basic info . . .
NAMES: n/a/unnamed → ebonypaw → ebonyantic
NICKNAMES: kit, young one → ebony, eb, ebs
GENDER: non-binary
PRONOUNS: they/them + she/her
AGAB: afab
CURRENT-AGE: 8 moons (as of DD/MM/YYYY)
VOICE-CLAIM: young eda (the owl house)
THEME-SONGS: art is dead (bo burnham) + underachiever (noahfinnce)
'LIMITATIONS': depression, anxiety, adhd
PHOBIAS/FEARS: fear of not being good enough, fear of rejection, fear of disappointment

descriptive information . . .
. easily gets discouraged regarding their pranks, however in end she always goes back to them
. quickly befriends people and gives them nicknames
. they can become more reserved at times due to a spike in their depression and insecurity
. distant and focussed when planning a prank, if it involves sneaking up on someone, they are surprisingly good at being quiet
. pranks people to try and make their day better - if it ends up badly and she causes their day to be worse, it can really increase their insecurity
[ + ] sociable, energetic, dramatic, helpful, observant, playful, adventurous, creative
[ = ] casual, maternal, self-conscious, unpredictable
[ × ] calculating, careless, childish, clumsy, disruptive, disorganised, escapist, impulsive
LIKES: pranks, catnip, socislisation, flowers, attention, birds chirping, april fools
DISLIKES: being ignored, loud noises°, wet fur°, blood, nightmares, their father
° unless involved in her pranking
ebonypaw is a very fluffy feline, their fur is quite long and she is chubby which leads their fur to seem even longer. her face markings are seperated into two sides, on the right side their face is an orange colour, with tabby markings, whereas on the other side it is plain black. on her chin there is white that goes down her neck/chest fur. their neck fur is primarily black, the other colour being the white mentioned. she has black on her shoulders which go upwards to make an arrow shape on their back. her paws are all white, and the rest of her body is the same orange tabby fur that is on her face. their eyes are a soft blue colour.
SCARS: n/a
ACCESSORIES: earrings on the left ear

attraction . . .
ROMANTIC: grayromantic lesbian
SEXUAL: asexual
ALTEROUS: lesbian
AESTHETIC: lesbian
SENSUAL: lesbian
PLATONIC: panplatonic

relationship information . . .
FAMILIAL: regent (father/alive), ghoul (mother/dead), atheling (uncle/alive), citrus (aunt/alive), scoutpaw (cousin/future), tangerine (cousin/future)

extra info . . .
. they like to indulge in catnip from time to time, not in front of other cats if she can help it however
. no matter how social they may appear, she is actually an introvert and socialisation can tire them out easily
. if ebony were a human, they would enjoy grunge + would skateboard and do graffiti :3

this character is owned by @sandhippies

Pub: 23 Jul 2023 05:09 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2023 20:21 UTC
Views: 71