
Read all before interacting!

before you follow! ... 1. ) dont care what you validate, just be respectful 2. ) validate pansexuality and other plurisexualities (may joke about people who don't, btw) - 3. ) need tonetags, please use then 4. ) sometimes ia for school 5. ) i fav and rt gore art 6. ) kms jokes 7. ) kaeluc shipper 8. ) that i follow someone doesn't mean i think like them 9) I see myself as them so therefore I use my pronouns and refer to them in first person

DNI do not follow ... 1. ) basic 2. ) dalas review/dream smp fan (OK if hiperfex or special interest) 3) reality check without permission 4) you think harassment is OK 5) pro/comshipper or loli/shotacon who thinks people can't be uncomfortable because "they are pixels!" 6) anti that harasses or difames instead of blocking 7) you think kaeluc is incest 8) hate me, my friends or my boyfriend 9) think you are me

notes notes... 1) this is fine if we are already moots or I follow first 2) reality checking doesn't affect me 3) I know who I follow, don't @ me unless they are in basic criteria 4) I couldn't give a shit about the pro/anti discourse.

Please TW

Transohibia, pedophilia, rape

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Pub: 23 Dec 2022 06:39 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2023 20:49 UTC
Views: 491