The Deadsloth

The deadsloth is the largest existing animal found on /morig/ island. Its particular characteristics are likely the result of millions of years of evolution in an insulated ecosystem. It is a classical example of insular gigantism, since the female deadsloth grows to heights of up to 5 meters, and may weigh up to 8 tons, with slightly smaller males. The species most related to the deadsloth in its order, the Holocontinental sloth, has much more diminutive dimensions, demonstrating the effect the /morig/ environment has had on the deadsloth.

Some elements of its physiology are shared by the similarly native deadbeat, such as a very high degree of densification and calcification of the muscular tissue, an intraskeletal nervous system, and a lack of hair on the epidermis.

The animal thrives in this environment, being an omnivore with a highly opportunistically carnivorous component. It is the largest carnivore present on the island, meaning it can scavenge nutritious sources of meat uncontested by other species (with the exception of the native deadbeats).
They are not particularly aggressive when well-fed, and have been successfully tamed by humans for use in a variety of tasks, including transport, farm labor, and combat. It is suspected that both deadbeats and deadsloths have undergone directed evolution as a result of their constant exposure to low concentrations of Mori-attuned chuubanite in their environment, water and alimentation.

Deadsloth Skeleton

Pub: 19 Mar 2022 11:21 UTC
Views: 531