my name is arceUS, commonly shortened to arC. i go by a multitude of other namES, which include qAT, crOW, and unoWN.
you may also call me any of my source names if you so pleaSE. i use he/him or it/its pronouNS. please do not call me feminine teRMS.
my sources r natsume sakaSAKI, rui kamishiRO, and kokichi oUMA. i do not associate with my danganronpa souRCE.
please do not associate me with iT, eiTHER. i am uninterested in meeting sourcemates for iT. i dont mind sourcemates 4 the otheRS.
my typing style is inconsistENT, please dont point it ouT. im awARE. my typing quirk is also optionAL.
if you dont understand iT, i can stop using it for ur comfORT. simply aSK. i am not unfriendLY, though ive been told i can be very blUNT.
my role in my system is uncleAR. please dont ask because i dont care enough 2 figure it out and tell yOU. its also none of ur busiNESS, frankLY.
i dont like being babiED, if you do that im going to bite your head oFF. being sourcemates doesnt automatically make me your friEND, so please dont act overly familiAR. while i like sourcemaTES, i am not a fan of being used 4 my fictivISM.
finalLY, i have full mems of my sourCES, and i dont mind talking abt thEM. you can ask if you want to hear anythING, but i'd prefer we were close fiRST. additionalLY, i dont appreciate people speaking ill of my loved onES, which include mayoi ayaSE, the rest of of wonderlands x showtiME, the rest of switCH, the five eccentrICS, and mizuki akiyAMA. if i think of any others i'll add them latER.