• i dont really care who interacts, enjoy whatever you enjoy and do your own thing, just dont be a bitch and dont be weird about it around me ^_^
    • ( but i do block freely )


  • i am autistic (dxd)
    • heavily relies on tonetags
    • difficulty interpreting tone
    • occasionally becomes non-verbal
    • requires additional processing time
    • experiences a range of emotional sensitivities, heightened sensitivity to lack of sensitivity. please be patient
  • i have adhd ( dxd )
    • hyperfocuses really easily
    • may jump from hyperfix to hyperfix
    • quiet and distant at first, clingy and loud once close
    • fear of rejection + commitment
    • loves to infodump ( i will annoy the fuck out of you...i am so sorry in advance )
    • short attention span
    • starts projects and never finishes them
  • i am apart of a system
    • you will not always be speaking to me, whether you know it or not. feel free to ask who is fronting
    • i am a splitroject and critical of most of my sources, so i dont want to put them here. please ask!!
    • simply plural is used to document fronting but we only give it out to people who are close to us. otherwise, just ask

︵︵᧔ B✦CK ᧓︵︵

Pub: 05 Oct 2023 10:36 UTC
Edit: 30 Oct 2023 16:27 UTC
Views: 81