Bae walks towards you
She has big grin on her face
She drops her pants
squats down
Her breathing gets heavier
She starts to sweat a lot
Suddenly she makes a huge groan followed by a loud sound coming from below her
Her pained expression changed to one of relief as more of these thumping noises keep occurring
A few farts are released as well in between them
She starts to laugh and lets you see the fruit of her work
Bae shat out the biggest "basketballs" you have ever seen
even pro basket players would be afraid
"Come on anon, clean it up"
"What do you mean it stinks? It doesn't smel--Oh fuck what the hell did I eat..."
She looks nervously at you
"Uhhhh a-anyway c-clean it up before somebody comes please...."
Her prank backfired, she is looking around in case someone appears
You make sure to take your time, taking every chance to throw cheeky remarks to how awful those "balls" stink
Bae's face turns completely red
"F-forget it , I'm out of here!"
"Hi guys, what are you doing?" said a cute sounding voice
It's irys
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAA GO BACK GO BACK DON'T COME HERE!" Bae yelled in a desperate tone
You shout out to Irys to come closer
Bae is looking at you with killing stare
She is trying to hold back her tears
"Don't dare you"
You crack a smile
Hey Irys, want to slam dunk?

Pub: 27 Mar 2022 07:12 UTC
Views: 114