susie pov lol

Maybe I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'm not good enough. I have the lowest grades you could ever imagine, I'm basically set for expulsion from this goddamn school. Not like it'd matter anyway, everyone hates me. They all think I'm the mean girl here. And ya know what? They can have the mean girl. If they hate me so badly, might as well go jump off a ledge or something.

I reach the school. I walk towards the entry doors, preparing for any and all insults everyone would wanna spit in my face today. I'll cry later about it.

Once I enter through the doors and reach the main lobby, my pace slows from a near speedwalk to only a step every few seconds or so. I know for a fact that they're gonna swear at me in their minds, they all will. No use denying it.

When I finally get to the classroom door, I stop in my tracks.

Pub: 02 Feb 2023 13:08 UTC
Views: 22