Kaworu tenderly stroked Shinji's hair. "Who's a good boy?" he asked.

Shinji smiled, his chins and jowls oozing as his face moved. "I'm a good boy!"

Kaworu stroked Shinji's immense belly. "Who's a big boy?"

Shinji giggled, making his chins jiggle and his arm fat and boy boobs ripple. "I'm a big boy!"

"You are so good and so big, Shinji-kun," whispered Kaworu, making thrills race up Shinji's flab-buried spine. Kaworu tugged at one of his big brown nipples. "And the bigger you get, the gooder you'll be."

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji.

And Shinji was only getting bigger. He ate huge, gigantic quantities of food these days; the weekly grocery budget, fueled purely by his gorging, ran into the thousands of dollars, not that Kaworu with his infinite money was bothered by this. Shinji ate massive meals and hearty snacks and always had multiple desserts: whole cakes, whole pies, whole boxes of cookies and cupcakes, whole quarts of ice cream, all of it in one gluttonous sitting. The big boy ate like a livestock animal, sometimes consuming almost a hundred pounds of food in a day.

He was the size of a livestock animal, too. Shinji rarely left his bed these days, barely able to walk around the apartment even with Kaworu assisting every step. He tipped the scales at an immense 356 kilograms, closing in on 800 pounds in the standard system. His fat hog's face had enormous cheeks and sagging jowls and three immense chins. He barely looked human any more. His arms were fatter around than the legs of almost every man. His boobs were bigger than globes, and sagged heftily to either side of his enormous belly's slope. His belly was close to taking up half the bed, vast and swollen and glutted with his gorgings. The other half was rapidly being taken up by his gigantic butt. Shinji's fattened ass cheeks were like huge pillows, oozing and soft and buttery to the touch. His thighs were so big they touched even with his legs spread wide to give his belly room. Even his feet were fat these days; he could barely wiggle his toes, they were so swollen with lard.

He had eaten and eaten and eaten just an hour ago: a dozen cheeseburgers, four pizzas, a mountain of french fries, a half-dozen chicken fried steaks. But his fattened lips puckered, and he licked them with a greedy glint in his beady, piggy eyes. "Is it time for dessert, Kaworu-san? I'm feeling hungry."

"Well, Shinji-kun..." Kaworu was on his smart phone, and he was sending a text. Shinji couldn't see who he was sending it to, nor did he much care. He didn't care about much besides food these days. "Well, Shinji-kun, I thought before your dessert you deserved some fun. It's been a while since you had your pleasure."

"Oooh, some sex, oooh, some sex would be wonderful, Kaworu-san," Shinji said, a flush coming to his porcine face as he tugged at his own nipples in arousal. He didn't care about much besides food these days, but sex was one of the things he still did care about. Now the huge bed creaked as the huge boy fidgeted, sloshing back and forth upon it.

"I thought we'd have a guest over to help you out, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. A door opened and slammed; it was the front door of the apartment. "An old friend."

"Doctor Akagi?" Shinji asked, blushing harder as he imagined Ritsuko's particularly aggressive ministrations. He loved how rough she was with him, how she scratched him and made him feel naughty.

"No, Shinji. Someone else."

"All right, Nagisa, what did you want me to come all this way for?"

Shinji's heart thudded even harder than normal, and a sinking feeling bloomed in his huge stomach. That voice... there was no way...

"So in here, right? Pee-ew, it stinks!"


The fart rippled out of Shinji's vast ass crack as the figure entered the room. Pale skin. Blue eyes. A haughty expression. A lithe, fit form, though with big breasts for a teenage girl. And long, red hair.

"Seriously, Nagisa, it smells like a dumpster in here, what on earth--" the blue eyes alighted on Shinji. They bulged. "Shinji?!"

"A-Asuka?!" Shinji squealed, his fat face rippling as his obese visage took on a look of panic. Sure enough, it was her! Asuka Langley Sohryu, the Second Child, stood before him, gaping in wonder at the whale-sized boy on the bed.

"No... no way!" Asuka took a step back, her face a mask of horror. "Shinji, that... that can't be..."


"Oh, ew! No, that's gotta be you, Shinji, I'd recognize the stink of your nasty boy farts anywhere." Asuka gaped in terror at him. "What... what happened?" She saw Kaworu. "Nagisa? Is this your doing? Did you make him... a pig?"

"I did," said Kaworu with a smug smile. "Shinji-kun has been fattened and pampered under my care, and he has responded to my ministrations particularly well." He stroked Shinji's brown hair. Shinji whimpered, delighted at his boyfriend's touch.

Asuka's face stopped being horrified and suddenly became savagely smug. "Oh, well, duh. It makes sense. Fattened him up and made him your pet, huh? I always knew he was queer."

"A-Asuka..." Shinji mumbled. He blushed. His nipples stiffened. All this time later, he'd forgotten how pretty she was.

"So you're a fag for Nagisa, and you let him fatten you up, huh?" Asuka put her hands on her hips. "How utterly pathetic. To think you used to think you were better than me!"

"I... I never..."

"With your high sync ratio and all those Angel kills! But there's none of that left, is there, you sow? I bet you couldn't even fit in an entry plug at this point. Your huge butt would get stuck!"

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji, blushing as she berated him.

Asuka saw it and grinned. "God, are you getting horny? You respond to abuse by getting hard, you always have. What a fag! I guess I just didn't realize the scope of it. The scale of it! Speaking of scales, Nagisa, what does the sow weigh?"

"356 kilograms, as of yesterday," said Kaworu with a smile.

"Good God! You'll have him at half a ton at this rate! And he looks the part too. What a stupid, fat pile of shit!"

"Ohh, Asuka, I... you..."

"Shh! No talking, cattle! Anything you say would be a waste of time. I can already read exactly what's happened, exactly how things have gone, in the way you are. And the way you're looking at your farmer." Asuka walked up to Shinji, and leered down at him where he sat on the bed. "That huge butt of yours probably gets filled on the regular, huh? A fat faggot who loves a dick up his ass!"

"Ohh, Asuka..." moaned Shinji, blushing.

Asuka tugged at one of his nipples. Shinji whimpered. Asuka snarled. "Those big titties are revolting. I wonder if you could milk them." She tugged at one nipple, then the next, Shinji moaning increasingly breathier with each pull on his huge hooters. "And what's this... is that a diaper? Does he shit himself, Nagisa?"

"Frequently," said Kaworu.

"Mein Gott! You love cock up the butt so much you've lost control of your bowels! I can't even imagine the huge loads you fill that thing up with, you overgrown baby! What a stupid fat pigshit you are!"

"Yes, I have sodomized him so frequently that he became incontinent ages ago."

"I'm hardly surprised! What a queer! What a fag! I'm not sure what's bigger: how fat you are or how gay you are!"

"Would you like to see for yourself?"

"Huh?" Asuka and Shinji turned. Kaworu was holding something up. It was long and thick and black and studded. Shinji's eyes popped out of his head. It was a dildo. No, not a dildo: it was a strap-on. It had straps meant to go around the pelvis. Shinji's flabby face drained of color. It was more than a foot long, and quite girthy.

"Shinji-kun, I did say I'd have someone help me with your pleasure," Kaworu said with a smile. "Sohryu-san, would you like to sodomize him?"

Asuka smirked like a cat. "Ooooh, so this is why you wanted me to come. Nagisa, you freak! But I can't deny..." She stroked Shinji's huge blubbery fat rolls. "I'd love to make this piggy squeal. I want to see how gay he is. How much of a faggot he is!"

With that, she pulled her dress abruptly over her head in one big motion. Shinji gaped. She was wearing plain white cotton panties and a simple bra. But it was so erotic. His tiny, undersized penis, buried deep within his fat and flab, was rock hard.

Kaworu gripped Shinji's shoulders; his pale, thin fingers sank into the lard of the fat boy. But his amazing Angel strength did its job, and Shinji, completely helpless, was shifted around on the bed. He was turned to sit on the bed sidelong; his huge ass and belly took up well more than half of the king-sized mattress.

Shinji was writhing and rippling, but he was so incredibly fat and weak and helpless that he could do nothing as Kaworu tipped him forward and laid him on his belly on the bed. His fat exploded around him on the mattress, oozing like uncooked dough. Kaworu undid the straps to his enormous bariatric diaper, and Shinji felt his vast, vast bottom exposed to the air as Kaworu pulled the diaper away.

Meanwhile Asuka had buckled the strap-on around her torso. Her face flushed. "Oh," she said, "it stimulates me a little bit, too."

"Of course! I didn't want Shinji-kun having all the fun."

"What a freak. But you're my kind of freak, Nagisa." She grinned savagely at the immense ass, at least two meters wide. Each buttock was bigger than a sofa cushion, and they were wrinkly and dimpled with cellulite. "What a big butt! There's no way it could fit in an entry plug. You're a complete failure, Shinji! You've failed as a man, you've failed as a lover, you've failed as a pilot, and you've failed as a human being! No wonder you're content to be Nagisa's pampered pig. It's the only thing you're good for!"

She climbed up on the bed.

"A-Asuka... please... c-can you..." Shinji groaned, "ohhh, be gentle, please, be gentle, I'm sensitive, I'm sensitive..."

"Me? Gentle with you? After seeing you like this?" She smirked. "Not a chance."

And she guided the strap-on into Shinji's loose, soft anus, and thrust.

"OHHHHHHHH" moaned Shinji as Asuka thrust deeply. The dildo was huge. Kaworu could change the size of his dick, and these days, in response to Shinji's unrelenting gayness, Kaworu made his dick quite big indeed. But it had never been this big. This was like someone shoving their arm up his ass. Asuka pulled back, and thrust! Pulled back, and thrust! Pulled back, and thrust!

And Shinji hated it... but he loved it.

"Ohhhh yessssss," he mumbled with drool seeping from his mouth.

"Ha! You like it in the ass... just like a pig!" She hilted the strap-on, burying the entire footlong dildo in Shinji's innards. "Piggies deserve to get porked!"

"Murmgn," mumbled Shinji, blushing and drooling and groaning. "Ohh, Asuka, harder, harder..."

Asuka throughly and totally sodomized Shinji. She fucked him harder and more viciously than he'd ever been fucked before, and Shinji felt a mixture of pain and pleasure like nothing he'd ever experienced.

His beady blue eyes, milky with a haze of lust, looked up. Kaworu was standing in front of him, completely naked, his own large penis rock hard. His red eyes glinted, and he smiled. "Shinji-kun... can I interest you in a little pre-dessert snack?"

Shinji made a noise like a farm animal and obediently opened his mouth wide. Kaworu stuck his dick in, and Shinji sucked like mad. And the huge, fat, gay boy was spitroasted, both his holes filled to the limit.

Kaworu shoved. Shinji sucked. Asuka thrust.

Kaworu shoved. Shinji sucked. Asuka thrust.

Kaworu shoved. Shinji sucked. Asuka thrust.

And then...

"Ahhhh," said Asuka rapturously as she orgasmed, the strap-on having stimulated her own clit to the point of climax.

"Ah," said Kaworu leisurely as he ejaculated at will, fully in control of his own body. One of the perks of being an Angel.

"Muururrmmbmb," mumbled Shinji, his eyes rolling back into his head as he felt the most powerful climax he'd ever felt. His tiny penis absolutely exploded, ejaculating with such a force and volume of semen that it spurted out of the caverns of his fat folds and spattered down onto the bed. At the same moment, his mouth was filled with Kaworu's own semen, which had become one of his favorite tastes in the world. The cum sprayed around his lips and dribbled down his hanging, hoglike chins.

Kaworu and Asuka pulled out of their respective holes at roughly the same time. Shinji collapsed on the bed with a heavy creak from the bed itself and a large thud on the floor. His huge body was still quivering and rippling, like milk in a bag, from his post-orgasm twitches.

"That was fun!" said Asuka, sweaty and flushed as she climbed down off the bed. "Man, I wasn't sure what to expect when you promised me a fun time, Nagisa, but... heh, you didn't disappoint!"

"It was, indeed, wonderful," said Kaworu, using a tissue to wipe his penis off. "I think Shinji-kun may have just had the best sex of his life, too. So it worked out for everyone."


Asuka turned. A hot, semi-liquid stream of brown poop was sputtering out of the vast cavern of Shinji's anus, puddling on the bed in an ooze of feces.

"Pee-ew!" She waved a hand in front of her nose. "What a fat, poopy pig! No surprise that a sow like him rolls around in his own shit!"

Pub: 23 Oct 2023 06:05 UTC
Edit: 23 Oct 2023 06:10 UTC
Views: 706