welc to my resource page !! ive got basically everything on here i can find. i hope this can be useful to whoever is in need of these :3

contact edg3d on discord for removal or credits

back . dividers . flags . stamps . buttons . blinkies


RED : : 1


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hii hihi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



1 2

j k a b c d e f g h i l m n o q s x y z a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 t u v w
g1 h1 i1 m1 o1 p1 j1 k1 l1

PiNK : :
e {moosetchi moosetchi moosetchi}



WiNGS / PAiRS : :


MiSC / GAMES PiXELS / SEASONAL : : carebear cb2 cb3 cb4 cb5 cb6 cb7 cb8 cb9 cb10 cb11 cb12 cb13 cb14 cb15 cb16 xmas1 xmas2 xmas3 xmas4 xmas5 xmas6 xmas7 xmas8 xmas9 xmas10 xmas11 xmas12 xmas13 xmas14 xmas15 xmas16 xmas17 xmas18 xmas19 xmas20 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr4 dr5 dr6 dr7 dr8 dr9 dr10 dr11 dr12 L1 kiraeye1 kiraeye2 deathnote1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 ryuk lawliet near near2 alice1 alice2 cheshirecat1 thewhiterabbit1 cheshirecat2 alice3 alice4 whiterabbit2 minnie minnie2 dog1 dog2 dog3 dog4 disney1 disney2 disney3 disney4 disney5 disney6 disney7 disney8 disney9 disney10 disney11 disney12 didney13 enstars1enstars2 enatsrs3 enstars4 enatars5 enstars6 enstar7i enstar8 enstar9 enstr10 enstar11 enstar12 wnstar13 enstar14 ensars15 enstars16 ensatrs17 enstars18 enstars19i enstars20 wnstars21 wnstars22 enstars23 enstars24 enstars25 enatars26 enstar27i enstars28 enatsr29 endtar30 enstars31 enstars32 en33 en34 en35 en36 en37 en38 en39 en40 en41 en42 en43 en44 en45 en46 en47 48en 49en rei1 shinji1 rei2 shinji2 kaworu1 asuka1 mari1 ritsuko1 kaworu2 ritsuko2 misato1 asuka2 misato2 kaworu3 rei3 multinge1 asuka3 gloomy1 gloomy2 gloomy3 gloomy4 gloomy5 gloomy6 gloomy7 gloomy8 gloomy9 gloomy10 gloomy11 gloomy12 gloomy13 gloomy14 gloomy15 gloomy16 gloomy17 gloomy18 gloomy19 gloomy20 gloomy21 gloomy22 gloomy23 gloomy24 gloomy25 gloomy26 gloomy27 gloomy28 gloomy29 gloomy30 gloomy31 gloomy32 gloomy33 gloomy34 gloomy35 gloomy36 gloomy38 gloomy39 killua1 machi biscuit1 chrollo gon1 kurapik2 neon shizuku1 kurapika2kirby1 kirby2 kirby3 kirby4 kirby5 kirby6 kon1 kon2 kon3 kon4 - kon5 kon6 kon7 kon8 - kon9 kon10 kon11 kon12 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7 mm8 mm9 mm10 mm11 m12 mm13 mm14 mm15 mm16 mm17 mo mo2 mo3 mo4 mo5 mo6 mo7 mo8 omori1 omori2 omori3 omori4 omori5 omori6 omori7 omori8 omori9 omori10 omori11 omori12 omori13 omori14 omori15 omori16 omori17 omori18

_____ gnfvibing gnfstress gnfdance gnfBONK gnfaww gnfcozy gnfpleading evilgnf gnfstop gnfsleepy gnfgun gnfOMG gnflurk gnfPopcorn gnfhi gnfNOOT gnfYikes gnfJuice gnfpride1gnfpride2 gnfrage gnfLove sapnapMad sapnapHUG sapnapHEART sapnapSAD sapnap sapnapConfused sapnapBoxed colinPride colinLove colinDog colinDrink colinStinky foolishHeart foolishHappy foolishGlasses foolishHuh foolishCrying foolishPride foolishpogShark, foolishWallShark foolishFire foolishBlankies foolishSadshark foolishAHH foolishNice foolishFJR foolishEnderball foolishGold foolishSharkshades foolishRAW tinakiJudge tinakitTen tinakiFlushed tinakiOh tinakiHaha tinakiTilt tinakiChad tinakiTina tinakiComfy tinakiDerp tinakiWao tinakiFet tinakiSip tinakiWave tinakiFine tinakiLurk tinakiLurk2 tinakiFlower tinakiRainbow tinakiJorts tinakiLove quackyKitty quackyQac quackyAHAAAA quackyEugh quackyRoblox quackyQuackityDream quackyAngry quackyCaprisun quackyCrying quackyCute quackyDumb quackyGlasses quackyPepega quackyThinking quackyWorried quackyInclusive quackyHaha quackyTriste quackyEw quackyTigre quackyTigre2 quackyTigre4 quackyYeehaw quackyMIB

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 aaaaaa bbb 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
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35 )


b b bb

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

text / words


arrows etc

7 6 5 4 2

8 9 10 p

0 1 2 3 4 e b c d
r q p o n m l k j i h g f 6 7 8 9 e d c b a

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 i1 j1 k1 l1 m n1 o1 p1 q1 r1 s1 t1 u1 v1 w1 x1 y1 z1 aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm oo pp
d { too lazy to put them all here so click } htrhb bbtrhb egeh u heeegvg vbhfh e

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


bows / ribbons

Pub: 06 Aug 2023 12:59 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2023 13:21 UTC
Views: 5441