liliroro ♡ /ep
⠀ ⠀05 ⠀ 07 ⠀ 23.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀〜⠀O1.Where should I begin?

  • I've written plenty of drabbles and thought
    out lovemails to you, but I still haven't come
    up with a good opener. Despite that, I think
    I could write things like this for an eternity;
    I have loved cherishing you every single day
    for the past year. You taught me everything
    that I know now — how to improve, be well,
    heal, and flourish. You taught me emotions
    that I wasn't even aware existed, you taught
    me of highs and lows and you showed me
    that no matter what happens to me, I would
    never give up on that dream of keeping you
    happy. There will always be moments where
    I stumble; but I'm happy that you're the only
    one that can lift me up each time.
  • I would apologize for the wall of text, but I'm
    not really sorry. I like letting everyone know
    just how much I care for and love you. I am
    the happiest when I get to love you without
    any shame. I love you so, so much, and I'd
    never want anyone else in the entire world
    to take your place by my side. You are my
    best friend, my partner, my companion &
    my future husband. & I know you'll follow
    me wherever I go; I know for sure that we
    will be inseparable forever. You're funny,
    you're kind, and you're patient — on top
    of that, you are always spoiling me. So,
    this is the very least I could ever do for
    you in return. Please continue to lift me
    up and take care of me, like you always
    have; and in return, I will never shy away
    from loving and protecting you every day.
    I will be your sword, shield, and heart.

⠀ ⠀

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀〜⠀O2.A list of all our dates ♡

  • First dateJune 26th, 2023.
    I still remember how nervous I was the day
    before the date. At first, I couldn't believe
    that our distance was so close; but now I
    can't imagine it any other way. I remember
    the way I was told to bring an extra hair tie,
    so I dug through practically my entire room
    just to find some spares to give you. I was
    terrified that something bad might happen..
    but honestly, the worst thing that happened
    was the weather. Although I was a bit sad
    about the rain making my hair frizzy, I was
    thankful too, because I was so worried with
    "looking good" for you that I didn't even take
    into consideration that one day you would
    end up seeing my hair all messed up anyway.
    I just... didn't expect it to be on our very first
    date. Anyways, the museum trip was fun! :)
    Especially since I hadn't gone to one in what
    felt like forever. Plus, it got us this photo,
    which is honestly the greatest thing in my
    camera roll. I'll make it a graphic one day.
  • Second dateAugust 3rd, 2023.
    This date was when our first kiss happened.
    Although my memory is somewhat blurry, I
    believe that if I tried, I could remember this
    day like it was yesterday. As if the consistent
    teasing each other on who would go for it
    didn't signal that this day would be when we
    had our kiss - I had promised you that I'd do
    it. I remember you telling me that you were
    so shocked because you thought my promise
    was just a bluff; but hopefully you know now
    my policy with promises. My only complaint
    is that I wish we could have kissed in an area
    that was emptier; I wish it would have been
    more romantic. But, I don't regret how the
    entire thing happened. Because it's ours,
    and I've never cherished anything more
    than things that are ours. Hanging out at
    the LEGO store was fun too, but mostly
    because I got to watch you be excited.
  • Third dateMarch 29th, 2024.
    This date was so fun and silly!!! It was a lot
    more simplistic compared to our first two
    dates, although we did travel all over the
    place. Still, it was mostly just shopping;
    and I was excited to be able to eat with
    and be with you again. I genuinely don't
    even know how to put the excitement &
    love I felt on this day into words, simply
    because I felt so ecstatic. While our last
    two dates felt very dreamy, I think that
    this date made me realize what we have
    is not short term. It was realistic, it was
    fun, and I had never been happier. I
    think that was what made me really
    settle on the fact that I could never
    see myself doing things like that with
    anyone except for you. Maybe that's
    just the attachment talking, but who
    cares if it's that way as long as I get
    to remain attached for forever?
  • Fourth dateAugust 25th, 2024.
    At the time of writing this, our most recent
    date was this one. We had honestly been
    planning it for so long, but I didn't get it
    through my head that we were genuinely
    going to go hang out with each other in
    public again up until a day or two before
    we met back up. We went to a con with
    Miri, and although I was exhausted from
    all the walking, I had a lot of fun with the
    both of you... You're genuinely the most
    gorgeous person in the world - I can't
    help admiring you every time I get the
    chance to look at you, because you do
    it so effortlessly and naturally. I've finally
    gotten around to sorting out all of the
    gifts that you purchased during the con,
    and they're all up next to (or on top of)
    my desk. However.. I haven't even said
    the best part. We watched Deadpool. In
    3D. IN 3D!!!! The movie was so good &
    I was so hyper the entire time, I felt kind
    of bad because I was so excited that I
    would occasionally turn to you to make
    some type of comment. We had been
    holding hands for pretty much the
    entire duration of the movie as well,
    which made it even more enjoyable
    for me. But, overall, I had so much fun
    and I'm excited to be with the both of
    you in the future again at other cons :3

⠀ ⠀

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀〜⠀O3.All our uploaded GIFs :3

  • This is gonna be really long. More TBA!!
    joongdok sanrio
    vashwood haikaveh
    haikaveh sampard
    gepo yantao renheng
    jingren aventio
    adamil adamil
    adamil renga
    renga sasamiya
    sasamiya sasamiya
    nortnaib elisop
    eimiko zhongchi
    zhongchi norton
    scarover shivrye
    twiset twiset
    saimota ishimondo
    tododeku todobaku
    dorica dorica
    rinniki rinniki
Pub: 04 Apr 2019 09:35 UTC
Edit: 01 Sep 2024 12:57 UTC
Views: 874