Chapter 8: go all out
Iruru: ...Phew~.
Iruru: It's OK. I can do this...
Nikako: Yep, you definitely got this!
Iruru: Nikako.
Nikako: It's alright. And even if this doesn't go well, there's always next time.
Nikako: Lets give it our best today!
Iruru: ...Yeah. Haha, thanks for having my back.
Nikako: I can only do this much. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit forward earilier.
Iruru: No no, not at all.
Iruru: I'll exceed expectations, and give it my best.
Nikako: ...
Nikako: Irurun. I'll ask you again, but what did you mean by "holding back"?
Iruru: Ahh~, are you talking about back then?
Nikako: I remember you saying something about betting on the chance to make a last second comeback during the sports festival... That really left an impression on me.
Iruru: It means to give it your all. Kinda like a way to say "I'll bet everything on this final showdown!" sort of deal?
Nikako: I see.
Nikako: Like a "Let's give it our all!" kind of thing?
Iruru: Hmmm~~~, close but not quite. It has an air like saying you're not going to lose or something...
Nikako: Alright, then I'm not going to hold back either!
Iruru: ...Nikako.
Iruru: Thanks.
Announcer: The show will be starting soon. Could any remaining vieweres in the lobby please--
Iruru: It's about to start.
Iruru: See ya.
Nikako: See ya on stage.
Nikako: "Pass this along to the king and his wife. Admit your sins and repent..."
Iruru: "That prophet... He is a frightening one."
Iruru: "Those eyes are a thing of horror, like the deep blue sea. I feel like I'm being engulfed by them."
Tetra: Iruru's putting on a solid performance. She's not hesitating like last time.
Shigure: The audience are surely put off by the sudden lead change.
Tetra: Haha, I went to the lobby and had a look. It is quite troubling for the fans...
Shigure: Oh well... Shigure guess the true fans of Eden are able to handle the sudden changes made in the performance.
Shigure: People who couldn't accept it have already been refunded, so it seems everyone remaining is a Iruru-senpai fan.
Shigure: So this is your chance to do your best, Iruru-senpai.
Hatsumi: "Please, Salome"
Hatsumi: "Dance for me. If you fulfill this, I will grant you anything that you desire."
Hatsumi: (Iruru, I'm trusting you)
Iruru: (Hatsumi, I'll beat your expectations this time around.)
Iruru: "I shall. I shall dance for Your Majesty."
Hatsumi: "Did you hear that, Herodia!? Salome is going to dance for my sake."
Hatsumi: "Wonderful. I am a man of my word. A king that lies about his words is no king at all."
Nikako: (...It's almost time for Irurun's dance.)
Nikako: (Please, Lord above, please bless Irurun's performance. I can only just pray for her success--)
Nikako: (I will keep believing that Irurun can do this!)
Iruru: (...It hurts.)
Iruru: (But I will do this.)
Iruru: (I will go for it this time!)
Spectator A: Wow...
Spectator B: ...Amazing.
Tetra: ...
Shigure: ...So pretty.
Hatsumi: ...
Iruru: ...Haah, Haah...
Iruru: "How was that, Your Majesty"
Hatsumi: "....Wonderful"
Hatsumi: "Well done, that was worthy of a reward. Please state your desire..."
Iruru: "In that case"
Iruru: "I would like Jokanaan's..."
Hatsumi: Thank you for coming out today!
Daikoku: That was an amazing round of applause. There were 5 curtain calls...
Shigure: Hatsumi-san and Nikako-senpai was way into it, it was quite troubling for everyone.
Nikako: Because we were able to convey our feelings to the audience! It just makes sense to get into it!
Hatsumi: That's true. I'm feeling very fulfilled right now.
Hatsumi: And once again... Good work, Iruru.
Iruru: Ehehe... I was in such a daze, I couldn't even pay attention. If you said that then that's reassuring.
Hatsumi: Yeah...
Iruru: ...
Hatsumi: Iruru!?
Nikako: Irurun!?
Iruru: Hehe... My legs just gave out... I spent all my energy on the performance...
Nikako: Are you alright...?
Iruru: It's no use... I used up too much energy, I can't move my body... Good thing I didn't collapse during the curtain call...
Hatsumi: Was it really that different?
Iruru: Yeah... I was much more nervous during the real thing.
Iruru: Maybe it's better if it happened at least once...
Hatsumi: That's a topic for the future.
Iruru: Man, it must be rough to do that sort of performance every time... It was a miracle that it didn't flop in the first place.
Hatsumi: In that case, then just perform that sort of miracle to make up for it.
Iruru: ...
Iruru: Don't be unreasonable.
Iruru: Oh well, Hatsumi's the type to say stuff like that anyways.
Nikako: ...
SHigure: Sounds like good vibes in here.
Daikoku: I'm kinda jealous...
Daikoku: But I can forgive you this time around.
Tetra: Nikako.
Nikako: Yes?
Tetra: That was a wonderful performance. And...
TEtra: Thank you for speaking to Hatsumi and Iruru. You must've convinced Iruru to come back.
Nikako: No, not at all...! I just gave my praise to her is all.
Tetra: No no, it's all thanks to you.
Tetra: You really went and helped out.
Nikako: Not at all. I just wanted everyone in Eden to go back to normal.
Nikako: Everyone has all sorts of things on their mind... But I think that everyone wants to put on a good performance at the end of the day.
Nikako: And I think that we have achieved that today.
Hatsumi: After you all get changed, it's time to celebrate. Feel free to order anything you want.
Shigure: Is this going to be your treat?
Shigure: Yay~!
Daikoku: DOn't got ordering something like top tier sushi again...!
Nikako: ...Ehehe.