Easy Ride

By Kuma & Fuposs

a group of stallions order human entertainment for their friend's birthday
the attendant, being curious and just a new intern, wonders at such request
"why humans?" He ponders, while calling the guys for the job. "Are the rumors true? Stallions, even though they're big and imposing, can only last a minute or two?" He tries supressing a giggle, but then remembers that they get requests from all kinds of anthros. Humans are very popular...
request that said human gives them a dick delivered prostate massage because they all have a rider and loyal steed fetish/orgasm too soon if their dicks get stimulated

"Ay Anon c'mere! Ya got a client, mid twenties wants 'ta book boyfriend experience, yet again." Janice shouted from the front desk.

I went down to check the request slip, tugging it from Janice's grubby fingers before skulking back up the stairs to the upper rooms. "What d'they see you in you that they don't see in me?" she yelled up at me childishly as I closed the door.

"The other half of their dick, probably." I muttered, pulling the slip from the envelope and laying it out on the desk in my room. Living in a human bordello isn't so bad, as far as hotels in Anthro City go they tend toward the safer side and as a bonus for every request satisfied you'd get a day of your lodging and food costs waived.

I'd shacked myself up in Easy Rides Bed and Breakfast the first day I'd arrived, I was scouted by a particularly short weasely man in the train station who'd made a beeline for me the moment I stepped on to the platform. It was an easy sell for a down and out virgin like me, lodging for anyone human new to the city, three hot meals and a bed in return for sex, sex that I could also get paid for if the client enjoyed it enough? Count me in!

I held the slip up and read the request to the end. Mid-twenties horse, huh? I'd never served a request for a horse before, unlike some of the guys here I wasn't really an accomplished bottom.

I recalled an interesting rumour about horses from some of the other humans here, about the irony of their massive members. One of the house mega bottoms was always complaining that his horse tricks would never top him. Just thinking about it made me pause for a moment.

I absent mindedly grabbed the handset from the wall and called the number from the paper.

Colt Moccasin, aged twenty four, draft horse heritage and a single man in need of a boyfriend. I adjusted my cap, stepping off the monorail carriage and out into the entrance area to Funland Amusements; the pictures online hadn't sold it, these garish colorful displays were somehow even uglier in person. Gigantic cartoon representations of humans and anthros riding bumper cars, ferris wheels and roller coasters adorned the walls in an over the top show of acceptance. You'd think they were eager to pull in the public or something.

I looked out into the crowd, even the makeup of the venue's demographic skewed heavily toward interspecies relationships. I wondered if like the bordellos this was another 'subtle' way for anthro society to implicitly encourage interspecies relationships, it seemed like the city councillors were going all in on hoping that human migration would revitalize their birth rates -- the result would remain to be seen.

I shook my head as I spotted my client, stood waiting for me by the ticket booth. He stood like a giant, easily above seven feet in height and immense in build. Thick cords of muscle rippled beneath the surface of dappled brown and white horse hair, even moving that much person around ought to be exhausting. He was wearing a simple outfit, blue jeans and red plaid flannel with the hint of a white undershirt escaping at the collar. Black boots covered his goliath size stompers, laced tightly up to his shins.

The request slips never give much in the way of personality but I could read him from across a county line; he stood nervously, pinching his thumb between the thumb and finger from the other hand and swaying slightly from side to side. Unwilling to let him stew any longer, I approached right away.

"Hello Colt," I said disarmingly, patting him on the arm. "I'm Anon, it's nice to meet you."

He startled and turned to face me, offering me his hand. "Oh- Ah- I didn't see you, good to meet you too! I'm Colt. Oh, we- well you knew, you knew that already. Hah." he said shakily. I took his massive hand between the both of mine, my entire hand didn't even make it from one end of his palm to the other.

"Totally normal to get nervous, let's go walk and you'll calm down. Then we can have fun, that sound good?" I said, smiling up at him. His tail flicked from side to side in my periperhy and he nodded, scratching the base of his neck with his free hand.

We joined the line and started toward the check-in. It never ceased to surprise me when I came across human/anthro couples of vastly different sizes, in anthro communities and in human communities we tended to date alike but the moment someone stepped across the aisle it seemed they wanted difference and as much of it as possible. I saw all kinds of combinations, tiny human women with giant grey wolves, a towering body builder holding a capybara woman, a nerdy human guy with a spry rabbit twink on each arm...

Colt and I quietly pointed out interesting couplings to one another. At my five foot six and his ambiguously gigantic tallness, we no doubt fell into the same kind of dynamic.

Finally we reached the ticket office. The hyena lady inside peeked her head over the booth to spy Colt and I holding hands and tore a strip off the top of our tickets -- I'd carefully noted that interspecies couples coming in got a 50% discount, so I made sure to take my nervous steed's hand in mine just in time. He'd stiffened up but he didn't make any move to pull away so I languished in the comfort of his rough fingers laced between mine.

We stepped out into the park's main area, a huge rectangular courtyard with a densely wooded area in the center. Around the perimeter there were clearly marked paths out to amusements, food joints, bars, gift shops and rides. Metal tables and chairs littered the sides of the meandering paths, all with a generous gap given to the darkened woods. In the center the trees created a canopy, drenching the rest area and bathrooms in darkness.

I didn't have anywhere I wanted to go first and Colt only cared about seeing the concert at the end of the day so we followed the crowd for a while. He recovered from his nervousness pretty quickly, even managed to squeeze my hand and grin at me in excitement as we rode the roller coasters and drove the bumper cars. He said he'd never been before, he didn't want to go alone but hadn't ever had the courage to ask anyone to go with him. I'd been on these dates before so I'd lost a lot of my nervousness, knowing that time was limited I dedicated myself to making sure Colt got his money's worth.

After we finished the ride circuit we stumbled, panting, into one of the wide open fields the park used for musical performances. The ground stage area was set up with three gigantic screens projecting the stage to everyone, even as far back as us. A secretary bird in a purple dress and a man in an orange suit sang and danced to a jazzy as the myriad couples and families followed along in the crowd.

"Can we get any closer? I can't really see..." I said, pressing myself up against Colt's arm. His fingers tensed and relaxed. My play had changed his mood, I could tell.

He stepped into the crowd, who sprawled immediately to give him a path, and led me by the hand. I'd never considered it but perhaps there's value in being really really incredibly large, Colt seemed to take it as a given that the crowd would part for him as he pressed through the throng until we were just a couple dozen meters from the stage. Every time we had to pause I found myself pressed against his muscular back, the fabric damp with perspiration. The smell was a combination of testosterone, hay and some cheap fabric softener in the white vest he was wearing; he'd long given up on the flannel in the heat and tied it around his waist. I agreed with the choice, the tiny undershirt sold his impressive physique well.

"Put a hand here." He said hoarsely as we reached an open spot, dipping down on to one knee and seeming to present the back of his shoulder to me. Confused, I put my hand out and he grabbed it over his shoulder, standing back up and bucking his torso to lift me until I was sat on his shoulders.

"Woah!" I gasped, suddenly towering above the ground. From this high up I could see directly to the artists on the stage as well as the crowd swelling and swaying to the beat. Colt's hands grasped my ankles protectively, I was thankful for his worry, falling from his shoulders would be equivalent to dropping from atop a ladder.

"Is this how you see the world all the time?" I asked dumbly.

"Mhm." He rumbled. "Are you scared?"

"I was for a second, but I know you'll keep me safe." I answered him.

I leaned in closer, scratching the back of his head with my nails lightly.

"You're my steed, right, Colt?"

His heart began to pump harder, hard enough I could feel the beat of his excitement in the veins in his neck trapped against my thighs. His ear flicked nervously.

"Woah boy, wooaah, you're alright," I said, close enough to his ear for him to hear me without shouting over the music. He nodded and huffed his breath, his tense shoulders relaxing.

I kept giving him physical affection and we kept watching the shows after that. A couple times I tested my idea of his interests by pointing people out, then by grabbing his nose and pointing him toward them. All the while scratching at his scalp.

"Do you like this?" I asked him, as I lightly pressed my finger into the side of his mouth between his soft lips. I kept pushing until the finger had entered his mouth completely, creating a faux bit across the gaps between his teeth. He shuddered and suppressed a whinny, his mane sticking up on end from the goosebumps of it. He nodded and I felt his hot wet tongue come to rest gently against the underside the digit.

I smiled, knowing what kind of fun I'd be in for.

I wanted to tease him more but then the act he'd been waiting for entered the stage, a human boy band made of four tiny twinky guys in Spandex suits. I pulled my well slimed finger from his orifice (more on that later) and we watched together. They danced acrobatically around the stage and sang some peppy pop songs, I thought it was odd how often they said the word "daddy" but the crowd seemed to love it. Even Colt joined in, bouncing in place and singing along to all the songs. His thumbs rubbed easy circles into the backs of my knees and we sang together.

Forty minutes later we collapsed into one of the odd dozen identical concrete public toilet buildings together, both shuffling into the same stall. My equine partner wasn't the only one excited by the body contact in the concert audience, my erection had been grinding persistently into the short spiked tufts of his mane the entire show and now I had a deep hunger to fuck. One it seems that Colt shared too, he leaned down to bend almost over at the waist just to press his thick lips to mine.

We kissed deeply, my hands on his face pulling him in as he did his best not to press me too hard against the stall divider wall. His presence was so large I felt surrounded by him, sucking on his tongue and moaning into his mouth. He groaned and huffed a hot breath, his nostrils flaring and delivering hot ozone across my face.

I grabbed his jaw. "Want a ride?" I said, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I- wuh-" he said dumbly, brain struggling to keep up with his libido.

"You want me to ride you, Horse. Tell me I'm right." I interrogated him, his eyes widened and he nodded.

"Yes. Yes sir." He said quietly. He stared at me, unmoving. I grinned and reached for his belt, the buckle clinking loudly. Pulling his jeans down took a decent amount of effort, finally I had freed his poor straining genitals.

Even for a horse Colt was gifted, a mottled tree trunk longer than my arm swung heavy and excited between his legs. He hadn't quite flared but he had already started dripping, the liquid dripping down to his balls swinging pendulously below. The

"Impressive, but that's not what you're for, is it?" I asked, shuffling my own sweatpants down. He shook his head in the negative, his eyes never leaving my crotch for a second.

"No, you're made for riding, boy." I said, my perfectly average dong swinging as I stepped out of the garment to stand in front of him nude from the waist down. His cock dwarfed mine several times over. Yet mine pointed proudly toward the ceiling as his bowed toward the floor and drooled copious gobs of clear fluid, not an ounce of control in him. I let him soak in our size difference for a moment before making a move.

"Present." I commanded. He shuffled around and braced himself against the stall door, pushing his ass out towards me. The strong back I'd felt earlier looked even better exposed in front of me, the muscles rippling with his excited breathing. I looked downward and admired the beauty before me; each cheek easily the size of a watermelon, the wide glossy surface a rich cinnamon sugar colored blend. Above, his tail was bound tight into a wiggling nub.

"Aw fuck," I groaned, grabbing a cheek in each hand and pulling my face to the cleft. I huffed deeply, drinking in the musk from his crack. A steamy blast of testosterone and hay washed over me, his smell complimented with a heavy funk. I gently pulled his cheeks apart, the hot smell intensifying, and felt my heart skip. Deep inside, pooched out and eager to meet me, was his spotted pink hole; a fat ring donut, dripping with sweat and sheened under the fluorescent lights.

Even with his cheeks spread, the size difference meant leaning my entire face inwards to get closer. I dove in, feeling hot sweat print from his cheeks onto mine as I reached out my tongue. The moment it made touchdown the rancid tang exploded in my mouth and I saw stars; I lapped at his hole ravenously, huffing, slobbering and groaning like a starving bloodhound.

A loud bang sounded on the door, another concert-goer getting impatient, and I felt his hole kiss back as it clenched. He reacted to the surprise, reflexively trying to pull free; I released his cheeks to hook my hands around his thighs, entrenching my face with all the force my biceps could muster. I enjoyed his poorly contained excitement, soft gasps of 'Oh fuck! Oh fuck!' as my tongue massaged his fat rim slack again, slurping deeper and deeper for any missed flavor.

Air hunger eventually won out and I pulled my face away with a juicy pop, . I stared at the boy before me, his body trembling and his cock streaming. The stallion looked back at me, trembling and desperate, gripping the top of the stall with pale knuckles. Squashed between those two thick steaks, his now-distended hole winked and gasped for my attention. Deep down, I felt some predator instinct in me, some part hungry to make this beast mine. I stood upright, my pre-soaked socks splashing in the still-growing puddle of precum.

"P-please, sir." he whispered, his knees shaking with excitement. I split his juicy ass apart again, strings of spit and sweat bridging the canyon. I gently pressed my modest dick tip to his pucker, small enough that it threatened to fall straight in.

"You want a ride, horsey?" I teased, prodding the rim. A stream of thick butt syrup raced down my stunted shaft. I slowly jacked it, greasing my much smaller member as I rubbed his hole smell into me.

"Y-yes!" he hissed through his teeth. "Ride me, take me! I.. I'm yours!" His hole suckered at my tip as if to punctuate the last word. I shuddered with need, his heat spreading to me.

I wasted no more time. I drove my hips forwards, hilting my cock on the first stroke, and he swallowed me whole with a groan. I paused to let him adjust, but it wasn't necessary; he lifted off and slammed back down, shoving me against the toilet like a toy. A deep gutteral groan escaped him, too cock hungry for self-consciousness now. The stall to the right, a voice yelled in surprise: "The hell? Why are my ankles sticky?"

This was bad, I'd lost control of the situation: if I didn't finish up fast someone would fetch a staff member, some poor sap who'd have to peel me off the porcelain. Another knock at the door, this time sounding more concerned: "You, uh... you okay in there, champ? Bad foot-long or something?"

I wrapped his mane in my fists, gripping it like a harness to pull myself up; Colt gave a little yelp, the pain bringing him back. Doing my best impersonation, trying to ignore the fat hoop gulping down my prick, I yelled over Colt's shoulder: "N-nah, quite the o-opposite!"

I wrapped my legs around him, the tip of my pecker still in his donut, I started thrust as fast as I could manage. Colt moaned quietly as I massaged his insides, my poor range improving as his hole puckered and pooched further out. The plaps grew louder as his hole burped butt slick onto me, my soaked groin slapping against his huge buttcheeks, the stench of ripe man pussy mixing with acrid dude pheromones.

The stall began to groan under his grip, amplified by the suspiciously silent bathroom. 'One more push aught to do it', I thought to myself, eager to get him over the edge.

In two janky steps I whipped a sock off and lassoed it around Colt's face to settle it in his mouth as a bit, swiftly grabbing the other side with my other hand. He whinnied, suckered at my dick with his backside and crushed the stall door's frame in his fingers in that order. I knew it wouldn't last so I made do with the time we had left, pulling hard to use my steed's strong jaw and neck as support to rabbit fuck another ten short quick strokes into him.

The stall finally gave way, the third impatient knock making the entire front collapse under the beast's intense grip. The frame collapsed, swinging the door outwards on its remaining hinge, smacking the nosey knocker onto the floor and exposing us to a crowd of astonished onlookers, several of whom began chattering and pulling out phones.

It was too much. Colt bellowed as he came, hosing the impatient sap with pints of thick, off-yellow cream, splattering his entire face and chest. Colt's hole flexed, milking my prick as it sputtered a meagre teaspoon into his cave, my own orgasm completely lost in the hot spectacle.

I grabbed what clothes I could in one hand and Colt in the other. Dragging the dazed beast right by our doused victim, spluttering and coughing spooge down his front, I shoved through the onlookers and made a beeline for the nearest set of bushes.

"Ay ay ay, street rat, what the fuck?" Janice bellowed past me as I slipped into the house. She looked me up and down, my clothes still shiny dark with moisture.

"It rained, Janice. Do you not get weather in your sewer?" I deadpanned, throwing a scrap of paper on the counter with a wet slap. "Not that you care, but I got a few more numbers from some very nice gentlemen who followed me into a bush. Also you haven't seen me if the cops ask."

"You get paid to hook and behave, you think you can get away with half the work?" she complained, lighting a new cigarette by pressing it end to end with the cherry of her last. A small pile had accrued by her side. "You got a missed call, deep voice." she added, already back to watching the flickering screen of the tiny television.

I figured I better head to my room, before I encountered someone with a working sense of smell. So I headed up and clicked the door shut behind me, sweet blessed privacy.

First port of call was a shower. Enough of it had dried that I couldn't peel anything off, so I had to stand in the shower and allow it to rehydrate back into a thick gel against my skin. Once drenched enough to remove, I yanked each garment off and threw it with a sickening wet slap into the laundry bin.

The warm water was an oasis, cold cum is no one's favourite meal and today I'd learned I'm not a fan of it as a body lotion either. Finally clean and then dried with a fluffy towel, I fell back on to the bedspread and remembered what Janice had said. I grabbed at the handset and poked at the button with the blinking light.

I had two voice messages, so I played the first. A nervous, hoarse voice spoke from the other side: "Hey... uhh, is Anon there? I-I'd like to book another ride, for tomorrow?"

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Pub: 05 Apr 2023 22:46 UTC
Views: 1121