art creds go 2 entropicbias on twt! his art is awesome, go check him out.

john | 15 | bisexual male he/him | dave striders biggest fan

big ol' thumbs up! (likes and interests)
tv girl, spiderman, ghostbusters, andrew garfield, the color blue & green, bunnys, dogs, cats, minecraft, roblox, my friends , skateboarding, taking walks, drawing, calling with friends!

fat smelly thumbs down. (dni)
basic dni criteria such as racists ableist transphobics etc etc. , proshippers , if you think tom holland was the best spiderman... (joke), people who make incest jokes, endo systems, and irls.

before you interact!
i'm a fictive in a osdd-1b system, i oftenly lovemail dave strider, i make nsfw jokes, im pretty blunt, im phys. disabled with chronic fatiuge, im oftenly sick, and sensitive. also please dont use tonetags when talking to me unless i ask you to!

links n such.
sys rentry.
disc : ghostbustas
also follow my tiktok (egbertini) and my twt (egbertini)!

Pub: 17 Apr 2023 04:56 UTC
Edit: 12 Jul 2023 20:33 UTC
Views: 407