me☁

my name is mikey but I also go by hex

I'm 18 years old

I'm genderfluid transmasc and nblm!!

I use he/they/she pronouns but I usually prefer he

I was born on february 20th and I'm a pisces

my mbti type is INFP

I'm autistic and have adhd


some information and warnings about what I post

I make art and sometimes do cosplays

I'm very forgetful so if I forget to do anything please remind me

If I ever do something wrong/problematic that I didn't know about let me know so that I can fix it. I wouldn't ever cause harm to anyone on purpose

(the last one probably won't ever happen but just in case)

you can message me anytime just know that my anxiety is pretty severe and I can't guarantee an immediate response

I don't like or support danganronpa anymore but sometimes I still wear the cosplays occasionally because I spent a lot of money on them

so you might want to be weary of that if it's a discomfort for you

I don't interact with lgbtq+ or fandom discourse for my own mental health

don't feel bad if I don't follow you for posting stuff like that


fnaf (mostly my own au tbh)

fashion history

goth and punk subcultures

monster high



stranger things maybe??

my chemical romance

some animes it really depends


bigots obviously


people who misuse tone tags on purpose

botdf fans

if you're younger than 14 you're on thin ice but can still interact

other socials

tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikeyishaunted?_t=8VLtCcZMc1O&_r=1

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeyishaunted/

tumblr: https://mikeyishaunted.tumblr.com/

the end!

if you made it this far thank you for reading!



Pub: 02 Sep 2022 16:57 UTC
Edit: 11 Nov 2022 23:08 UTC
Views: 2543