I have all my passwords saved so you cant take this url and claim it is yours xx
I'm an egotistical person. I'm married Mist and 2 other people. although me and Mist have been married for a year, our relationship recently became official. I don't actively seek out problematic people, and I couldn't care less if one of my interests is considered problematic. Honestly, if you're spending your time digging up dirt on creators, maybe find a hobby! i wont respond if it is something narcissistic. I enjoy watching my notification numbers climb (on all social platforms). Anonymous hate doesn't faze me, it only makes my ego want more and serves to inflate my ego further so i highly request you do that, i love reading the creative things you guys come up with!.

Pub: 22 Mar 2024 03:57 UTC
Edit: 30 Aug 2024 04:45 UTC
Views: 613