Echo Draconia Info



Echo was born to Meleanor Draconia and Levan Draconia just like Malleus. She was conceived after Malleus as was going to hatch after him (making her the younger sibling.) After the death of Meleanor and disappearance of Levan, she was taken back to Maleficia's castle and put into incubation. After Malleus hatches, Echo still hasn't but Maleficia is determined to hatch her so she doesn't lose another family member. Unfortunately, much like Malleus, Echo starts to reject Maleficia's magic. The senate tries to convince Maleficia to let Echo go, as they already have their heir and attempting to hatch another baby is becoming a hassle to them. (They word it in a much more tasteful way when speaking to Maleficia.) Maleficia refuses and ultimately decides to call Lilia back to the castle so he can potentially hatch Echo much like he did with Malleus. He succeeds and Echo is born. She grows up not knowing the senate was not concerned about her survival/was prepared to simply let her pass, and that it was Lilia who hatched her.


Echo enrolls in Night Raven College the year after Malleus and Lilia, making her a second year in the current game's setting. She's sorted into Diasomnia and is in class E (no. 26). She's also apart of the board games club.
The students of NRC are curious about her and wish to know more about her, however they avoid doing so out fear of potentially upsetting her or Malleus. (This worry is entirely unfounded.) Echo also tends to be reclusive and will avoid speaking to strangers outside of her circle whenever possible.

Chapter 7

Echo is informed of Lilia leaving the school after the internship meeting. She's very upset and cries a little because she's going to miss Lilia. ((☹️))
She appears during Lilia's farewell party to talk with Lilia a little more, asking him if he's absolutely sure about leaving alone before asking him if she could come visit once in a while if Maleficia allows her.

As Malleus begins to overblot, she shouts at him along with Lilia, Sebek and Silver, telling him to stop and that what he's doing is dangerous. Echo's voice is fearful because she's never seen Malleus act like this before and she's scared of him hurting himself and others. She tells/begs him to think about what he's doing, but her words don't make it through to him.

Echo is not present for the events after everyone is put to sleep. She's stuck in her own dream world, which is of her happiest childhood memories in Briar Valley.
(This section is subject to change as the story progresses!)



Malleus Draconia: Echo's older brother. She looks up to him a great deal and hopes to become just as strong as him. The two will occasionally get into disagreements, as siblings do, however things will rarely escalate beyond that. (They don't always see eye to eye, but their disagreements never become physical.)
They are close, and Malleus will often spoil Echo with sweet treats.

Lilia Vanrouge: A Father figure to Echo. Despite this, Echo still refers to him by name instead of as "Father" because she isn't sure if Lilia reciprocates/sees her as his daughter, and believes it would be inappropriate to assume.

Silver: Echo thinks of Silver as a younger brother but does not voice this for the same reasons as with Lilia. When Silver was younger, he would refer to Malleus and Echo as his siblings, however grew out of it and began calling them by name and addressing them more formally. She misses when Silver would call her his sister, but she does not voice it.

Sebek: Echo is fond of Sebek as a friend and as a guard. She respects and appreciates his enthusiasm when it comes to protecting Malleus. However, she dislikes how loud he gets and how he insists on calling her "Miss Echo" or "young mistress" while at NRC. (She believes it's unnecessary to use those formalities while they're attending the same school, and tells him that just "senpai" is fine.)


Echo and Ruggie first met in one of their classes that they shared in their first year. In the beginning they paid eachother little to no mind, but it slowly became a mutual curiousity.
Later on, Echo developed feelings for Ruggie first, with him following shortly after. Being a reserved and shy person, Echo waited hopefully for a confession instead of confessing herself. It took about a month after Ruggie realized his feelings for him to be the one to confess.

Other Characters

Rook Hunt: Echo is scared of Rook. She had an encounter with him previously (this will be her labwear vignette), where he commented on her horns, saying they would look great being displayed above a fireplace like deer antlers. ((similar to how he comments that Ruggie's tail would make a good scarf/carpet)). This caught Echo very off guard and scared her, so she is now wary of Rook.

Azul Ashengrotto: Echo and Azul are acquaintances who met in the board games club. She sees him as a fun yet challenging opponent during club activities and admires his level of attention to detail. The two don't often interact outside of the club, save for a few occasions if they have shared classes together.


This doc has the rest of Echo's information on it! Its got everything that wouldn't make sense to put here as this is for her backstory and how she fits into the story! I would appreciate if you read it as well!
(Template is by @jadesilpicnic on twitter)

Pub: 16 Jan 2024 08:09 UTC
Edit: 10 Apr 2024 20:59 UTC
Views: 608