before you follow !

  • mild nsfw jokes are ok unless they are way too detailed + nsfw art is NOT ok
  • i am afraid of real frogs & spiders
  • i suck at leading conversations if we arent close sorry
  • im critical of my interests
  • i might come off as naive sometimes, so please let me know if anything i say is bad
  • i sometimes make insensitive jokes & curse a lot
  • i might not use tonetags on default so ask me if you want me to use them on you
  • might not always tag spoilers
  • kind of selective when it comes to other ryoji yumes

do not interact !

  • i block freely mostly like sexualizing minors racist proship n stuff idgaf about proship-anti discourse i just dont fw seeing proships thumbs down
  • your account is mainly discourse centered
  • under 14
  • shtwt/edtwt
  • anti recovery people
  • you hate any of my fav characters
  • SEBASTIAN SDV YUMES please dont follow or interact i do NOT play about him i will literally sob
Pub: 20 Jul 2023 23:46 UTC
Edit: 16 May 2024 12:39 UTC
Views: 851